Called in today and had an hour with Miko, beautiful tiny lady maybe mid thirty’s. Massage was very good and after ten minutes or so my back was a lot better. Half tome came around and after a wipe down turn over she lent in and asked if any what extras would I like ,I opted for full service. She did ask for money up front but that doesn’t bother me as I’d rather see her get paid before some bum runs out at the end without paying. She stripped off and wow what a lovely body, nice boobs fully shaven and I must say it was the best looking pussy I’ve seen in a long time absolutely not a trace of any growth and smelt and tasted so lovely. We had a great time so if anyone’s looking for a great massage and a nice time she’s your lady. She works there Monday to Friday. $65 for massage with 150 on top. She was telling me she has nowhere to go on Christmas Day so if anyone’s able take the lady out for lunch. I have no connection with this business but if you go to see her please treat her with respect as she deserves it. Enjoy.