As a sex worker are you at all concerned that due to the requirements of your profession & your many up close & personal intimate interactions with so many clients & other sex workers that you are statistically a higher risk of being infected with Corona Virus than a Doctor or a Nurse who is already treating the infected?
And as if that isn't enough have you considered the likliehood that if/when infected you will more than likely unwittingly infect hubby, boyfriends, girlfriends, fuckbuddies, kids, friends, room mates, family etc etc etc & the ensuing domino effect that this will then have as they go about their day to day lives, go to work, school, socially interact etc whilst unknowingly infecting anyone & everyone they come within 10 feet of? I am no doctor or scientist but the potential domino effect of infection due to both the airborne & static transmission of Corona Virus is truly chilling particularly given that the virus can survive on a hard surface e.g a door handle, smartphone, bedhead, massage table, bench or tabletop etc etc etc for up to 2 weeks.
And as if that isn't enough have you considered the likliehood that if/when infected you will more than likely unwittingly infect hubby, boyfriends, girlfriends, fuckbuddies, kids, friends, room mates, family etc etc etc & the ensuing domino effect that this will then have as they go about their day to day lives, go to work, school, socially interact etc whilst unknowingly infecting anyone & everyone they come within 10 feet of? I am no doctor or scientist but the potential domino effect of infection due to both the airborne & static transmission of Corona Virus is truly chilling particularly given that the virus can survive on a hard surface e.g a door handle, smartphone, bedhead, massage table, bench or tabletop etc etc etc for up to 2 weeks.
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