Legend Member
Im very surprised that no one is suprised
I was surprised when I first found out about racism or any xx'ism towards the 'self'. It's not unusual for homosexuals to internalise the negative stereotype society & religions have. The classic is queer bashing knuckle head who's actually gay. It can work for anything but v common with sexuality & race. Sounds odd but it happens.Its a good talking/discussion point. I have seen an advert somewhere on the net, a while back and that's why I cant remember where I saw it, but an African lady emphasised that she did not want African men for clients!! So, that cant be racist then, but probably based on bad experiences and has generalised her feelings towards all African men.
Don't feel alone friend....a lot of places in Japan refused me due to being caucasian.... sounds like you handled it well and good on you.Well as a Black man, I make sure that I let the lady I am booking know. I had an incident few years ago where the W/L flipped out because I was black. But I don't look to much into.
The bigger question is ....if you are generally a decent person who treats the WL right and pays the right amount .. why do you even feel the need to ask anyway? And if you still get refused after fulfilling this criteria...solely because of your ethnicity and race.... then it is more of a reflection of the WL and her underlying issues rather than you ... Usually those ones are not even worth seeing and wasting money on anyway....have some self-respect and dignity for yourself man...at the end of the day it's just a business transaction and I guarantee you that the WL sees you as nothing more than a commodity ...regardless if you were born purple or blue ...Hoping to start a dialogue/discussion,admin feel
free to take it down if this topic is inappropriate.
The question is,
Is it wrong to ask working ladies about their choices of clients in this case gentlemen of ethnicity or Nationality?
The bigger question is ....if you are generally a decent person who treats the WL right and pays the right amount .. why do you even feel the need to ask anyway? And if you still get refused after fulfilling this criteria...solely because of your ethnicity and race.... then it is more of a reflection of the WL and her underlying issues rather than you ... Usually those ones are not even worth seeing and wasting money on anyway....have some self-respect and dignity for yourself man...at the end of the day it's just a business transaction and I guarantee you that the WL sees you as nothing more than a commodity ...regardless if you were born purple or blue ...
Which is exactly the point I was trying to make to him ... Just moving on ...it's just a business transaction in the end ...and not some dating service to feel upset over being rejected... It's just like moving on to the next restaurant down the road if you were poorly served at the current one you're at (considering the fact that you were not the crappy customer of course)...Your solution seems potentially expensive and fruitless, other than to give one the moral high-ground for whatever that is worth.
If, for example, an Asian WL refused me because I am white I would just move on...no point getting upset about it. (it has happened) This industry, unlike all others, is very personal, these ladies are letting men inside them for money they have a right to be choosey...as we do. I pick slim Asian ladies size 8 or less and 35yo+....I am sure that could upset a lot of people but meh, care factor = 0! I am just not interested in Africans, South Americans, Indians, Middle Eastern, Russian, etc....I like what I like if that upsets anyone I really hope they find better things to do with their time, life is too short.
As I said before, I feel this industry is completely exempt from all political correctness crap.