
Tina M

Independent WL , privates available inbox me šŸ˜‰
Legend Member
Sydney had lock out laws... funny that went national.. This is the easiest way to get pubs to sell, and allow richer developers to buy the pub and land then put up apartment towers in its place... and forever in a day the area will change. EG Kings Cross in Sydney!
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer always the way


Gold Member
Sadly a lot of business will close there doors now and after this . It will take same time for the economy to get where it should be.

Yes, I was looking at it purely from the travel aspect. Up to today, I regarded businesses such as Flight Centre would be ones to wait it out to see how long it would be before they were able to start up again, but to see them completely shut down like this indicates they don't anticipate being back within the next 12 months at least. I guess it just confirmed my deepest concerns. :(


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Yes, I was looking at it purely from the travel aspect. Up to today, I regarded businesses such as Flight Centre would be ones to wait it out to see how long it would be before they were able to start up again, but to see them completely shut down like this indicates they don't anticipate being back within the next 12 months at least. I guess it just confirmed my deepest concerns. :(

Wait till Myer does the same!


Diamond Member
I'm over the social restrictions being that you can't be within 1.5 metres of another person. You can't give anyone a hug, shake hands, or pat someone on the back.
Just be glad the alcohol restrictions in WA were "relaxed" to match the rest of Australia...


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I'm over the social restrictions being that you can't be within 1.5 metres of another person. You can't give anyone a hug, shake hands, or pat someone on the back.
Just be glad the alcohol restrictions in WA were "relaxed" to match the rest of Australia...

I was in Perth today... I was in the West Bank a few years back.. I am thinking the West Bank is safer!!