I'm sure not to be the only guy who gets a kick out of fake celebrity images ... as for Scarlett Johansson, I remember her as the young adorable Charlotte in 2003's Lost In Translation ... if you know the movie and remember the opening credits, then I'm expecting the following true image should still make a positive impact, especially given the context of this forum thread ... and so, the story behind the scene goes like this :
Johansson makes granny panties look sexy in the opening credits of director Sofia Coppola's love letter to Tokyo, but she had to be talked into the sheer Araks underpants. 'I was so bloated from eating all of this Udon. [Sofia Coppola] was like, Why don't I try these on for you? Just see how they look and if you don't want to do it, then of course, you don't have to','' the actress has said. '''And of course, Sofia is lanky and skinny, [with a] very sort of elegant body and so she looked fantastic... That's how she got me to wear them.''