Ok so we all all know about the scum types on Locanto looking to scam people who pay a deposit and then ghost the gullible punter, this low life goes to the next level…..
After making an inquiry about where she hosts from, I get the long winded response about how she is available now but requires a deposit up front and will also send through some nudes etc after receiving the deposit. Quite obviously a scam so I didn’t even bother to reply.
Next day, I receive the following message from the blackmailing scum….
I hope you don't mind me screenshotting this printing it off then putting it up all over Perth absolutely everywhere with your number highlighted over the next few months. Eventually everyone in town will have read it or seen it somewhere around the place.
Or would you prefer this to be kept between us only?
After I’d responded that I don’t give a fuck about her doing this and I’m also quite happy to take her advert screenshot and messages to the police as she’s attempting to blackmail me, I got no response back from her and she surprisingly wouldn’t answer her phone when I tried to call her and school her in the error of her ways

Anyway, the delightful individuals phone number is 0412558802 and her current advert is linked below. Needless to say - AVOID!!