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Rochelle's Sports Topic Thread


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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And another one.....or let's say the underaged teenager in question has been on the front page before......Nick Riewoldt and Nick Dal Santo if I remember it right.
This time it is Ricky Nixon and ,oh dear, it doesn't look good for Mr. Nixon. He has a record of "weird/dramatic" stories during the past months but how could it happen that he ended up in this situation?
I think he has a lot to answer for and all excuses and denials aside he most likely had sex with the girl.
What do you guys think?



Re: AFL Sex Scandal

If he didn't fuck her, he's probably wishing he did right now because either way he is now damaged goods. It says a lot about men and their dicks. Remember he's an ex-AFL player himself, and we all know they think with their cocks not their brains. We all know about this girl and her record of photo publishing, manipulating the truth and seeking media attention. So what the hell was Nixon doing chasing her?? He says he was 'helping her'. Yeah right, with his undies on?? The big question is, how has the State, authorities, AFL, her parents etc etc, allowed this naive vulnerable girl to fend for herself without the proper support she so clearly needs right now. They just put her up in a hotel room by herself!!! And the media are to blame too. They are encouraging this whole sordid affair. They are giving her airwaves and probably throwing money at her. Herald-Sun shame on you!!! Ricky Nixon shame on you!!!

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

This girl fascinates me ( guess that's obvious)

And I must say I disagree with most of forum members options of her. This is what I think contra to most.
Not vulnerable , immature , A little scank, or unable to fend for her self.
What we know A big girl + sports woman, good hair teeth bust, look good from the rear.
She is also is courageous capable of caring out a plan and extremely vindictive. I predict if she survives this will be great at something.
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Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Once this girl turns 18 I would put money she will be modelling underwear in People Magazine or flashing her jubblies in Playboy. A year after that no one will remember her name and any man that gets entangled with her (which seems to be everyone she meets) deserves what he gets. I have absolutely no time at all for this girl (which puts me in the same boat as her parents) but I am very curious to know what Nixon thinks is 'indecent dealings' when it comes to 17 year old girls. Perhaps Nixon should do a runner and leave the country, oh wait, he already did that. I'm sure that will save his job, if the AFL dont toss this bum out then shame on them.


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I agree with Reggie, and I should add I'm not trying to defend the girl.

No doubt as soon as she turns 18 she will reveal her identity (I already know her name anyway), and will be on Dancing With The Stars, Celebrity Master Chef, presenting youth stories on Today Tonight, be a panel member on Talking Aboit Your Generation, show her naked arse in Playboy, sell her story to New Idea for 3 million.

By the time she's 19 she will be long forgotten.

Just saw the video of Nixon in his undies on her hotel bed.....good move to flee the country Ricky!!!


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Check out hinch humanheadline site as he has been reporting for some time, in some context, considering, found it interesting.


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I'm pegging that she's gotta be root of the century! Also sports a pair of decent enhanced boobs. Can take the girl out of frankston but can't take frankston out of the girl...

Maybe it's part of the contracts. Nixon takes his 3% and gets the players leftovers.

She probably could have gone about this differently but I think she'll take them down.

If only freo caused an uproar like this to show us supporters they are actually doing something for a change.


Foundation Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

A very clever young girl here!!! very calculating, orchestrating, and very good at gettin what she wants.... Nixon.. Idiot. Obviously not enough blood to service both heads at the same time LOL


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Here is Hinch's take, he has a few articles on this subject. Hope putting in link is ok Link is broken so has been taken down

Ricky not so innocent and maybe karma has come back to bite him.
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Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Thanks for the link Holford just shows what many must have been up against .
I my self think this girl must have sent to give the AFL there comeuppance .


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Agree with you Buzz....she is a clever girl.....not at all innocent and very calculating but that doesn't help Nixon a bit......he is an idiot.



Silver Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I think she's doing a good job,at taking the piss out of the so called system.I just pity the girl who really exsperienses Rape


Full Member
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Re: AFL Sex Scandal

The sad state of this entire story is that we have a girl who, as I understand it, stole pictures taken by a footballer of a naked team mate, circulated the pictures for her gain, used the so called “kindness” of the Sunday-Age newspaper (the paper is picking up the cost of her hotel room after St Kilda Football club’s “support” ceased because they were concerned for her well being – yeah right!!), has been involved in drugs and “entertained” a high profile person to further possible gains.

I’m not a lawyer but, what springs to mind, are issues concerning (i) invasion of privacy (ii) theft (iii) entrapment (iv) collusion (v) drugs and (vi) profiteering. Is this a reflection of today’s society? Have we become so debased that we not only lap this up but hang on the “next instalment”?

I don’t give a toss for Nixon, the AFL (as an institution), the Sunday-Age or the girl. My concern is for those on the peripheral who will be the ones who will suffer because of this sad, stupid, idiotic saga.



Re: AFL Sex Scandal

The only people who suffering are the people who genuinely don't care for this sort of rubbish (I for one love a bit of days of our lives).

There is no such thing as privacy anymore. Everything we post, write, store, share on the Internet will never go away. Facebook has done more for invasion of privacy than this girl ever could yet 600 million people think it's great. Afl players learn all about dealing with the opportunities (both good and bad) that present themselves. Not my words. That from a current and well known wa footballer...

Nixon now has health issues. Remember when cousins, chick and Fletcher also had health issues. What's the bet he's been racking up to much blow off this chicks arse.


