The ones that smile and say good boy when you insist on using a condom, Mr Little.
Miss Ginger, I see all sex workers from all countries the good ones and the bad ones as my sisters, I do care when I see bad health practices ruin all our reputations. I have spent 30 years as a Madam and when I decided the sex industry was going to be my full time occupation I swore that I would make a difference and leave something behind.
I care for these woman, and the the forum is a powerful tool that can spread the education they need to make informed decisions.
First we have to wake up the members then the world to how vast this problem is, and then we have to find workable solutions.
The Asian cultures are much more law abiding than the Westerner in general. If a few madams or pimps got prosecuted the others would wake up and change their adverting practices.
These adverts are motivated by greed for a quick buck, I want to see them stopped, i do not want my grandsons reading adds like this as they grow older, there by thinking Sex without a condom must be safe, I see it on net all time.I want all kids protected by this sort of advertising, as I think most Adults would agree.
Please feel free to argue with me, good practice for when i stand for politics in 5 years time.Be open minded to see all sides of the coin, be honest with yourself and say what you think, not what you think someone wants you to say.Be yourself.