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Rising Prices for WL's Services


Gold Member
I don’t think the metric of more expensive means better necessarily applies to SW. Too many human factors are at play.
What are you expecting from a $500 service compared to a $200 service?
It also begs the question, are you expecting a better level of service or a greater list of services?
I see a lady regularly, she is awesome and provides a great service, she is also fairly expensive (not as expensive as others though). She offers a scaled list of services, so the more you pay the more get, but her level of service doesn’t change.
But I’ve seen other ladies at similar price points and the service was meh. We did the same things but the feeling was just awkward and uncomfortable.
I guess my point is, the human element plays a lot into how good your service is.


Legend Member
There is absolutely no difference in workers who charge 200 to those who charge 500. You’re gonna get your dick sucked either way.
True! On that note, I'm gonna save my 500 for 2 BJ's, save the 100, add another 100 and get a 3rd bj!! VFM! 🤣


Silver Member
I don’t think the metric of more expensive means better necessarily applies to SW. Too many human factors are at play.
What are you expecting from a $500 service compared to a $200 service?
It also begs the question, are you expecting a better level of service or a greater list of services?
I see a lady regularly, she is awesome and provides a great service, she is also fairly expensive (not as expensive as others though). She offers a scaled list of services, so the more you pay the more get, but her level of service doesn’t change.
But I’ve seen other ladies at similar price points and the service was meh. We did the same things but the feeling was just awkward and uncomfortable.
I guess my point is, the human element plays a lot into how good your service is.
This ⬆️ exactly.


Silver Member
But it's nothing like a 9-5 job. You don't have to deal with the current rental market and have a second rental in a 9-5, pay to advertise, be discriminated against by banks and have the accounts closed.
Most 9-5 you get annual leave, sick pay.. we have to still cover our rentals and ads when we are off, we get sick so often from clients hurting us physically or mentally. It's a risk vs reward set up. We don't have the CEOS of our 9-5 supporting us. We have to keep ourselves safe. We have to cover our own Supers and ensure we're set up for GST and tax. We don't get the benefits of a 9-5 or the safety that comes with it so why should we be charging what we would get in a 9-5?
I know it's hard to believe but we absolutely don't see clients all the hours we advertise that's just a guideline for clients to know when they can book, I would say for every 1 hr client booked I spend 4 hours replying to TW messages, cleaning, getting myself ready, bumping ads. We do not have clients the entire day. Also please take into consideration alot of clients are less than 1 hr.
I find to difficult to fathom how anyone who has engaged with a sex worker as a customer doesn't realise this.

Horny A

Silver Member
I increased my services by 100 when I started to use dayuse hotels for an incall rather than renting a room from a friend. Before that it had been 500 for about 6 years, which is average in perth.
500 is my limit and I am happy to pay it. I don't go any higher though.

As I said earlier in the post you have some amazing photos on your twitter. Wish your availability matched mine.

Thanks for sharing the other side of the story


Diamond Member
Your all commenting on a post with the thread name being 'kitty du jour' of course she's going to take it personally and not 'in general' otherwise make a separate thread? I'm sure if we make a general topic about clients you'd all take it personally as well when discussing your jobs, your income and how much we assume you earn based on our math.
John does this all the time and then claims its not personal. Has no EQ.


Legend Member
I just don't get why ladies have to explain or defend themselves on TS. I really don't. Why do we men vilify the very reason we're here? Every investment decision for every single one of us is determined by capacity to pay and perceived level of need......... When I was a teenager goon bags were great, cheap, easy and they had the desired result (bonus I could inflate the empty bag to use as a pillow) Now I get taken to fancy restaurants and people buy expensive bottles of wine.....crazy expensive, those bottles also have the same end result as the goon bags. The difference between the goon bags and the expensive wines is the level of the experience. A $100 handy and a $900 per hour lady will hopefully result in a similar ending as the goon bag and expensive wines analogy. The difference is in the experience gents. There is something very special about a great experience and more importantly there's something very special about a SW who can give you that. It costs them emotionally to give you that high, don't begrudge paying more for it. And don't be disappointed if you can't get it for a bargain price!