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

To Fudd this is about the extraordinary lengths powerful institutions like AFL and media go to in order to protect their product. Condoning bad and sometimes illegal behavior by influencing authorities and power brokers to turn a blind eye or in this case squash a young persons right to speak up against wrong doing. You must look back on how she was closed down after following all the right channels with authorities and AFL. the only course was to go public which was quashed by authorities, thus her reactionary tactics of late.

The privacy a forded for footy players posing for photos is not there as it would be expected young idiots with such pics can not be trusted. Just like young players can't be trusted to treat women correctly if they are not held accountable. If all these power brokers abided by the law, civil and their own guidelines, this scandal would not be there. Don't forget Nixon has history of covering up scandal to fill his pockets. Again refer to the hinch articles on this topic.


Legend Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

a 17yr old girl cant play this game against media the AFL without
some help from either lawyers or a good PR man


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

i think he has done the deed and should get whats coming for him


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

just what i was thinking.. she might be actually someone else's puppet.. rival tribe or some vindictive PR campaign from a different girl LOL.. the web extends.. the truth is out there..



Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

a 17yr old girl cant play this game against media the AFL without
some help from either lawyers or a good PR man

...me thinks its the Sunday-Age (or whatever its called) as they have been paying her hotel bill after St Kilda stopped. The paper says that they are concerned for her well being......oh really??? If thats the case, then there shouldn't be any homeless persons in Victoria.

Oh, to Holford, I totally agree with your comment about "squash(ing) a young persons right to speak up against wrong doing". However, as I understand this saga, she stole the pics from another player's laptop. She never claimed that she had been used/abused by the St Kilda footy players. Consequently, my point is that this whole saga should have been nipped in the bud in the first place. It was badly handled and has now escalated.



Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Yes Fudd agreed if handled properly in the first place it would have been over.

Unfortunately it started way before the pics, when AFL and saints ignored her complaints about the attitude the boys took with her. Contact from school and her history with police which were involved in initial investigations before pics even came about. There was some very unsettling background before pic were stolen. Hinch had background stories on this, look at his blog entries from around those dates.

They thought she would go away by bullying her and the opposite occurred. They should have counseled all involved and actioned any impropriatery issues.

Saga may make a good book or movie...


Bronze Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I don't really keep up with AFL news - Anyone care to fill me in on what the controversy is around this girl?


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

-One of the saints dated a 16 y/o and things turned sour.
-Other saints players (apparently some other team's have too) ran the (consensual) train through her.
-somewhere along the way someones done something to really annoy her and she's hell bent on ruining the saints.
-releases nude photo's of saints players
-massive issues. She's put up in a hotel to get her life back together
-high profile player manager Ricky Nixon wants in on the action.
-when the media find out (girl tips them off of course) Nixon skips to Ireland.

I think this is just the start of things to come though


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

WRXXR, unfortunately not as simple as your points. Racer hate to repeat myself but have a read of previous threads and you can get more background... It's all about money, bullies and little girl (David perhaps) that catches them out.

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

The very first point of contact was when several players from the St Kilda Football Club visited a Melbourne High School to give inspiration+ motivation to sports minded students .
Soon after things went downhill.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I am with you WRXXR....there really is no such thing as privacy anymore and that is scary and quite a concern. (like the lady who ended up on utube.....or what ever the site is called.....she walked into a lamp post and a bit later millions could watch her unlucky encounter on the net.)
Well back to the AFL topic......I am sure things like that have happened before but it coulndn't get so 'big' because there wasn't an internet distribution of information....there weren't cell phones that can produce videos and post them on the net srtaight away......there weren't all the other hi-tec-set-ups that apparently connect everybody to everything (hang on....nobody asked me if I want to be connected.....it seems to become more and more un-avoidable :angry1:...but that is an entirely different topic)
However......Nixion......the girl.....the AFL.....the gossip hungry press.....aren't there more prssing issues that diserve our attention?



Re: AFL Sex Scandal

WRXXR, unfortunately not as simple as your points. Racer hate to repeat myself but have a read of previous threads and you can get more background... It's all about money, bullies and little girl (David perhaps) that catches them out.

Of course it's not as simple but thems the basics. Clearly she was mistreated by the saints / it's players at some stage(s) so she's taken action in whatever way she thinks will work. And it must be. She's gone to training to cause a stir, she's released photos, she openly admits to leaking scandals to the media etc but the basics are she was involved with players from a workplace and they did the wrong thing by her and now she's he'll bent on revenge.

Rochelle, far more stories worthy of our attention but this is Australia where footballers are unfortunately turned into gods. Never mind about world changing events or godaffi turning into an even crankier old man who's now recruited African militia to kill on site! Crazy world indeed!


Legend Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I ...aren't there more prssing issues that diserve our attention?


Yes Rochelle We have the tragedy still unfolding in NZ 2 Cyclones in a week over here trying to flood out some towns and blow others away And yet we are still focusing on a sordid little tale which is now little but a money making concern for some and a face saving exercise for others.


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Don't forget about the Cop that was assigned to her case, she shagged him too and he ended up losing his job. There must be something about this girl, unfortunately it seems to be her inability to say no or keep her legs closed. Why these adults keep lining up to shag a child they know is going to post everything on the net has me beat but serves them right. There must have been, after all, a reason her folks threw her out of the house as a seventeen year old.