
Diamond Member
at least you can be sur
I'm not to keen when my dogs give me a welcome home with a slobbering lick
I guess I'd be even more pissed off if it was a Friday It takes me ages to put all that make up on
at least you can be sure i haven't been licking my own balls before i turn up.
(not for the want of trying though)
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Once you get to my age the balls begin to hang/sag With a little contortion I should be able to Tbag my self in another year or two
Haha that's funny and maybe it won't be too long before I'm there too but in the mean time I'm happy to snap and miss at my balls:)

Bella Rose

I'm with you on this one LaCie! Clients please STOP attempting to remove make up! It's more than annoying and getting to the point that the poor next guy to even try is gonna get a scowling look followed with an irritated WL for the booking. I am not a lollipop I am not a car wash nor an icecream- my makeup is flavourless so keep your tongue, hands water away from my face!! If I want you to see me without makeup I wouldn't wear it !
Rant continued over! Xo

Bella Rose

I'm sure Kelly does not have 1 hour lovers who are strange men (Like yourself)
Strangers maybe
Not as weird as being used as a human lollipop !
I think most are comfortable with general sex, it's these odd & off putting desires that make me uncomfortable.
I actually had a client insist to lick my underarms- ummm okay ? #dryreacheventhinkingaboutit!

Lacie Tomson

Gold Member
i wouldn't lick makeup off, but don't worry, it's been tested on hundreds of animals.
anyway, you might end up with a false eyelash stuck in your teeth.

although i do have a dream a being with a lady with bright red lippy that ends up everywhere (if you know what i mean).

I would love to arrange to make your dream come true... :p

Lacie Tomson

Gold Member
Once you get to my age the balls begin to hang/sag With a little contortion I should be able to Tbag my self in another year or two
H2 this is great! A childhood memory I cannot remove from my frontal lobe or retinas is when my Pop wore PJ shorts and he was sick. He attempted to get out of bed and when his legs finally listened to his brain to swing off the side I got my first real lesson in gravity. Thank you for refreshing for me. :muted:


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
H2 this is great! A childhood memory I cannot remove from my frontal lobe or retinas is when my Pop wore PJ shorts and he was sick. He attempted to get out of bed and when his legs finally listened to his brain to swing off the side I got my first real lesson in gravity. Thank you for refreshing for me. :muted:

You can get a ball lift....


Legend Member
Personally I am big on DFK, and so fully expect the lady to have no lippy left after an hour, but some of the other stuff described here is a bit weird.

However, there was recently a lady from the American 'Moonlite Bunny Ranch' in Nevada who went public and wrote about her experiences, and one of her main points was that lots o blokes of all kinds went to WLs, not just misfits.

She did say that a huge part of the job was being a kind of unqualified psychiatrist, listening to men's woes and letting them do what their wives and girlfriends would not let them do !

But there are some weird people around !


Legend Member
OMG he sounds like a freak

OMG shes a w/l, shes a freak

This allows us to determine who is in it for the money and who is in it for money and interested in a persons sexuality and wanting to be good. Sure this is highly unusual but its not hurting anyone. People expressing their sexuality with you is amazing and should be treated a bit more respectfully. I find women who love different things then the norm more interesting because its not the same boring stuff. Wheres yoda lol hes good at this kinda stuff

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Had my first armpit licker the other weekend..

Is this a bit like your AP Giselle ?



Legend Member
Spoiler alert....Mini rant to follow

What is hot about licking a WL's makeup off?
I do not understand it.
How could that turn anybody on?
Why take offence when we do the awkward head switch... or say "please don't lick me like that"?

Tell them fetish costs an extra $300 on top.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Had my first armpit licker the other weekend..

Was he drunk and was thinking he was licking something else.... did you moan and groan and say OH baby that really does it for me, keep licking faster and harder baby.... :)


Legend Member
What? More expensive than Greek?
Surelyvits not that bad?

Yes H2...it's a cost to discourage the fetish driven idiots...but if they insist, I suggest the W/L also put some makeup around their blowhole, an additional $50 on top of the extra, for blowhole makeup removal. Maybelline..hmmmm...maybe.

Oh Greek is just an extra i guess...not a fetish faintish extra.