• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

the latest fad....

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Took the dogs out for a walk, accompanied by son who has started on Pokemon. We stopped for him to fiddle with his phone more often than the dogs stopped to sniff and piss. I'll leave him at home next time.

Who you leaving home next time the Son or the dog?
Reading you post made me smile, I'm glad my children are either to old or to young for this craze


Legend Member
Who you leaving home next time the Son or the dog?
Reading you post made me smile, I'm glad my children are either to old or to young for this craze
I am sure most of the "Adults" only take their kids so they dont look like two time losers playing this silly game by themselves


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Unless you're a tennis player

Oh I see.. you think ewe got me on a technicality....

I am sure most of the "Adults" only take their kids so they dont look like two time losers playing this silly game by themselves

Did you convert to Islam in Pakistan Happy2 ? you seem like a muslim now... ;) Everything that is fun is now off limits... Sharia Law is now on your farm I bet!


Legend Member
Oh I see.. you think ewe got me on a technicality....

Did you convert to Islam in Pakistan Happy2 ? you seem like a muslim now... ;) Everything that is fun is now off limits... Sharia Law is now on your farm I bet!
Actually I am one step above Sharia on the farm

On the farm I AM God

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
When did H2 go Pakistan thought it was Palestine and sorry Beep please don't tell me off

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
why not the boys??? ya sexist pig pardon the pun!

Because we eat Lamb not ram lol
From memory males are called mutton or perhaps that's the old sheep
When you think about it the males in the Animal/food world get the raw end of the deal.

And thank you Beep I'm going to blame the other 2 naughty me if they diden't wander off I would not be side tracked on the topic of thread that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it


Another World Member
Legend Member
yeah the " other 2 " seem to have a bad habit of " hi jacqing " threads they seem to hace an agenda?
By the way Missy M...mmm.....love the way u call me Beep
I'd love to Beep Beep u all nite long

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
O dear so sorry I have been spelling your name wrong shame on me :eek:
Just as well I like a good spanking


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Because we eat Lamb not ram lol
From memory males are called mutton or perhaps that's the old sheep
When you think about it the males in the Animal/food world get the raw end of the deal.

And thank you Beep I'm going to blame the other 2 naughty me if they diden't wander off I would not be side tracked on the topic of thread that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it

I was being a smart ass... ;)


Legend Member
H2, do share your harem....on 2nd thought, no thanks. Don't wanna walk into a harem full of Baaa's.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
We are similar actually
You live in a city full of bars
Me on a farm full of baa's

Freaking funny farm more like it.... I think its more like Karnet I have heard up there... ;)

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I have tears running down my face from laughter this whole thread is just away with the pixies who needs pok what ever its name is when we have TS to entertain us.
I'm sure some reading this would think we all belong on the funny farm