Went here about a week ago, hopeful after a real bad run lately…

. ML was standard older (late 40s minimum) slightly overweight but not terrible. Asked for 60 min, can’t remember probably $70 or something.
After a very lack lustre, mostly one handed massage with zero teasing, did the flip and got the question - $50 topless hj. I kinda knew I was going to regret it and was almost gonna say don’t bother getting your gear off, cos I knew my eyes were going to be shut anyway. But here I am, the nice guy not wanting to hurt her feelings

So she proceeds to take her top off, and I firmly close my eyes as she gets to work. After maybe a minute max of normal speed, she starts mechanically cranking it like a mad woman, clearly wanting me to finish. I take a peak and she is staring at the opposite wall, not even pretending to be into it.
I’m really not into it but manage a sad little finish. She rushes to get her clothes back on and says good bye and leaves the room. I show myself out and sheepishly head home and rub one out.
I’m so over the bs with every place I try - is it an Adelaide thing? Or covid/ travel restrictions thing? I’m fairly new to SA, but used to get really satisfying massages, some really memorable, in Sydney on a regular basis. If anyone can help a brother out and point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.