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What was the attraction in the FIRST place?

When you first start seeing each other, you generally go all out to impress each other. I don't mean to act fake, but extra care with grooming, choosing what to wear, being on time, being considerate in where the other likes to go, what music and movies, what food they like, and you try to impress friends and family - to impress her/him. The list goes on.
And when it comes to impressing each other in the sack ( or on the floor, or....) well............. :la:
It's all NEW and you're DISCOVERING each other, body and mind. And when you're on a good thing, you want to stick to it! You tear each others clothes off, and you end up thinking you're gonna have a bloody heart attack! And you want it ALL the TIME, anywhere, anytime! :love76: You want to blow his/her mind, nothing's too much effort!

How then, does it not seem to matter any more after a while? When did you both get so ...... COMFORTABLE around each other?
When did the burping & farting in bed start, the living in trackie's, the daggy undie's, the fighting for the remote control, what happened to having a shave, fresh breath, using nice aftershave/perfume, the special touch to your hair, make-up and nails, and that list goes on.......and on.....
( No sexist remarks here guys )

And the SEX? :sleepy2: As i said before, it's not very exciting opening the very same gift in the same wrapping, over & over again. When did the faking it begin - to just get it over and done with (without hurting his feelings or for fear of being called fridgid ) When did her headaches start ( if he looked like rolling over to her side of the bed ) When did the TV move into the bedroom? When did we wait til we GOT to a BED - before? When did we start not bothering? And THAT list goes on......and on......and...

When did your eye start roving, youre mind start wandering - wondering what it would be like............. when you see someone attractive ....that takes care of themselves, and.....

When did the dis-respect start with the way you speak to each other, look at each other ( with everything BUT affection ) When did you start blaming each other,
and not give a TOSS anymore WHAT each other likes, wants, needs...

It all reads SO depressing, but that's not the point of the exercise.
I guess the answer to it all, is to consider all of the above.

Of course there are many reasons not even mentioned here, why relationships 'go stale'
Bringing up kids, work stress, lack of finance, etc, and THAT list just goes on and on!

That's my lot people, what do you think?
( NO 'big red bus' icons please ) :ky:


Oh Oh

Oh, and before you ask:

Am I a know-it-all, have I got all the answers? Ha Ha :icon_scra NOPE!
Am I in a long standing relationship? Um....... NOPE!
Do I know where my relationships went wrong, and do I accept some responsibility for that? YEP!

Would i do it all over again? PROBABLY! :laughing1 :tongue3: :tongue5:



cli-max, that is the description of the modern realtionship without question.

I only know one couple who don't fit that bill (that I'm aware of). They started going out together as teenagers and have now been married for almost 20 years.

A month or so ago, I stopped off at their place on a Sunday afternoon (unannounced) to drop something off to them and they were going at it on the lounge room floor. It was hilarious! It amazes me (and them). They've been together for near on 25 years and have never been able to keep their hands off each other. I've never heard them fight. They never complain or are disrepectful about each other. They are the closest thing to the "fairytale" that I know of but not even they can explain why the work so well or are still so madly in love with each other.

It's scary beautiful.


NO BIG red bus-lol

:angel1: your a sweetheart like it or not.

first of I was-- but got sick of talking to myself
and all I got back was your a dick head --hilly--LOL
Im not even going to try to reply to your post
It be a waste of time you know me to well
and what I would say---As for a BIG RED BUS-lol
coming down the road --mine would be full of camping gear,
going into the blue wide younder --last call all aboard--lol


Your already IN the blue wide yonder Hilly! I don't know anyone else that lives in his humpy in the middle of the bush - or that smokes gum leaves.
You're a crack up mate. :walk:



Floyd, i bet you thought of your friends ( on the loungeroom floor ) when you read my thread. :love76: Ha Ha

Ok then, so there ARE still fairytale romances out there - somewhere. :love1: If they sold their receipe, i'd be first in the queue with my wallet!
ARE THERE ANY PRINCES OUT THERE? ( I'm over kissin' frogs )

xx Max



cli-max said:
Floyd, i bet you thought of your friends ( on the loungeroom floor ) when you read my thread. :love76: Ha Ha

Ok then, so there ARE still fairytale romances out there - somewhere. :love1: If they sold their receipe, i'd be first in the queue with my wallet!
ARE THERE ANY PRINCES OUT THERE? ( I'm over kissin' frogs )

xx Max

I thought of two relationships:

[/list] mine
[/list] theirs

the two ends of the spectrum!;)


Want the receipe.


lets see now ---ha ha ha .
How BIG is your wallet babe ?
Do you have to stand on a big step ladder to
reach the top to open it -just might sell a bit by bit
That receipe is locked deep in the heart and takes some getting out
The only trobble with that sort Romance is that they dont last long enough
But then Im more than happy with the 32 & 3/4 years that we had together
before going to a higher plain Thanks Jenny-Ren you were one of a kind.
The Angel,s are now looking after you .
So how high is the bidding starting at. ----hilly-- :icon_king


Better To Have Loved And Lost Than.........

I hear you Hilly and my heart goes out to you :love9:

BUT, the memories of all the good years together will last you for the rest of your life - til you are together again. In the meantime it's a celebration of Jen's life. :eek:ccasion1 And you have 4 well ajusted children - and all your beautiful grandbabie's that love you as much as Jen does.

There are also many people in the community thet hold you in high regard Hilly. Your signature says it all - about what KIND of person you are:

And, i reckon your not bad ............ for an old bloke :laughing1
Bless ya cotton socks bloke! :angel1:


A frog--indeed


Guess there.s a first time for everything--rip-it--rip-it.
but to be called a frog :alien: --as a Aries--
now thats a RAM--going into watchdog mode
anyone coming in the gate will be butt butted--lol
:hello: --------- hilly -------- :hello: