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Is it ok to fall for a client?

Its fine since we're all human with emotions, but in regards to sex your mind will sub consciously comparing him vs the men your with on the best experience.
He can be a great guy in all aspects except in the bedroom but after experiencing a great session or sessions going back to him with average skills can be disappointing even tho your fine with it your mind isn't. And also the fact if he's fine with men better then him providing that release you need instead of him.

If you both can move pass that then sure it's fine but as all relationships, you have to test the waters to see if it works.
I've had characters come through that door and just gone " damn that's my type". But I always keep the professionalism. I'd never date a client. Hearing stories of people who have dated clients has put me off completely and I'm glad.
I've had characters come through that door and just gone " damn that's my type". But I always keep the professionalism. I'd never date a client. Hearing stories of people who have dated clients has put me off completely and I'm glad.
You have made the right choice... believe me I have been down that road and I know where it leads ;)
I love my job too much to give it up for a relationship. I have plenty of time to date someone I meet outside the workplace that won't make me stop working
Keep it separate... you are wiser than I am :)

In my failings...

Many fun flings I donโ€™t care to remember...

One was a fucken joke...

One was so real it cost be half my soul in how much pain a man can go through... featured in my interview.

One still haunts me and makes me cry every time I talk about it. I have never loved that much in my life. But my love was no match for money...

Keep it professional is what Iโ€™d advise :)
My last 2 relationships have been with men that were once clients and one lasted 8 years.
Everyone is different and I have a sort of a friendship with many of my regular long term clients. When you have seen someone for several years on a regular basis both parties become relaxed and familiar with each other
Keep it separate... you are wiser than I am :)

In my failings...

Many fun flings I donโ€™t care to remember...

One was a fucken joke...

One was so real it cost be half my soul in how much pain a man can go through... featured in my interview.

One still haunts me and makes me cry every time I talk about it. I have never loved that much in my life. But my love was no match for money...

Keep it professional is what Iโ€™d advise :)

So sorry you didn't have a pleasant experience :( tis why I avoid that ever happening. I've had men ask for my number or to go on dates and I politely decline. No one's feelings need to get hurt that way.

So sorry you didn't have a pleasant experience :( tis why I avoid that ever happening. I've had men ask for my number or to go on dates and I politely decline. No one's feelings need to get hurt that way.
Like I said... you are wiser than I am... you are doing it right :).

And I was the client that was good at crossing boundaries which at the end of the day causing myself the most pain ;)
II believe that if there is an attraction there ,then go for it , love is love and life is short. I would rather give it a go, than think what could have been . We find love in all different places and if they are older or younger that shouldn't matter either.
There's also the fact that a fair amount of us after leaving school don't really have a social network to meet new women, just work hang out with mates and repeat the process. Plus ppl really don't open up too much during dates of fear of revealing too much about themselves and making the other party freak out, and the worse part is great date yet she doesn't reply or pick up after.

Now with meeting someone for skin-ship that barrier eventually falls away, making them feel safe to talk about anything.That physical connection that changes things. By skipping the dating and straight to sex there is no goal it's done, all thats left is getting to know each other personally. Which makes the falling in love process much easier.

So with punting is another form of meeting women till we see that gem that's we're been searching for, and forget for a moment that this isn't a date but a punt instead. And like women too we men can fall pretty hard too if we let ourselves. As im also one of those passionate fellows.

For me it's always been work, friends, family and travelling that's taken my time. And have yet to find my Ms Right so punting fills that gap that i need in my life from time to time.
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Now with meeting someone for skin-ship that barrier eventually falls away, making them feel safe to talk about anything.That physical connection that changes things. By skipping the dating and straight to sex there is no goal it's done, all thats left is getting to know each other personally. Which makes the falling in love process much easier.

Except that there is an explicit contractual boundary when punting.
Except that there is an explicit contractual boundary when punting.

Yes your right and a lot of guys keep it contractual and treat the session for fun and release, and why a lot of girls get pounded hard without remorse for that next addictive release without a care for the female body in question. Cause its a service nsa policy you can do whatever you want right?

Not sure about you joe but after doing it for so long for me there have been days were the lines have become blurred seeing the same gal or 2. If this was in my teens i'll be saying the same as you now, it's just sex plenty more in the sea. Those ppl are stupid to fall in love with a WL cause they want money not love...ect. But im older and now enjoy women who are much more open and passionate, we'll see if your views change in the next 10-20 years down the track, that's if your still single.
The feeling is a common phenomenon it happens to everyone eventually. But the main thing is how you react and deal with it. Some stay happily ever after, Some just loose themselves and get hurt badly.
Am new to the scene and have only seen a WL twice, but I didn't go back to my first as I could have so easily fallen in love with her.
She was having a bad day before we met but she was so kind, caring and open with me, and the sex was just incredibly passionate and gentle.
It's been about a month since I saw her and we've stayed in touch via text a couple.of times a.week, but I'm mature enough to recognise she loves her work too much and the age difference is too great for there to be any chance of a relationship.
I don't believe in this thing called instant love or instant chemistry - there's instant attraction but it only lasts a comparative instant. Relationships are built over time and not overnight. Secondly, the first few meetings in any possible dating relationship are usually false or embellished in that both parties are usually on their best behaviour, well dressed etc. That's not the reality of the relationship, any relationship. What's the basis of the attraction?

