Interview with Yoda. On dating a working lady.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Is part 2 coming/or has it been done?

Ive been (unsuccessfully) trying to make a relationship work (didnt met him through work, but he knows I work) and reading your POV has opened up my eyes and made me understand a few things a lot better.

Hope all is well in the love life Yoda xx

The journey that inspired this interview seems like a lifetime ago. Since then not only is there a part 2...but also a part 3 that I have not written about........

And most important of all there was a "THE END" to this trilogy and life is different.....better....and will never be the same again.

My life is insanely busy and I will see if I can find time to write.................

And I tread carefully these days as the incarnation of everything that is the polar opposite to light and love is watching over me and searching for every opportunity to do `no good' ;)

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
@Sophie South thank you for reacting to this 2014 thread. I have not thought of this do a while and bring in me back to this again had brought me a lot of tear drawing warmth when reading through the huge list of comments on this interview over the years.

And it reminded me that I did have sequels to this massive story in my life. The girl featured in this story lives a different life now.

A subsequent relationship with a WL to this caused me to love so much more intensely tore up my soul and built me a bigger one is a story I may be inspired to tell in the near future. If people are interested and tell me. That story is bitter sweet and a few close friends like @Madam Tracey VIP Perth know that I loved so deep I will never be capable of loving another like that again. Even my current wife now. Even @Mrs Langtrees once had me laughing and crying on the phone when she found out who this beautiful angelic girl was.

More so, life now where I am in a place where I don't punt, but have made lifelong friends in the industry and for some reason heavily involved in the industry. @Mrs Langtrees was just telling me the other night that it is always going to be in my blood over a dram of scotch. Yet I am living a happy and fulfilled life with one woman who is loving and loyal to me and where I am privileged to love and care for her like no man she ever met before.

And again... every few years I re read the heartfelt comments on this huge old thread and it brings me something new.

I would love to see more comments. And even better would be if there is anyone there now with journalistic talent can bring me in a to create sequal to this interview.

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Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Yes; pretty powerful stuff and not so strange to some of the members and other punters here, I am sure.

I think we all fantasize about finding the perfect partner, but reality is that working ladies are not necessarily perfect. They are people, just like you and me. They have ideals, morals and perceptions. They also have dreams. However, they are placed in a difficult situation when confronted with the possibility of beginning a relationship with a client.

We men are pretty simple creatures, really. We are also a bit stupid, in that we fool ourselves into believing that a relationship with a working lady would be one that continues in the fashion of our paid exploits. That is not real life. That is an adventure. A temporary visit to a fantasy world.

We would all like the perfect partner, but I tell you this: as soon as we enter a relationship, we spoil it. We are basically selfish. That is natural and unavoidable. There has never been a truly altruistic person (Jesus was God in the flesh, so He doesn't count). We all want what is best for us. We are slaves to the hierarchy of needs.

So, with that wisdom shared, my advice is to marry; be content; be responsible and discretely punt.

There; I said it

My Dear Brother... When my wisdom is on the low an I need to refuel you have been there for me every time for almost 10 years now if not more. And I remember my rampage days where I chasing a young tail and you said to me ... Mate you are getting on, and you are not a boy anymore. It is time to stop playing with pretty girls all the time and settle down with a good lady. And I said yes, my diet was rich and gourmet meals was not good for the blood of my soul. And fine dining for every meal on my got very lonely once the meal was paid for and the encounter was over.

You once said to me

I took that road again...

Now you know I am in a better place as you were the best man at my wedding. Four and a half years in my honey moon period has not ended and you have faith that there will be a day I will push this button again.


I am too happy to stray now, but I am open to have to dust off the green rod one day. See in a decade, you are almost always right about anything bro.​

Sophie South

@Sophie South thank you for reacting to this 2014 thread. I have not thought of this do a while and bring in me back to this again had brought me a lot of tear drawing warmth when reading through the huge list of comments on this interview over the years.

And it reminded me that I did have sequels to this massive story in my life. The girl featured in this story lives a different life now.

A subsequent relationship with a WL to this caused me to love so much more intensely tore up my soul and built me a bigger one is a story I may be inspired to tell in the near future. If people are interested and tell me. That story is bitter sweet and a few close friends like @Madam Tracey VIP Perth know that I loved so deep I will never be capable of loving another like that again. Even my current wife now. Even @Mrs Langtrees once had me laughing and crying on the phone when she found out who this beautiful angelic girl was.

