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Just had the Strangest Visit from Government Officials


Active Member
Yes and they are saying potentially 8,000,000 renters may be homeless very shortly... Hmmm safest place to be soon will be on an aboriginal reserve. or APY lands. This has to stop and stop soon.. This is why I have stopped reading any local news it's all fear, and fear about a Zombie apocalypse happening in Australia.

This is even without anyone giving any solid information about this virus a mate told me over the web whos in Europe, in Spain and Italy with all those deaths yes they are a high amount, BUT most of those are elderly people with other health issues, and what they are not mentioning too most were smokers who's lungs were screwed from that also.

Donald Trump is right , and his approval rates went up 5% by saying he wants America back to work sooner rather than later, as they know its going to messy.
There is a lot more to Covid 19 than meets the eye. I agree with you, there is a lot of paranoia out there and fearful people feed from it. While most rational individuals can get by if the restrictions were lifted today, there is always some Muppet on either side of the service going to stuff it up. That is why the restrictions are targeted at the lowest common denominator. ( as opposed to Domination 😂🤣)


Government regulation. !! Oh dear. .!!

A new way to lose a job


Silver Member
Wishing all the monkeys hanging out in the Lang-Trees the very best. Social distancing is not conducive to body work of any sort, much less sex work. All of you keep yourselves healthy and remember that just because there hasn't been a case near you, that doesn't mean you won't catch it from some muppet who thought the same thing in Brisbane or Melbourne or Bali or ... They're still letting people fly 'with good reason', and those airplanes are flying cesspools of recycled air. Great way to turn one non-symptomatic carrier (of which there are many!) into a plane full of mixed bags.
