There are a few SW that I have not got around to booking, and I keep an eye on their twitter feeds intermittently to see whether I want to set up an appointment. One in particular had a horrid 2019, and when she posted in early 2020 that she had another dose of incredibly bad luck - and was looking for financial assistance, or simply just some love to feel a bit better. This was right before her birthday.
Weirdly, I was compelled to get in touch. I texted her that I had seen her tweets, felt horrible for her, and said that if there was anything that she needed - a bill paid, some shopping done, etc - to let me know. She thanked me and said that she'd take me up on my offer.
With her birthday the next day, I wanted to get her something to put a smile on her face, and decided I'd get some chocolates from a Koko Black. There was some difficulty in meeting up - and I understood she may have some hesitation given we hadnt met previously - but it worked out that I could drop them off to her at her friends place. Cover story (for her) was set up, and I dropped them off while she was on her way there, and not long after I got an awesome text from her thanking me again.
Life is good.
A week or so later I check in to see how her recovery is going, and the news is somewhat positive. She asks me if she books a hotel in the city, would I be interested in meeting up. We work out the details, lock in a date and time.
I don't make any contact after that, so as not to be overbearing, and she texts me the day before to check whether I am still good. :I let her know that I cant wait, and ask whether she knows the logistics of the particular hotel and how to get in and out discretely, as I dont want it to be awkward for either of us.
No response, but I wasnt concerned.
The day comes, and I drive to the city and text her that I am parked, and to get details of where to go. This is 15 minutes before the appointment.
No answer.
I wait 20 minutes, and text her to check that everything is ok.
No answer.
Over the following 20 minutes, I text a couple more times - suggesting that if there is an issue with the appointment, thats fine, but just let me know. I was worried for her safety (who knows what can happen) but in reality there was nothing I could do to help if there was a problem at all.
Eventually after being in the city for 90 minutes, I give up. I'm really starting to worry, as we'd gone from having great chats, her being really positive towards me (I know, I know, but it seemed genuine) and her checking the appointment was still on, to getting ghosted. I was hoping something had happened like her phone had died, or something similar that meant she was ok, and we'd work out another time.
But still nothing.
I was flying to Adelaide the next day, sick to my stomach - no tweets from her, and I was worried something had happened.
The next night, I got the good and bad news. She tweeted - fantastic, she is ok - but by being fine that meant that the reason for her lack of response was now unexplained.
I sent her an email, and have left it at that. But I'm gutted and I have no idea what I must have done. (especially given on the Monday is was fine, and despite no contact by Tuesday something had changed). Weirdly, I'd still love to see her, but I think the awkwardness of what went wrong a few weeks back would be hard to overcome.
Sorry, this feels like therapy for me getting this down.