Ms Sue

Legend Member
If you where running a business and your contractors didn't show up with no explanation and you had to call them to see where they were would you be pissed off.....

In the last few weeks this is what has been happening with some of our contractors....

If they worked in the corporate world they wont have a income remembering that they earn just as much as the corporate world....

Remembering that the contractors ask for there reservations that suits there life's.

What would you do if you were me !!!!!!!!!!

Ms Sue


Foundation Member
That is unacceptable in any organisation and in yours it is downright selfish because they have also deprived some other lady of that shift.

I would say a substantial spell on the sidelines would be a suitable reminder that there are obligations on both sides of the employment fence.


Legend Member
I've worked as a project manger for a few years and sourcing and hiring contractors has been a significant part of my job. One of the biggest risks with a project is unreliable contractors. Generally speaking the average ones are ike bad punters, they'll agree to a booking but if they get delayed or find a more attractive offer their lack of communication skills ensure that you won't hear and be chasing them. The way I've avoided this over the years is to pay a bit more and build up a good business relationship with them however there are always the one off contractors that you need so the risk is sometimes unavoidable unless you have a tender arrangement and lock them into a contract.


In the real world I'd be pissed off.

But down at Hooker Central I'd imagine girls go AWOL for all various different types of reasons.
And finding replacements for them may prove difficult.


What reasons do the contractors give? I had a branch office which had this problem - I thought it was weird as the office had a new manager and so I and my boss contacted the contractors and ONLY THEN did we find out the problem.

The problem was the manager - she was pissing off all the contractors and treating them like shit and expected loyalty and professionalism in return. So ask your contractors what the problem is.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
Don't be angry, that approach isn't productive in business. Dig, really dig, and find out what the problem is. If the problem is something you can solve, then solve it. If the problem is not something you can control, then either compensate for it or get rid of the person with the problem. You won't have to do this many times before you send the message you want to send.

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
I think this industry is pretty unique and a lot different than the corporate world guys. We are talking about W/L's and they are very unpredictable and fickle.
How about some suggestions. What would you do if they never kept their reservations and you were running the floor?

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
In the real world I'd be pissed off.

But down at Hooker Central I'd imagine girls go AWOL for all various different types of reasons.
And finding replacements for them may prove difficult.
Well Col you always have a colourful flavour in the way you describe things lol. But I tend to agree with you on one thing. It is a very different setting with a whole lot of different thoughts and emotions attached.

Yet I really understand how it is a challenge for Ms Sue.

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
It is a great challenge but at the end of the day good manners cost nothing. Reservations here are very sort after and when a girl doesn't show up it could have been given to another lady.


I think this industry is pretty unique and a lot different than the corporate world guys. We are talking about W/L's and they are very unpredictable and fickle.
How about some suggestions. What would you do if they never kept their reservations and you were running the floor?

You mean in the world of hookers, no one gets treated like shit or gets shouted or abused by customers/supervisors/bosses with half a brain? Wow! must be a pretty unique world.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
Suzy I love your comments and I must say that I can get that working ladies can get treated like shit but you find that most of the ladies who run them self as a business it rarely happens....
The main reason that ladies call off is that they have made so much money the night before and then they cant be bother to show the next night... Or a period which in some girls come every third night :p... Babysitter ... Granny die... One Granny has died 3 times... One of the best one I heard lately is my dog is throwing up..... I even offered the young lady to bring the dog to work but she declined:( Yes it is a unique world but if it was treated like a business there would be less stress for everyone... I have always given respect were it is deserved :)

Tania Admin

That's a hard one,,,it's very bad for business for all involved. The contractor and the company involved..Though isn't always black and white. I agree there are some who rort the system, made lots of money and don't want to work, fake illnesses etc. Manners means they should call quite a while before shift so that perhaps a replacement can be found..But also on the other foot, working as a WL isn't easy, burnout can happen quite quick and suddenly, or throw in some pressure/stress in their personal life and time off is needed. Wl's are not just sex workers they are also councilors and have a lot of people climbing around in their heads, and not all of them are nice people. It happens quite often @Casey's,you soon know who your tried and true ladies are who always show but are genuine when needing time off or calling off and Cher is very fair. The ones that are weeded out as non genuine need some sort of warning then perhaps be taken off of the big $$ shifts for a week, 2nd offence 2 weeks and then give them a holiday for a bit. It may leave less numbers on the floor but better than working the phone hard advertising a no show, bad for business and upsets clients who book and if the Lady is serious about making money she should have learnt her lesson, otherwise let them go..