Secondly, supposing you go ahead with it all? The whole walking down the aisle, living with each other bit - he carries on with his job and you? Is he able to cope with the fact that you share aspects of intimacy outside his marriage? Are you prepared to compromise and go to the regular workforce drudgery of $21 an hour after tax, 9 hours a day and bills galore? It all takes MAJOR readjustment.
I don't believe in this thing called instant love or instant chemistry - there's instant attraction but it only lasts a comparative instant. Relationships are built over time and not overnight. Secondly, the first few meetings in any possible dating relationship are usually false or embellished in that both parties are usually on their best behaviour, well dressed etc. That's not the reality of the relationship, any relationship. What's the basis of the attraction?

Secondly, supposing you go ahead with it all? The whole walking down the aisle, living with each other bit - he carries on with his job and you? Is he able to cope with the fact that you share aspects of intimacy outside his marriage? Are you prepared to compromise and go to the regular workforce drudgery of $21 an hour after tax, 9 hours a day and bills galore? It all takes MAJOR readjustment.
Boy o boy...

From my experience it will end in tears. As a lot of males will throw it in your face as a way of trying to hurt you when u r in the mist of an argument. Or use you working as excuse to play around. Even if you give it away they seem to hold a grudge I think itโ€™s just the male ego if they did it they would be a stud but for a woman we will always be judged. Even if they say it doesnโ€™t change the way they treat you, it will . I believe . But nothing last forever so do it while itโ€™s fun & as soon as itโ€™s not. Itโ€™s time to walk .

I really want to know if its a bad as they make it
Nope hahahaha nope hahahaha NOPE.

man just paid you to be his hoe lol NOPE!! History has been past down by sooo many SW with experience in this, it never works. I havnt heard one long lasting story. Ever! Comprende

I was with my partner for 8 years and it was my decision to end the relationship. We are still good friends and share an amazing daughter.
Statistically speaking the average marriage in Australia is 12 years. If you factor in dating, courting and engagement, these relationships are lasting anywhere from 14-20 years. Mine was a client for 5 years and my partner for a further 8.
We live in a day & age when Sally & John down the road meet what many see as the norm and get married then a few years down the track divorced.
Just because a man pays for your time sweetheart doesn't mean you are his hoe as you put it nor is that having respect for the gentlemen whom we live off the money his pays us either. Respect is a 2 way streak and sometimes things develop, chemistry, becoming familiar with each other and sometimes it's strictly a business transaction that is mutually respectful. Not every man who pays for the company of us ladies is not worthy of being in a meaningful relationship with a women. He is of no less value as a person as they guy who makes your coffee. Very few relationships in the real world are everlasting relationships these days. Gone are times with one person forever. Love can be found in the strangest of places. I meet my late husband at a dinner when on date I was invited to by someone else. He was a drunken larrikin with puppy dog eyes and things developed from there. We were together for over 20 years this was way before I become a working lady and was horrified at the thought of putting anything in my mouth. Do you deny yourself happiness and love because of how you meet or do you take a risk.
In life there is no guarantee in anything in life sadly.
I am a couple years short of 50 years old and 3 relationships my whole life with 2 of those being former clients.
No regrets as everyone of those relationships bought so much to my life.

Many relationships end in tears, hurt, betrayal this is in the real world no sex worker/client relationships
Some women want the money and no love and that's ok some of us are career workers and some of us just let life ster the course. We are all different and that's ok. Treat the men who pay us like gold as there is always plenty of other ladies out there willing to :)

Quick marriage and divorce statistics
  • In 2017 there were 112,954 marriages
  • In 2017 there were 40,032 divorces in Australia
  • The number of divorces is 2 per 1000 people
  • The divorce rate has increased by 5.2% from 2016 to 2017
  • The average marriage lasts for 12 years in Australia
  • The most common age for getting a divorce is 45.5 for males and 42.9 for females
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I was with my partner for 8 years and it was my decision to end the relationship. We are still good friends and share an amazing daughter.
Statistically speaking the average marriage in Australia is 12 years. If you factor in dating, courting and engagement, these relationships are lasting anywhere from 14-20 years. Mine was a client for 5 years and my partner for a further 8.
We live in a day & age when Sally & John down the road meet what many see as the norm and get married then a few years down the track divorced.
Just because a man pays for your time sweetheart doesn't mean you are his hoe as you put it nor is that having respect for the gentlemen whom we live off the money his pays us either. Respect is a 2 way streak and sometimes things develop, chemistry, becoming familiar with each other and sometimes it's strictly a business transaction that is mutually respectful. Not every man who pays for the company of us ladies is not worthy of being in a meaningful relationship with a women. He is of no less value as a person as they guy who makes your coffee. Very few relationships in the real world are everlasting relationships these days. Gone are times with one person forever. Love can be found in the strangest of places. I meet my late husband at a dinner when on date I was invited to by someone else. He was a drunken larrikin with puppy dog eyes and things developed from there. We were together for over 20 years this was way before I become a working lady and was horrified at the thought of putting anything in my mouth. Do you deny yourself happiness and love because of how you meet or do you take a risk.
In life there is no guarantee in anything in life sadly.
I am a couple years short of 50 years old and 3 relationships my whole life with 2 of those being former clients.
No regrets as everyone of those relationships bought so much to my life.

