who makes the decision about whether or not drugs "are not right"? Some lawmakers who have no real experience with addicts, or the effects of recreational drug use? Xanax, and Oxycodone, and Valium are all legal, more people die from overdosing on those drugs than heroin... But for some reason they are accepted in society. Suburban housewifes addicted to Valium are the same as every other addict, it's just their medicine is covered by Medicare.
There will always be addicts - whether it's heroin of something legal... Alcohol, perscription drugs, cigarettes - all of which kill more people and do more social damage than heroin does. Or any other drug for that matter.
I'm not condoning the use of Heroin, or any hard drugs - but I believe people have the right to autonomy and to choose what goes into their bodies.... And they shouldn't have to die for making that choice.