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Medication and its effects on sex


Gold Member
Don’t know if anyone has had this happen.

A month ago I was put on a low dosage of anti depression medication because I was thinking a bit too much and getting obsessive . I know a few people on this medication for long term and never thought I would need them but they worked I don’t think so much.

The down side or upside depending on how you look at it is now it takes me a long time to cum. A really long time. Last night the wife had to get me to stop and I was no ware ready to finish. We were in a foursome at the time so I moved to the other girl as her partner had finished a long time before. She also was worn out and I was stuffed. Still no finish for me.
Its like you get to the point of your just about to cum then the feeling goes away, it comes back a few minutes later and then away again. This goes on for ages. I am normally a two or three minute guy so I have been having a ball and a lot of fun but as time goes by its starting to take even longer and not really that good when you have great sex and dont finish.

Today I decided to stop the pills.

Anyone have this type of thing happen from medication??

The effects sound like a Tantra pill.
It's a pity (ironic?) if the treatment for depression removes one of life's great joys.

Candice Cruz

Diamond Member
Had a client one time celebrating after our session, because it was the first time he came in 6 months.

I asked why, he answered “these damn anti depressants that I’m on... I feel horny but I just can’t cum!” I asked “which ones?,”

he looked at me surprised and said “lexapro, oh and they also put me on this thing called seroquel,”

as soon as I said “... mm, SAME HERE! .... but I only take the seroquelXR if/when it’s borderline breakdown point for me.....
Some people also say that takes away your sex drive completely.....”

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Some medication such as antidepressant and anticonvulsants can effect the ability to come. These types of medication dampen the whole system and should never just be stopped but weened of under medical guidance

Candice Cruz

Diamond Member
Some medication such as antidepressant and anticonvulsants can effect the ability to come. These types of medication dampen the whole system and should never just be stopped but weened of under medical guidance

A lot of people have told me they’ve “stopped taking medication because they feel better.”

thats the thing with anti-depressants; they’re made to make you feel better. That’s the reason they feel better— because the medication is finally working.

*every one of them has different side effects for different people, so it’s best to seek professional advice from doctors; and only share experiences as stories to tell

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I take Cymbalta as a antidepressant and Lyrica for nerve pain and they play havoc on my ability to cum at times. And that’s so true when they start to work then people feel they no longer need them. The stigma around mental illness doesn’t help either.


Happened to me after a accident, couldn't hold an erection as soon as I stopped had no problems.


Diamond Member
Long waiting lists for: hip, knee, back, neck and other surgeries. You have to take medication to cope with ongoing pain. A short trip to overseas for surgery will relieve symptoms and no need for medication. There are better doctors overseas that are better qualified and more experienced than most Australian doctors.
I believe medical field should be fully deregulated and this would allow more foreign doctors to operate and fix patients now and reduce waiting lists.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Long waiting lists for: hip, knee, back, neck and other surgeries. You have to take medication to cope with ongoing pain. A short trip to overseas for surgery will relieve symptoms and no need for medication. There are better doctors overseas that are better qualified and more experienced than most Australian doctors.
I believe medical field should be fully deregulated and this would allow more foreign doctors to operate and fix patients now and reduce waiting lists.
So sorry to hear this sweetheart and I fully agree the wait lists are just insane. I am on semi urgent wait list with orthopedic surgeon and as semi urgent the wait is 12 months or longer. I have taken out private cover now as I will get seen quicker even waiting the 12 months waiting time for pre existing conditions. I have a few spinal problems and not sure I would feel comfortable traveling to an unknown county and surgeon.

Living in pain is horrible and it affects one's mood often causing depression.
If it was not for medication I don't think I would be here and defiantly not working

Candice Cruz

Diamond Member
Medication is the wrong treatment why use something your doctor would not use themselves get new friends and change your life style remove negative people from your lifestyle.

because medication = drugs (whether you think illicit or prescription, in my opinion they’re as equal to each other.... it’s just the legal/illegal label; and where it’s made... I.e some meth lab or some compound chemist) = science = experimentation.

sure, it might take longer to find something that works more than others; or maybe medication might just not work at all....

Pluck a Duck

Fnck a duck!
Bronze Member
I'm no expert but from what I gather, some of the lousier side effects of anti depressants is that while they take the edge of what's depressing you in a sense, it also numbs you. Friends of mine want to cry and they can't and crying is a release. To be fair some of them have resorted to exercise - just plain walking and that helps.

The mistake I gather is that people go off it cold turkey and no doctor or patient would recommend that.

Everybody needs a good cry now and then.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Better off to find out what is really making them depressed fix that than take some bullshit pill that has side effects worst than before you started taking them.
I would rather have a few cans and some fun time with the langtrees ladies that will make any one happy

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Better off to find out what is really making them depressed fix that than take some bullshit pill that has side effects worse than before you started taking them.
I would rather have a few cans and some fun time with the langtrees ladies that will make any one happy
It's not always that easy luv. Sometimes the brain doesn't create enough serotonin. There is no shame in taking medication if needed and to some it's life saving. Make an informed educated decision

images (6).jpg

Candice Cruz

Diamond Member
It's not always that easy luv. Sometimes the brain doesn't create enough serotonin. There is no shame in taking medication if needed and to some it's life saving. Make an informed educated decision

View attachment 77448

I notice brain-zaps if I take my anti-depressants at a later time of day, I start to feel agitated and anxious, and just really off/“bad moods,” etc.
I’d rather be on them for the rest of my life because I know it’s what works.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Can I just say that I am personally against medication and would rather find and fix the teal issue whether it be bulling or bed environment unless it is urgent like sleeping and pain killers I am sorry buts that is my opinion let's leave it there as I do not want to argue

Candice Cruz

Diamond Member
I’m not trying to argue; you can be against it for whatever reason. But please don’t make judgements or put down other people that do.

If I were to really explain myself...

i maintain with monthly psychiatric appointments/ daily with medication/ when I’m really down, I do my own thing called “creative therapy,” lol... so though it might seem like from an outsider perspective that what I’m doing (painting/ writing/ making songs/ photography, etc etc) looks all sunshine and joy.... the only thing that I’m trying to get out of my mind is the darkness lurking around me

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Can I just say that I am personally against medication and would rather find and fix the teal issue whether it be bulling or bed environment unless it is urgent like sleeping and pain killers I am sorry buts that is my opinion let's leave it there as I do not want to argue

Your opinion is valid and respected
Have a wonderful night sweetheart :)


Gold Member
My experience of three SSRIs has been the same. Severly depressed libido, 'lazy lobs' rather than full stiffy and difficulty/delayed/non-event orgasms. ...

One of the best tools to assist in reducing depression is having something to look forward to e.g. a holiday or similar pleasurable activity. I'm currently off meds and looking forward to catching up with my mia noi in Thailand.

A recent book “Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions” by Johann Hari
Shows that for most people, anti-depressants work less well than a good sleep. Johann’s search for answers for his own condition lead him to find disconnection as a rational cause of depression.

Disconnection from family, love, meaningful work. Community, a desirable future etc.

A great read.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Like to mention that hay fever tablets can also cause boning up issues for blokes. It is the first choice for instance by doctors to kill ill effects of viagra


Diamond Member
It's good to try natural approaches to mental health: keep fit, sleep well, mix with good people, eat healthy food, and generally live a good life.

But some people, including those with psychotic illnesses, need to take drugs to avoid psychotic episodes, which are awful events for the person and their loved ones. So don't knock the idea of drugs as totally unnecessary. There are improvements in medication from time to time, with fewer side-effects, and for some of us it's very dangerous to think medication can be avoided entirely.