Many relationships in tears, hurt, betrayal this is in the real world no sex worker/client relationships
Some women want the money and no love and that's ok some of us are career workers and some of us just let life ster the course. We are all different and that's ok. Treat the men who pay us like gold as there is always plenty of other ladies out there willing to :)

Quick marriage and divorce statistics
  • In 2017 there were 112,954 marriages
  • In 2017 there were 40,032 divorces in Australia
  • The number of divorces is 2 per 1000 people
  • The divorce rate has increased by 5.2% from 2016 to 2017
  • The average marriage lasts for 12 years in Australia
  • The most common age for getting a divorce is 45.5 for males and 42.9 for females
Well said Miss Monique , love can come from the strangest if places . Don't have blinkers on just because of certain circumstances, whether it be age , career , religion , race or whatever . If there is a connection then go for it . It doesn't matter what other people think, it's none of their business. After reading a lot of comments on here , I can see there have been a lot of hurt people and I'm one of them but unfortunately that's life and it does hurt . There is nothing better than being in love . But each to there own .
Life is not like Pretty Woman. Life is not a Hollywood movie.
I can not believe so many women become sex workers after watching Pretty Woman.
There are sex workers that believe they only have to wait for a super rich handsome guy to come their way.
Hollywood makes fantasy escapism and creates unrealistic storylines that are detached from reality.
It is unlikely a relationship between a sex worker and client would work out due to trust issues.
Business should be kept separate from private life.
Sex workers are perfectly capable of finding happiness and meaningful relationships.
Kiss a lot of frogs before finding Prince charming!
Never fall for a client. You're not protected by a Personal Indemnity Insurance, workers comp or OSH. Let him or her fall for you and then say; "While you're down there love."
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I was with my partner for 8 years and it was my decision to end the relationship. We are still good friends and share an amazing daughter.
Statistically speaking the average marriage in Australia is 12 years. If you factor in dating, courting and engagement, these relationships are lasting anywhere from 14-20 years. Mine was a client for 5 years and my partner for a further 8.
We live in a day & age when Sally & John down the road meet what many see as the norm and get married then a few years down the track divorced.
Just because a man pays for your time sweetheart doesn't mean you are his hoe as you put it nor is that having respect for the gentlemen whom we live off the money his pays us either. Respect is a 2 way streak and sometimes things develop, chemistry, becoming familiar with each other and sometimes it's strictly a business transaction that is mutually respectful. Not every man who pays for the company of us ladies is not worthy of being in a meaningful relationship with a women. He is of no less value as a person as they guy who makes your coffee. Very few relationships in the real world are everlasting relationships these days. Gone are times with one person forever. Love can be found in the strangest of places. I meet my late husband at a dinner when on date I was invited to by someone else. He was a drunken larrikin with puppy dog eyes and things developed from there. We were together for over 20 years this was way before I become a working lady and was horrified at the thought of putting anything in my mouth. Do you deny yourself happiness and love because of how you meet or do you take a risk.
In life there is no guarantee in anything in life sadly.
I am a couple years short of 50 years old and 3 relationships my whole life with 2 of those being former clients.
No regrets as everyone of those relationships bought so much to my life.

Many relationships end in tears, hurt, betrayal this is in the real world no sex worker/client relationships
Some women want the money and no love and that's ok some of us are career workers and some of us just let life ster the course. We are all different and that's ok. Treat the men who pay us like gold as there is always plenty of other ladies out there willing to :)

Quick marriage and divorce statistics
  • In 2017 there were 112,954 marriages
  • In 2017 there were 40,032 divorces in Australia
  • The number of divorces is 2 per 1000 people
  • The divorce rate has increased by 5.2% from 2016 to 2017
  • The average marriage lasts for 12 years in Australia
  • The most common age for getting a divorce is 45.5 for males and 42.9 for females
Just proved my point, but we are talking about working girls. So you saying 40k+ clients and working girls got married and then divorced lol PROVES MY POINT EXACTLY never works out hahahaha