Diamond Member
I just don't get why ladies have to explain or defend themselves on TS. I really don't. Why do we men vilify the very reason we're here? Every investment decision for every single one of us is determined by capacity to pay and perceived level of need......... When I was a teenager goon bags were great, cheap, easy and they had the desired result (bonus I could inflate the empty bag to use as a pillow) Now I get taken to fancy restaurants and people buy expensive bottles of wine.....crazy expensive, those bottles also have the same end result as the goon bags. The difference between the goon bags and the expensive wines is the level of the experience. A $100 handy and a $900 per hour lady will hopefully result in a similar ending as the goon bag and expensive wines analogy. The difference is in the experience gents. There is something very special about a great experience and more importantly there's something very special about a SW who can give you that. It costs them emotionally to give you that high, don't begrudge paying more for it. And don't be disappointed if you can't get it for a bargain price!
I agree, and have found it very dissapointing that a few of us here have chosen to firstly make accusations and leverage on a connection, and secondly engage in a debate about her prices. Those of us who follow her on twitter will have seen how upset she was about this, and I think those of you who were involved should stand up, be a man, and apologise. Heads up to Amelia K for your support. Lets close this unhealthy thread.

Horny A

Silver Member
I just don't get why ladies have to explain or defend themselves on TS. I really don't. Why do we men vilify the very reason we're here? Every investment decision for every single one of us is determined by capacity to pay and perceived level of need......... When I was a teenager goon bags were great, cheap, easy and they had the desired result (bonus I could inflate the empty bag to use as a pillow) Now I get taken to fancy restaurants and people buy expensive bottles of wine.....crazy expensive, those bottles also have the same end result as the goon bags. The difference between the goon bags and the expensive wines is the level of the experience. A $100 handy and a $900 per hour lady will hopefully result in a similar ending as the goon bag and expensive wines analogy. The difference is in the experience gents. There is something very special about a great experience and more importantly there's something very special about a SW who can give you that. It costs them emotionally to give you that high, don't begrudge paying more for it. And don't be disappointed if you can't get it for a bargain price!
Restaurants and wine are regularly reviewed and there are often articles about best value or hidden gems. Most people think the highest price restaurants are more about prestige or name and not about quality.

Very poor analogy.


Bronze Member
Restaurants and wine are regularly reviewed and there are often articles about best value or hidden gems. Most people think the highest price restaurants are more about prestige or name and not about quality.

Very poor analogy.
Honestly it’s not the worst analogy, price often is purely a marketing strategy and is about the safety of engaging with a well known brand. No human is worth more than another, truly. Connection is subjective and I totally believe you can have a great connection and a great time with someone who charges $50, $300 or $800. There might be less risk for the punter of engaging with a well known provider who is face out, but you still might not gel.


Silver Member
It wasn't directed to wards you. I'm just saying how much some workers have inflated their prices since covid.

Yhe ones who have gone from $400 hr to $700-$800 how inflated price was.

You are one of very few who haven't gouged the price in the past few years, it wasn't a hate comment I'm sorry if you felt it was directed towards you or the genuine workers.

It was just a general comparison 9-5 job
Mate, it's supply and demand, just like anything else. Do you want Consumer Affairs to intervene and keep prices fixed?


Legend Member
I suspect it's to discourage the use of eftpos so they can be paid in cash so it doesn't get declared.
Yeh it’s a common Asian thing done here, same why other non massage shops would charge you and have minimums to try make you spend more and in cash. But also hard to pull up a shop for charging you to use eftpos illegally while getting illegal services in them ahha


Legend Member
Ain’t nobody seeing 4-5 a day 😂 that’s considered high turnover in a brothel, doing that even on tour would be exhausting. You wouldn’t be able to do that more than one day in a row.
Looks like Natalie Rose has risen to the challenge. 9 straight days and 10 hours a day:



Silver Member
There are girls been taken on trips overseas with clients. How are these people affording this, and I know if can't be cheap to pay business class tickets and also a nice hotel where the girl would surely be sleeping separately in another room.

Tania Smiley

*****Admin***** Smiles Are Contagious
Staff member
Gold Member
I agree. No way they see one a day. You can tell from the number of discarded tissues in the bin near the bedside table!. And if I was a WL making 450-500 per client, I'd want to see as many as reasonably possible and make bank of 3600-4000 per day tax free (assuming 8 clients a day). 5 days a week, that is 72,000-80,000 per month. Even half this is serious dosh to me. Not even the PM earns that much!
Tax Free?
Most definitely not tax free.
WL's pay tax too.


Legend Member
Tax Free?
Most definitely not tax free.
WL's pay tax too.
Are you saying that 100% of WLs declare ALL their income? If so, how do you know and why do many ads say cash only (accepting card or payid or bank transfer makes it easier for both punter and WL, agree that not all punters want an electronic trail) and why do some establishment charge a lot extra for EFTPOS?

Something does not compute.
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Tania Smiley

*****Admin***** Smiles Are Contagious
Staff member
Gold Member
Yeah if they work at a proper establishment.. but the majority it would be cash in pocket.
You would be incorrect on your assumption. Need to show income for credit cards, real estate etc. Majority pay tax

Are you saying that 100% of WLs declare ALL their income? If so, how do you know and why do many ads say cash only (accepting card or payid or bank transfer makes it easier for both punter and WL, agree that not all punters want an electronic trail) and why do some establishment charge a lot extra for EFTPOS?

