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Bronze Member
I have been smoking marijuana for forty years, I have never had any trouble passing tests be it written or verbal. I have never had any trouble getting work in my chosen profession ( transport industry ). I know find I have to smoke a hell of a lot to get high which is a problem for my wallet. I no longer smoke to get high I smoke to get chronic pain under control so that I can still enjoy my life. I used to take an incredible amount of prescription pain killers which stopped me doing the job I loved because I was so out of it and could not function as normal. it's about time we told the pharmaceutical company's that we want natural remedies that work and don't cause other health problems

Max Cherry

At your service
Gold Member
I have been smoking marijuana for forty years, I have never had any trouble passing tests be it written or verbal. I have never had any trouble getting work in my chosen profession ( transport industry ). I know find I have to smoke a hell of a lot to get high which is a problem for my wallet. I no longer smoke to get high I smoke to get chronic pain under control so that I can still enjoy my life. I used to take an incredible amount of prescription pain killers which stopped me doing the job I loved because I was so out of it and could not function as normal. it's about time we told the pharmaceutical company's that we want natural remedies that work and don't cause other health problems

Wouldn't it be great if Marijuana was legal, and covered by Medicare? Your wallet would love it anyway. :D


Gold Member
Not illegal. But definitely controlled.

I've seen way too many young guys at work struggling with paying attention, grasping basic concepts and having issues studying their trade and passing exams. Ask them why they think they have an issue and the majority of them admit heavy pot smoking when they were younger as a main contributor. Referring to themselves as "cooked" and that's only from weed.

Shits bad for a developing brain

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
what is the latest on this will it ever happen in Australia? had heard some states were going to allow for medicinal use.