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Sex outdoors in nature , have you done it ? Were you caught ?

I once found a lovely secluded spot on the South Perth foreshore on a warm night, I was 19 and my boyfriend was 22. There were so many mossies, I was bitten half to death. When I went to work the next day everybody thought I had a case of the measles haha
I used to love streaking across the grassed area of South Perth Foreshore
Who am I kidding, I love being naked full stop .;);)

A while ago, started with a bj in the car and as you would, your fingers wander and next I know, my date wanted to feel me inside of her.

So we went outside and that's when we realised it was freezing cold and the fog on the windows were part from the heat inside the car and the drizzle..

We looked at each other, laughed and got back into the car and snuggled to get warm. Next we know, a car pulled up with high beam into our car and we looked out to see a freaking cop car.

I wind the window down and waved, the cop flicked his light high and low, then drive off.

That was a really close call. :)
Does underground in a cave count as outdoors:cool:

in my youth part of the uni speleo group exploring for new section in a major system on East Coast.

Dug and found a new section (virgin never been seen by human eyes!). Pristine crystal flow stone floor and helictites on walls. Didn’t want to dirty with our messy overalls. Small entry so just me and female companion went in first while the rest of the party worked elsewhere. So we decided to strip off to explore, measure, map and photograph.

By the end we just lay back on our folded overalls with headlamps shining round the walls and formations, including on each other’s naked silhouettes on the sparkly walls. One thing led to another and this virgin (cave) was introduced to sex! :excited: Oh what a feeling!!!

after others from the team had a look though the chamber, we resealed the entrance, so I’m pretty sure no other human has had sex there again but from the looks we got from the rest of the team, I’m pretty sure they guessed what had taken us so long in there ;)

A while ago, started with a bj in the car and as you would, your fingers wander and next I know, my date wanted to feel me inside of her.

So we went outside and that's when we realised it was freezing cold and the fog on the windows were part from the heat inside the car and the drizzle..

We looked at each other, laughed and got back into the car and snuggled to get warm. Next we know, a car pulled up with high beam into our car and we looked out to see a freaking cop car.

I wind the window down and waved, the cop flicked his light high and low, then drive off.

That was a really close call. :)
Ha ha what a great story , thanks for sharing
I once found a lovely secluded spot on the South Perth foreshore on a warm night, I was 19 and my boyfriend was 22. There were so many mossies, I was bitten half to death. When I went to work the next day everybody thought I had a case of the measles haha
I used to love streaking across the grassed area of South Perth Foreshore
Who am I kidding, I love being naked full stop .;);)

Do you still streak in Baldivis? Can we forummers watch?

A while ago, started with a bj in the car and as you would, your fingers wander and next I know, my date wanted to feel me inside of her.

So we went outside and that's when we realised it was freezing cold and the fog on the windows were part from the heat inside the car and the drizzle..

We looked at each other, laughed and got back into the car and snuggled to get warm. Next we know, a car pulled up with high beam into our car and we looked out to see a freaking cop car.

I wind the window down and waved, the cop flicked his light high and low, then drive off.

That was a really close call. :)
Gets the blood pumping lol.
ok this one is pretty tame (honest) yes across the rd from the casino with my then girlfriend for a couple of hours up against the wall. Yes we got seen by a couple of people but no one said anything and we didn't care..
Never done it but would love to try it. It's on my bucket list. Just love the way the sun and wind feel on my skin.
Haha. Some great stories here.
I have quite a few times. Beaches and sand dunes (in and out of the car), one time between two cars in a car yard after hours, over the bonnet on the side of the road, backyard pools, a bouncy castle
A couple of attempts, but always bailed out when wandering public got too close for comfort haha
Haha. Some great stories here.
I have quite a few times. Beaches and sand dunes (in and out of the car), one time between two cars in a car yard after hours, over the bonnet on the side of the road, backyard pools, a bouncy castle
The bouncy castle would have been awesome fun! Thanks for the idea!
Going back a few years my FWB couldn't quite bring herself to do it in the open so for quickies we would meet before work at 6am in random car parks around Perth. Large sun screen across front window, towels across the side windows. Winter was better as it was still dark and the windows fogged real quick. I still remember some guy in Kings Park trying to manoeuvre himself around my car to get a look in. For longer times a small tent with a blow up mattress worked really well. Usually on the beach or in an off road area. Once got interrupted by a ranger who asked if we intended to stay overnight otherwise he must have known what we were up to and didn't seemed to mind. Thinking back I wonder why I never got caught with a boot full of camping equipment. Ha ha good times ... yeah, great times!
Hi everyone , just wondering if you have done this , have you been caught by security , given a move on notice?
Haha we were on what we thought was an unused cycle track. Got fruity and some guy cycled past going.....”sorry”!! Lol
Going back a few years my FWB couldn't quite bring herself to do it in the open so for quickies we would meet before work at 6am in random car parks around Perth. Large sun screen across front window, towels across the side windows. Winter was better as it was still dark and the windows fogged real quick. I still remember some guy in Kings Park trying to manoeuvre himself around my car to get a look in. For longer times a small tent with a blow up mattress worked really well. Usually on the beach or in an off road area. Once got interrupted by a ranger who asked if we intended to stay overnight otherwise he must have known what we were up to and didn't seemed to mind. Thinking back I wonder why I never got caught with a boot full of camping equipment. Ha ha good times ... yeah, great times!
good ol' days