This has been a most informative thread discussion. Breanna's and CathyDomme's posts I agree with a lot There are just waaaay to many things I'd like to break down and discuss but right now well just a couple spring to mind...
One has to add that some transgendered individuals decide by choice never to have SRS surgery.
Absolutely! It's like what I say to my guys, treat me like a regular sexy woman in bed and I'll return the favour in sexual spades
Now that I strongly disagree with to the point I find it offensive. The use of all male pronouns in that sentence beggars belief. :nono:
A pre-op or post-op transexual is a
woman with a defined medical condition that has a proven treatment with a successful medical and lega outcome.
On the other hand there is such an enormous gulf between a TS and a CD/TV to the point no comparison can be made.
*breathes out*
So back to the OP, my answer would be Fantasy, Fantasy, Fantasy
x Aeryn