Silver Member
I was just down at Thai Sabaidee Midland and got a great massage. I have been there at least dozen times before but not in the last couple of years. When I used to go it was older ladies and they recognised me they told me to lay down and a younger lady came in to start my massage. As we where going along she asked if I could take my underwear off as it was hard to massage my hip and side so I happily obliged. Really good massage with a lot of accidental touching and she wasn't worried about the sheet falling off. I wasn't there for any extras so I didn't give off any signals. While I was in there I heard a guy in the room next to me getting extras or at least it sounded that way. He asked "where did they find this girl" and "was she the one from bassendean". Has anyone else been there and had this experience recently? As Ive always known them as being legit. I have to say if they are providing extras then they provide the best massage I have had at a rub and tug joint. Worth a punt even if they don't offer it they massage is great. The lady that did my massage told me her name twice but I can't recall. It started with an N.