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Is it ok to fall for a client?

Everyone is different- statistics rate that it doesn't last but then again meeting in a library may not work out long term either. It would have its advantages- the person knows what you do for work...
Just make sure your money stays your money & his can stay his, of course you can spoil each other but make sure you are not the one that ends up paying for everything while he's on the couch :wacky::yuck::wacky:
Or the other thing some girls do even if he/she does have a job is over compensate because the girl is "allowed" to work, this too is bullshit & you shouldn't feel guilty for being able to make your dreams come true!
Good Luck! :happy::happy::happy:
I reiterate what Zara says, if you do pursue it don't support a sponge! Also the jealousy thing may come up, he may say now he's cool with what you do but in practice it may be different. Maybe don't see him for a while and see how you feel then.
All my regulars love me and seem none the worse for it... :joyful:

Of course it's OK to fall for a client. It's what, if anything, you do about it that matters. And if he loves you, if he's married/attached, if he wants to take things further, if he's old enough to be your father, etc. Lots of variables to consider.
I think it kinda makes sense, here's a guy who's so keen to see you that he's willing to pay maybe a weeks wages just to spend an hour with you. How many guys in regular life would be prepared to do that? I'd see where it leads but the big issue will be how he copes with your work when the reality sets in.
Been there done that. Never again. They all say its ok at the beginning. Even though I quit soon after getting to know him and got a normal job etc the JEALOUSY and TRUST issues were always there.
Also, the longer we were together the more it was biting him from inside... The way we met and him visualising me doing threesomes and foursomes etc were there on his mind on his worse days.
But then everyone is different!
I personally have two girlfriends that met their husbands in the industry. And they seem to have no issues because of that... So good luck ;D
It's perfectly fine :) so long as you are both completely honest and open about everything. Let each other know your expectations from the very beginning. If they don't match up then I recommend not pursuing a relationship. It is much like any other relationship just with its own set of hiccups along the way. <3
Relationships are hard , I don't like the stigma that comes with love in this western society, 1 bad year is worth it when you get 10 or more good ones. But people in relationships these days are so quick to call it quits.
I don't think it matters where you meet we all have alot to offer a special someone.

x Indy

I really want to know if its a bad as they make it

It is not always bad. I was a client of my girlfriend for a few years before the nature of the relationship changed. She initiated the change to boyfriend/girlfriend. It probably worked for us in that I took her to dinners and events so we ended up with many wonderful shared experiences. We then fell in love with each other. We now have a loving relationship which I am hoping will progress to a greater commitment in the future. It is not without its challenges. It can be difficult not to have some feelings of jealousy, especially with the longer bookings with some clients.
I think it helped that I was familiar with the industry. We are also very open with each other. She reassures me that it is me that she loves. I can also see the difference between when I was a client and the relationship we have now. There is nothing better than the intimacy you have with a person you are in love with.
The part that scares me the most is the 'you're old enough to be her father' . And here we have travelled overseas together, shopped and eaten out together and couldn't have any better sex than I can imagine in her work place. This age difference thing is a pain the arse.

I wouldn't let the age thing get to you unless it's in the extreme. My view is why force yourself to be in a relationship with someone who you have little in common with or worse, force yourself to stay apart from someone you have a lot in common with just to meet the socially accepted criteria of similar numbers on your birthday cards only to make a few other people happy who aren't in your relationship.
I wouldn't let the age thing get to you unless it's in the extreme. My view is why force yourself to be in a relationship with someone who you have little in common with or worse, force yourself to stay apart from someone you have a lot in common with just to meet the socially accepted criteria of similar numbers on your birthday cards only to make a few other people happy who aren't in your relationship.
Yes I like your point of view Dallas but I know some family members and friends who would possibly shun me if they knew the WL I see and have travelled with. I have a few friends who would support me in this situation. I'm with you in this 'socially accepted' crap. Thanks for your thoughts.

I really want to know if its a bad as they make it

I think you might need totake a step back if the relationship changes from purely business/fun to something else. And possibly, kick the sex back into neutral if required and see what happens from there. Spend quality time doing other things. I know a couple of ladies I worked with years ago in the industry had issues and ended up being taken for a ride, I don't even think the ride was deliberate though, it just wasn't a straightforward transition. Does this make sense ?
Ive known quite a few ladies that have fallen for their clients, ive attended 2 of the weddings and after 10 years, are still together.
I agree with Mary-Anne, you both know what your getting into, your adult enough to sort through any insecurities if they arise, but on the other hand, it could also be the best move you've ever made.
Give it a chance, if it don't work out, then move on.
I think you might need totake a step back if the relationship changes from purely business/fun to something else. And possibly, kick the sex back into neutral if required and see what happens from there. Spend quality time doing other things. I know a couple of ladies I worked with years ago in the industry had issues and ended up being taken for a ride, I don't even think the ride was deliberate though, it just wasn't a straightforward transition. Does this make sense ?
it does and thank you for the feedback,
Been there done that. Never again. They all say its ok at the beginning. Even though I quit soon after getting to know him and got a normal job etc the JEALOUSY and TRUST issues were always there.

I dated a working lady for several years, we lived together for sometime too.
I met her working, and she worked throughout our relationship. She eventually got some part time work, but still worked 2 to 3 days a week.
I can say from experience, that it didn't bother me early on, but I guess the more and more I fell in love with her, and the more that grew, the harder it got.
Add to that the fact the she suddenly stopped kissing me for a few months, and lost any real interest in intimacy and sex with me for part of our relationship, though we did have a regular sex life, just it was very robotic, lacking any intimacy. Talking through all this, things changed slightly, but in the end there were many factors which didn't make it work.
I always said to myself, that if I was satisfied sexually, her work wouldn't bother me, and I think that's true. She slept with a lot of men making them satisfied, but I think she forgot about me, it was all about her when we slept together. Can I blame her?, maybe she was sick of having to be the one putting the effort in, and saw it as a break with me.
I always saw it as she was doing me a favour by having sex with me.

In the end, we broke up, like I said before for many other thingsz
Working girls provide an illusion. When I met the one I fell in love with, it was almost to good to be true. Until the moment I found out she wasn't retired at all and still seeing men. I considered that to be cheating. A period of mistrust, lack of confidence started. Finally I had to pull the plug and let her go. Currently, she's working as never before. It still breaks my heart but my brain tells me I made the right choice...