More so, life now where I am in a place where I don't punt, but have made lifelong friends in the industry and for some reason heavily involved in the industry. @Mrs Langtrees was just telling me the other night that it is always going to be in my blood over a dram of scotch. Yet I am living a happy and fulfilled life with one woman who is loving and loyal to me and where I am privileged to love and care for her like no man she ever met before.

And again... every few years I re read the heartfelt comments on this huge old thread and it brings me something new.

I would love to see more comments. And even better would be if there is anyone there now with journalistic talent can bring me in a to create sequal to this interview.

I must admit I was very touched by what you wrote but unsure if it was my place to comment so I thought I’d at least chuck in my little reaction.

It resonated with me on a few levels but mostly because I’ve had a relationship with an ex-client before. Like you were, I was a very different person back then. Some time has passed, and it’s cast things in a different light. My ex and I left a lot of things unsaid during and after our relationship, which bred a lot of uncertainty and resentment.

I’ve been single since then (apart from a few short dalliances here and there) and I can now see that despite who was wrong or right in various moments and overall, it’s now clear that we weren’t supportive of each other in the ways we both needed from each other. He was somewhat closed off due to having been hurt before, and I was wildly defensive and bad at communicating in general for similar reasons to him. We both had baggage neither of us could really handle, and it simply had to end.

I hope he’s doing better now, because I sure am. It hurts to look back sometimes, but I like to think we both learned a lot about ourselves so it can’t have all been in vain.

Anyway, I digress. What I mean to say is thank you for your insightful views and the fact you were willing to be interviewed in the first place. I feel less alone now and hopefully it’s the same for you too. :joyful:


Gold Member
Interview with Yoda
By Custer

Recently I came across a thread:

Discussions within this thread are a mixed bag. From deep emotional queries to light hearted banter. Within this thread there is a link to a great article about a perspective on dating a sex worker. This inspired me to search for an individual here in Perth that has been through this. After some research, I identified that Yoda on the talkinsex forum had a story to tell. After making contact, Yoda agreed to be interviewed about his past relationship with a working lady.

We met at a casual restaurant. During the interview, this man made no effort to dramatize anything despite the impression I had of him from his threads and comments on the forum. He is often deep in thought as he pauses between sentences and is comfortable with showing his emotions according to how he feels. Yet with what I heard in this interview, he is one of the calmest individuals I have come across.

Master Yoda, thank you for being here today to share this part of your history with us.

Thank you George, it is a privilege to be invited to this interview. And just call me Yoda. I had Master removed from my forum name as that came from a time in the past when I was driven by ego a little more than I needed to be.

No worries. So Yoda give us a run down on the long-term relationship you had with this working lady. And who was she?

Sure, if you don’t mind though I will not say who it is as I do not have her consent. We met in late 2009. One morning after staying up all night for work I decided that I really wanted to have a punt. So I searched every venue that I knew existed that may be open at that time. I started at Langtrees, but no one was available. Jacqui the receptionist took my number and said that she that she will call me when a lovely lady she had in mind finished an outcall and returns.

From there I carried on searching from place to place with no luck until I got the phone call from Jacqui and I returned to Langtrees. At the reception counter I met with a young lady that really captured me. She had me at “hi”, and what was there was way beyond physical attraction. I decided then and there that this hour was going to be about her.

After a magical hour, numbers were exchanged and within days we met everyday in our own time for one solid month. And after that we moved in together.

Things progressed really fast. What was that like?

Surreal would be the best way to describe it. It was heaven on earth then. She carried on working, and I carried on punting. It is strange I know. Yet she was always on my mind.

So before we get into some of the details of your time with this young lady, how long did this relationship last?

About four and a half years. In this time a lot happened. I’d like to point out though that at the start of our relationship I was in a very bad place in many areas of my life. And it seemed as though having her in my life saved me in many ways. I had the notion at the time that I was going to change her life for the better. I even wrote a song about the time she entered my life.

So Yoda, tell us more about this relationship. Was it good? Bad?

(At this point he paused for maybe a whole minute).

