Help us call on the newly elected South Australian Parliament to Decriminalise Sex Work Now!!
Rally on the steps of Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide
Thursday, 5th June, 1:15pm
Speakers include:
The Hon. Steph Key MP
And Representatives from: South Australian Sex Industry Network (SIN) & Sex Workers Gaining Empowerment, Rights and Recognition (SWAGGERR)
Sex workers need you to say yes to health and safety by standing up and showing your support!
Please contact SIN with any enquiries: 83517626,
Rally on the steps of Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide
Thursday, 5th June, 1:15pm
Speakers include:
The Hon. Steph Key MP
And Representatives from: South Australian Sex Industry Network (SIN) & Sex Workers Gaining Empowerment, Rights and Recognition (SWAGGERR)
Sex workers need you to say yes to health and safety by standing up and showing your support!
Please contact SIN with any enquiries: 83517626,