Legend Member
Depends where she is in life for sure.
If looking for a boyfriend then the enthusiasm during the session is increased.
If she is happy to be single in life. Then it can be average for sure.
For years I have tried to find a lady that goes by the name Thai Nancy.
She used to work at Anita’s and one time when I was leaving the house after visiting another lady there. Nancy was sitting at the kitchen table with Anita. I am kicking myself I did not stop to say hello.
Oh hell yeah.Anita tends to ebb and flow in her enthusiasm for providing services. Off late I’ve been avoiding her.
Depends where she is in life for sure.
If looking for a boyfriend then the enthusiasm during the session is increased.
If she is happy to be single in life. Then it can be average for sure.
For years I have tried to find a lady that goes by the name Thai Nancy.
She used to work at Anita’s and one time when I was leaving the house after visiting another lady there. Nancy was sitting at the kitchen table with Anita. I am kicking myself I did not stop to say hello.