This is such an interesting thread to read through, all the contrasting opinions from different sides of the fence! I think one of the first avoidable pitfalls is defining exactly and precisely the working relationship between w/l's and LT's. Is it a contract arrangement? Is it an employer/employee relationship or are we "business women working together for mutual benefit"? I have heard us referred to as all three, but each paradigm operates with different rules. For example, if we are contractors, that would suggest to me that there is a contract in place which has been mutually negotiated and signed by both parties.Everyone is therefore clear on what the rules are, and the consequences of any breaches that take place, on either side of the arrangement. Employers/ Employees have their own respective rights and responsibilities. My understanding is that we are business women working together for mutual benefit. This idea suggests a far greater degree of autonomy for the w/l, though in practice this may not always suit the business, in terms of predictability and reliability. The challenge is to find a framework where everyone involved (LT's, w/l's and clients) get the best experience possible. It shouldn't be that difficult, seeing as our motivations are all mutually sympathetic! As for the reasons why we call off, I imagine they are as myriad as the people who work here... And it is not my job to speak for other w/l's and make assumptions about what motivates them. I can however tell my own story... In my life to date, I have worked in many industries and environments. Working in the sex industry is so vastly different to anything I have ever done before. Being a w/l is not all that I do - it is my means to funding and supporting my life in the outside world. Because I enjoy what I do, I'm generally highly motivated to work. But this is an industry unlike any other: my body is my business and let's be honest, this is very physical work! As a w/l I have to look after my health - not just for myself, but also for my clients, with whom I'm in extremely close contact, and to whom I want to provide an excellent service. Stress in the outside world, or at work can take its toll, and to paraphrase Kenny Rogers, I think all w/l's need to "know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em" in terms of keeping not just physically well, but emotionally well also. You gotta keep your head straight...I agree, it is simply manners to call off with as much notice as humanly possible. Everyone appreciates courtesy and organisation. Sometimes the unavoidable happens...But generally, workers are happy and motivated to show up to a workplace where they feel appreciated and supported.