It started out as the most beautiful and functional relationship I had every experienced. It was considered an open relationship with very little boundaries. The relationship lasted about 1500 days. One thousand of those days were unbearable beyond what I can describe when it came to the mental and emotional trauma it brought me.

From the beginning I thought I knew what I was getting into. She was a working girl, and she was going to do this for a little longer but not forever. And her work was just work. She came home to me every night because she chose me to be her man. Looking back that was the case. But there was always one thing that bothered me that I hardly admitted to from the very start.

And what was that?

That I could not stand the thought of the woman I loved having sex with so many other men.

What effect did that have on your relationship?

Even in the early stages when things were so good and we were so in love I made what she was doing wrong. Whether I said it or not it bothered me. And later on I voiced a lot of that.

My experience of her at the time was that she was inconsiderate and did not care how much I was suffering even though she was fully aware of it. Money came first, the army of other guys she was sleeping with came first. Whether this was true or not will differ from our perceptions. But that was what I felt at the time.

What was it like for you at the time?

As months turned to a couple of years, I became increasingly insecure. And I would live in a constant pool of fear and panic when she saw clients that were regulars many of them booked over night frequently. I know now that there was nothing to worry about as she came home to me all the same. Yet I spent endless hours tormenting myself when she was with clients. More and more her job became a bad thing in mind and I kept telling her that in more ways that I realised at the time.

Yoda stopped speaking and just went into deep thought. I eventually asked him if he was ok to carry on.

Yes of course.

I see now that I was making her wrong and I made her experience her job as a bad thing. By 3 years into the relationship I had totally lost the concept that what she did was just a job. She would have good days and good clients and the opposite on other days. That means I was never there for her when she wanted my shoulders to cry on. Or when she wanted to share her joys with me. I was never there for her when she needed me for the most part. So I am now not surprised when she needed these conversations with people other than myself.

The threats that I perceived were against me like her meeting a better man was never there. I created all of that from the mindset that I had myself confined to.

So did you want her to stop doing that job or you?

All the time! It rolled off my tongue every opportunity I got. I refused to listen to where she was coming from. At the time I was not capable of being open to anything outside of my destroyed ideals. I felt I was already the most understanding boyfriend in the world. Yet I felt that she would do anything to serve her own needs without consideration of the consequences it had on our relationship and me.

She even made had me believe that she did stop for a while. And maybe she did for a short time. But that was uncovered to be a devastating lie.

So what was the outcome of the relationship?

Well in the end when every last bit of tolerance, forgiveness, consideration, and commitment towards each other was mutually destroyed. She was dishonest about almost everything she did. Most of what she said was lies that I would uncover almost every time. She saw clients in ways that were beyond professional capacity. I will not speak for her. But what I had created for myself was sheer pain every single moment.

The relationship ended nearly a year ago. I am unsure as to how civil or nasty it was as I was really in too much of a mess to make any judgements at that time.

I went through spaces of resentment, missing her, wanting her back, never wanting to see her again, and many other spaces.

So where are you at now Master Yoda?

I am at peace now with what I went through. I believe that everything and everyone in life is predestined. We both did our best according to what we knew at the time. The wisdom of hindsight has told me about what I did or did not do to contribute to the outcome. In everything I have said I pointed out some of the ways I was being. I take ownership of that. And yes she did do some terrible things. Yet it is up to me to take ownership of my doings in the situation.

Since then I have gone through a long journey of self realisation and turned all these experiences into lessons that have brought me insight in how to deal with life in many ways beyond just relationships. I guess I am at peace with the lessons the Universe offered me.

Master Yoda you spoke with no anger through this interview. I must ask how you feel about this lady? Do you wish to reconcile?

No. I really don’t. If I am brutally honest, some of these memories still hurt me. But no, the past is in the past. At times we still communicate when necessary. Yet I keep my distance. I cannot speak for her, but I suspect she feels the same.

Yet I realise that she and I shared so many moments that are still the most beautiful times I have ever experienced.

Is there anything you want to say to people out there that may be experiencing what you have been through?

Hmmmmmm…… (long pause).

To the guys out there who are in a relationship or are contemplating getting into a relationship with a working lady. I will tell you that it is not an easy journey. It truly takes relationship skills that are at the level of art form. That I did not have at the time.

Be able to talk about things with her. