World domination. With me as Supreme Leader. Naturally, everyone would need to call me Your XLNC (not just happy2). I'd appoint a bevy of beauties as my ministers of state to make up for the lack of women in positions of power at present. Cabinet meetings would last a very very long time (even though I wouldn't need to consult them or seek their approval, being Supreme Leader and all, but I'm sure we'd find things to, um, talk about...)
Back to reality, I suppose the first thing would be to (somehow) make the electorate realise how difficult governing a disparate country/world with a range of competing interests actually is and to not have unrealistic expectations when they choose who to vote for, so that then hopefully the politicians don't feel the need to make so many promises during the election campaign which they have no intention of keeping if successful, leading to ever-increasing cynicism and disillusionment in the entire democratic political process, especially among the young. All that, of course, is a pipe dream as many/most people are inherently selfish and will vote for whoever promises them the most for themselves.