Al Swearengen

I'm totally unforgiving with contractors that are no shows. And thats across all boards, regardless of industry. I dont make allowances with one industry & not another. I'm harsh with all of them. Sex industry or plumbing or electrical. Its all the same. If a contractor does a no show on me, they cop an earful on the phone & then they NEVER hear from me again. I also do my best to bad mouth them every way I can :).
I havent started writing names & numbers on the back of public toilet doors yet but you never know!
To me, if a contractor has made the commitment to show up & do a job that I'm paying for then they WILL contact me to reschedule beforehand if they're not able to make it. No exceptions. I'm completely understanding & nice about it if I get that phone call at a reasonable time beforehand though. But dont even think about doing it twice.


Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
No good. Contracting means having responsibilities regardless of the industry. If contractors let you down use other contractors.
I am sure some of the excuses are genuine and I trust your management skills to be able to tell who is genuine and who is pulling the 'easy way out' card.
Clear rules do help.........fuck up once: benefit of the doubt, fuck up second time: warning, fuck up third time: gone and without return ticket.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Yeah well....good help is hard to get. Especially on short notice. Even more so in this case yeah?


Legend Member
sometimes dealing with contractors are just like dealing with kids, level of reliability is as good as shooting bubbles into the air.


Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
But then let's not forget why employers like holiday superannuation long term commitments that might turn into a hassle etc.
And needless to say in the world of human beings loyalty and responsibility for an employer develops over time and continuity.


I agree with all of you, but lets not forget, WLs here at LTs, are not contractors. They are self employed, they reserve floor space from LTs employer. Their no shows, excuses, hassles what ever, should not reflect on this business, but unfortunately it does with annoyed customers, who have been assured of time with that WL. It always hurts the pocket when reservations are not issued for the following week. Maybe that should stand like it used too. Regardless if roster is low for the evening, it all balances out in the end.


Langtrees VIP 6

I believe most ladies that come to work at Langtrees have good intentions.

I really feel it’s a matter of doing a lot more than they are capable of.

Some ladies that fly in for 2 – 3 weeks and work that entire period have good intentions of staying disciple to reach their goals.

But what some WL doesn't take into account is that if they are arriving here mentally, physically or emotionally not in the right state of mind than productivity will slowly go down.

So ladies my suggestion to you is, it is better to do a maximum of 4 shifts week that I know you will turn up to then say you would do seven and slowly burn yourself down.

To sue, you have a hard job, I don’t envy you. I hope this thread has helped you to figure out a solution that will benefit all.

It’s a chain reaction, its effects everyone around.


Legend Member
If a girl has said she will be prepared for a booking at 11PM and the client is still sitting there at 12 and later Well if he says screw it I will visit with another girl (Which he has to if the business has a no cash refund policy ) The girl who was to meet with the client misses out And the business up the road has a ready made customer
Not only does the original lady miss but so to the brothel as there is a big chance he is not coming back if there is another quality business nearby

You hear/see many privates with this flaky attitude But they are just crapping in their own nest Their business loses credibility But when at a brothel she is damaging the business brand and in so doing her colleagues as well
As said previous .Time outs and quieter shifts may get the point across But it wont bring back a disgruntled client Who may well have become a regular

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
Friday morn 10am.
1 girl called in sick. 1 late and customer waiting. 1 who was a no show last night wants a shift tonight and 1 4pm start can't make it till 6. Patience wearing very thin xx

Langtrres VIP Perth 4

Not a Fan of No Shows. We are here to run a business that WL actually benefit from. If Us the Reception Staff didn't show to our shift then we would have to close the doors and I bet the WL wouldn't be happy with that as they wont be able to make any $$$..Works both ways really...If you commit then see it through or else don't put your name to that shift if you are going to blow it


Cayla like your attitude. Yes I propose we reception staff do a No Show, & see how that effects our would be hilarious for real.. Maybe the ladies will right us up on how much $ they missed out on. But yes seriously to all the shift blowers (excuse pun) remember the pain & suffering wahahaha




Legend Member
From the other side of the trade
There was a lady I saw at Caseys once When I rang a second time she was with Langtrees Then Caseys and LT's again I did write Caseys and mention her name and what shift she would she be on And the Receptionist actually used the word flakey How can you get a regular clientele if you dont turn up for a shift or keep changing workplaces If the receptionists calls a girl flakey what are potential clients thinking?


Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
Hi Cayla and la revolution........if you guys wouldn't show up we would take turns on the phone and behind the reception and turn the whole thing into a big party........just kidding.......we are a team and we can only succeed as a point: you show up......we show up :)


Full Member
Foundation Member a contractor/consultant myself, I'm bound by the terms of my contract (or Letter of Engagement) between myself & the other party. Failure to comply with these terms could result in termination. According, I would suggest that as the ladies are, in themselves, contracting their services...the contents of their contract (or Letter of Engagement) should be explored first to gauge what constitutes a breach lest unreasonable or un enforceable action is taken.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- Viva la revolution, Lets party, Anarchy in Langtrees, where there Chaos there is Fun LOL