What's a single malt? Is that a malt who's not married? Are there such things as bachelor malts and spinster malts then? If a female malts dresses revealingly and flirts with male malts whiskies and arouses them, does that make them a malteser?
If a malt goes bald does that mean they're malting? Or are they moulting? If eating a certain biscuit while balding; they could be a moulting malting malt munching on a melting moment!
Well, less of a joke... But I'd love to be able to share a night like this: https://events.danmurphys.com.au/100189023 with someone, and then move on to some more exciting desserts....? Before going home for the night
Know a lady would be like it very much but she is not a working girl.![]()
Does anyone know of a working lady who enjoys whisky?
Prefer SOR Armadale over to Cockburn, but occasionally make moves up to the cbd too...
I'm very partial to the water of life, and would love to share a dram or two during a booking....
Well, maybe I need to make new friends, and see if any benefits are available, or if it's just drinks and chat
Does anyone know of a working lady who enjoys whisky?
Prefer SOR Armadale over to Cockburn, but occasionally make moves up to the cbd too...
I'm very partial to the water of life, and would love to share a dram or two during a booking....
getting drunk.
I said like whisky. Drinking whisky, and enjoying it has nothing to do with getting drunk.
If you just wanna get drunk, and have get lucky, clubbing is your sport. For me there are much cheaper ways to get drunk than the whiskies i like to enjoy!
Sorry Coolstar, but that phrase there, with the pause seems like sarcasm, hence i focus on part of the phrase....Like watching ladies are getting drunk. Soooo.... funny.
So people like clubbing shouldn't enjoy drinking whiskies because they were drunk, or people want to get drunk shouldn't drunk whiskies, or it was wasted drinking whiskies to get drunk, or people are drinking whiskies shouldn't get drunk because they should enjoy it. If enjoy it, then shouldn't get drunk.
is this a riddle?
I know a few that don’t drink it. But they gift me nice bottles of Islay Malts occasionally![]()
So they don't drink but they give you "Islay Malts". If it's pronounced as in "Isle", does that mean you get laid by them as in they lay you?