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I like my women breathing lol. sorry.
If she has a nice personality usely you warm to that person doesnt matter what size they are aslong they keep their hygine up same goes for us men the hygine part.
hahahaha guess I miss out on most guys :tongue5: I'm a size 10-12 .... ahaha like I really care bwahahahaha I'm not superficial..I try to see skin deeper then most men/women. Personality is a massive turn on for me not just looks.
Oooo ooo oo .. umm i probably don't count ...but
i personally like women who have a personality
size and shape change with time
but a good personality stands the test of time
Everyone counts MIS even YOU...personality goes one h311 of a long way, but physical attraction initially, does still come into it with myself if I was to be with a woman (or even a man). I see people for who they are inside and beauty from within always radiates on the outer so big small or wat eva my attraction could be to the person they are also...
For me it's all in the Chemistry... her body is a fringe bennifit. If the chemistry is right anything could happen..... but I will just be honest and add one thing. If the girl is asian. the experiance may have a bigger affect on me. So for me, its more racial than size
MovesInSilence says it right when she says it's all about personality. I'd say my personal preference was for someone with the (to my mind) fatally attractive mix of danger and fun, and a capacity to keep on surprising me. I guess you'd call it a sense of mischief.. something to pour on top of your misbehaving, and then have several tongues lick it off..
Me likes my women big, hairy (long hair) and likes clubbing excuse the pun.Long hair can be advantages for dragging women to different locations.Club can be used for many different aplications.Haire keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer. Women must be ugly so that no other men can steal her, but very attactive on the inside .
Guys Size and looks are only skin deep , and pretty shallow if thats all we spend our lives looking for. The key to any good relationship , match up or even one night stand is pure chemistry. If too bodies meet are comfortable with each other and have chemistry the outcome can be very interesting. Size and looks are unimportant if you are happy with the situation that's all that matters.
Whilst i have traditionally dated/married "model type" figures. I have realised that, the better looking the woman is, the higher maintenance she is.
Finaly realising that life is to short to waste on superficial stuff anymore..... i now like a woman that is proportional and must be able to hold a conversation.
My last G/F's have been size 10 max with big boobs. (high maintenance)
Hey guys, if we are just talking sizse would you like that? How about first attraction, eyes, hair, smell. And personality, and does what they wear turnh you on? Do you want a female to think of being interested in a guy just for his stats????? Hey I work at Langtrees and am not a size 8, but hey be sensible.
I Don't mind too much about size, it's all about sexuality, if a woman is sexy then she just is.
It may be a matter of personal preference like what turns one guy on may not turn another on.
I will say that i like a woman who takes care of her body tho, whether she's small or not so, if it's all in proportion an well kept then she can be sexy regardless.
How do I like my women? Confident in themselves. Even the sexiest of women can turn me off by being insecure and introvert.
All the women here turn me on because they talk openly about themselves and know what they want and how they want to get it.
Who wants to constantly reassure someone and tell them they are sexy, good looking etc? I want a woman to be able to say without words that she is dead gorgeous, confident and wants me. There is a slight intimidation that makes me rise to the challenge and enables me to express myself and operate on the same level - uninhibited fun
I think that is why I like mature women so much. They have the experience in life to cut through the crap and be comfortable with their bodies and sexuality and take what they want.
So come on... Who wouldn't be able to resist a confident, strutting mature lady wearing a part revealing dress and a sexually charged attitude?