Something does not compute.
Where did I say 100%?
Majority pay tax.
They say cash only because they don't have eftpos machines 🤷‍♀️ It's a no brainer!

Eftpos charges should be the legal maximum


Silver Member
I agree. No way they see one a day. You can tell from the number of discarded tissues in the bin near the bedside table!. And if I was a WL making 450-500 per client, I'd want to see as many as reasonably possible and make bank of 3600-4000 per day tax free (assuming 8 clients a day). 5 days a week, that is 72,000-80,000 per month. Even half this is serious dosh to me. Not even the PM earns that much!
Spot on here
Agree they are making a killing!!$$$$

If only we all decided not to visit them for one day/week I think there would have to be an effect.
But that would never happen, men, myself included can’t help themselves and just go have a wank 😂


Gold Member
Interesting thread. For me personally, I have decided to put a limit of maybe $250 on what I will spend for an hour with a WL. The other day I spent $230 and even though it was worth it was thinking that's a lot of money to hand over to someone for an hour. And I don't believe there's much difference in quality between $200 and $500 escorts. Maybe a better venue, that's about it. Best and most professional punt I ever had was in Hobart and I think it was $200 for 45 minutes.

As for how many clients a WL gets in a day, one way to find out which cab off the rank you are is if there's a 'used towel basket' in the bathroom. If there's a full tub of wet towels in there, you know she's been flat out! Annabelle was showing me the texts on her phone the other day, many of which had been coming in while she was busy with me. At least 6 guys trying to book her for that afternoon. But as discussed above, there are all kinds of unusual aspects to the job for women. Dealing with annoying texters, no-shows, actual psychos, bad body odour or hygiene, probably guys with performance anxiety or anxiety about cheating on the missus, etc etc etc.


Silver Member
As for how many clients a WL gets in a day, one way to find out which cab off the rank you are is if there's a 'used towel basket' in the bathroom. If there's a full tub of wet towels in there, you know she's been flat out! Annabelle was showing me the texts on her phone the other day, many of which had been coming in while she was busy with me. At least 6 guys trying to book her for that afternoon. But as discussed above, there are all kinds of unusual aspects to the job for women. Dealing with annoying texters, no-shows, actual psychos, bad body odour or hygiene, probably guys with performance anxiety or anxiety about cheating on the missus, etc etc etc.
It's hard to tell for private girls. If they've been in the industry long, they'll now their limits and can afford to have off days where they see 1-2 clients. I've had conversations with some girls and was casually mentioning a dollar figure (not related to earnings) and I know one said 40K isn't that much. I didn't respond to it, but I think that should tell you.

The popular girls in WA, ie the ones who are well reviewed on SB, are making an absolute killing.

Horny A

Silver Member
The popular girls in WA, ie the ones who are well reviewed on SB, are making an absolute killing.
I would not rely on the reviews on SB. They no longer need an email to verify so you can enter a made up email address. 3 or 4 reviews within a week after not receiving one for 2 or 3 months are more than likely written by themselves when business has been slow. Some of them are so obvious it's comical.

Ivy reviews need an account so they can't be faked and are more reliable.

Horny A

Silver Member
It's hard to tell for private girls. If they've been in the industry long, they'll now their limits and can afford to have off days where they see 1-2 clients. I've had conversations with some girls and was casually mentioning a dollar figure (not related to earnings) and I know one said 40K isn't that much. I didn't respond to it, but I think that should tell you.
One girl once told me her worst month ever was $35000. She also promoted that she sees no more than a few clients a day, only works weekdays and rarely longer than an hour. So the math didn't add up to me.
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Silver Member
I would not rely on the reviews on SB. They no longer need an email to verify so you can enter a made up email address. 3 or 4 reviews within a week after not receiving one for 2 or 3 months are more than likely written by themselves when business has been slow. Some of them are so obvious it's comical.

Ivy reviews need an account so they can't be faked and are more reliable.
I didn't know this. I've never fully trusted the reviews on SB. Some felt made up and the writing style often reminds me of erotic fan fiction.

I can see a girl making this much in a month, but also remember not all months are the same for them. Some will have a client fly them on a week vacation with them for 20K, others will be just the regular clients.

Horny A

Silver Member
I didn't know this. I've never fully trusted the reviews on SB. Some felt made up and the writing style often reminds me of erotic fan fiction.

I can see a girl making this much in a month, but also remember not all months are the same for them. Some will have a client fly them on a week vacation with them for 20K, others will be just the regular clients.
I think very few get big bookings like that.