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Taxation for Sex Workers Australia Wide

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
This should be of interest to all sex workers whether you work for a company or working privately.
Last Wednesday I attended a meeting of Brothel Owners in Melborne that the taxation depatartment had asked to be called, so that they could update us to how they intend to handle the GST & Taxation matters for the industry.
The Cash Compliance branch of the taxation department have been working on this issue since 2003 and have investigated the indusrty Australia wide and have a very good understanding of the industry overall.
The implication to all sex workers is that they must have a current ABN number and this will apply to private workers and workers that work for parlours like Langtrees of Perth.
They want all owners to supply a education program and leaflets so that the sex workers understand their obligations to the taxation department.
They informed us that we have to start complying straight away and whilst owners have no obligation to supply ABN numbers if we don;t encourage our service providers that they expect us to at least supply the service provider phone numbers so that they can contact the service providers themselves to make them aware of their obligations.
They gave us a understanding that business and workers that do comply in the near future will not have their pasts looked into, but business and workers that ignored or refused to co-operate would be audited for their past taxation liabilities as well as their future.
It was also bought to our attention that the taxation department work closely with the Centrelink and that sex workers taking benefits will be cross targeted, and that all ABN will be checked by Centrelink.
Langtrees of Perth and Kalgoorlie intend to comply with all the new requirements no later than 1st January 2006.
We will be organising meetings with representatives of the taxation office for all our service providers.If you want to be updated on these meetings keep a eye on this post or add a post below.Private workers or other owners will be welcome to attend or may contact me through private messaging and I will give you the contact names to organise your own meetings.
I will post again shortly to expain how the new regulations are going to sffect your earnings because from the 1st of January we have to pay GST on the whole transaction not just the owners share which we have done to date.
Any one wanting more information please post below and I will reply as soon as I can.
Mary-Anne Kenworthy

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I would like all Langtrees staff and working ladies to post below if you have read this thread so that I can follow who is up to date with this issue.It should be fully understood by all because this issue will change the industry Australia wide.


Read and Recieved

Hi Maryanne,

I have read your post on taxation.

So has:




Have read this post and will be wanting to attend any meetings that are held in regards to this.


hi its diamond here im responding on the posting ,and i would like to be invited to any meetings ,in response to the new g.s.t system,i am responsible as a subcontractor,to recieve my entitled 50%cut that my clients pay for,and any monies put aside for tax or g.s.t is my accountants responsibility not the companies.thank you for regards to this matter.yours faithfully diamond.


as requested

Maryanne...have read the post and will definately be attending any meetings reagarding this issue...



Rasmey 1

Foundation Member
Hi Mary-Anne,

I have read the message but will also need some help as I don't understand the tax situation. I will be away until end of Jan do I need an ABN before I go? can a friend attendthe meetings for me?


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I had notification from the taxation deptartment today that they can't organise these meetings until early January and not to put changes into place until then so we have a little breather.
It is a smart idea to show interest in changes with a post because you will be able to use this to show you are doing the right thing and we have been assured that agencies and girls that do the right thing will not have their pasts looked at.


Hello Maryanne

I have read this and understand. Please advise me of any meetings in regard to this.

kim of kal

Senior Member
Foundation Member
I have read and understood your post on " Taxation".
I would like to know more, I do understand there will be meetings in Perth regarding this.
Will there be meetings in Kalgoorlie as well?


Have read and understood. I would like to attend meetings as well, girls have asked me about this, and it would be good to have an understanding for any future questions.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I have been advised that the taxation deptartment can not organise these meetings until around the 20th January.I have also been asked not to change our operating system until after they have visited Western Australia.
They will advise times and places of meetings shortly and i will post info as soon as to hand.


Ebony in Kal here. Look i am not up to speed on this whole tax thing. I have repeatedly asked to be educated on this but so far nothing is forthcoming. Any possibility that maybe the gals in Kal could have some of those education lessons regarding tax?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
we are organising meeting where the taxation deptartment will do anyonious meetings.Hope to get to Kalgoorlie by the end of Feb.
It is important that we don't give you third party advise so there is no so and so told me that.
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thank u meryanne, i think this way they or we can use our money in geting loans or puting it in a beter use. for the mean time can u give me the number of the new place? i just want to check the place out as u know i have never work any where els and i dont think i ll be working there but it ll b nice just to looke at the seting. love misha ps i think i got a masseg but it said i have to use a private room to read it and my computer wont let and i dont know how to use it but in time i ll learn. peas


Have read and understood. Thankyou for taking an interest in this issue from a workers POV, unlike many other operaters_ interested in only how it affects them, not thier staff. Gemma

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator

They have indicated that they will be more than fair to those that show some effort.Remember this meeting is totally anyomous and they have prepared this as a test run as we are the first that have asked for their help in training the girls so no confusion occurs.
This way all our ladies have it from the horses mouth so to speak and can concentrate on the information instead of why us?
We have used that for many years and truthfully the only way we gain our own self respect and peace is to join them and make a effort.
We will be voting next.Have a good day
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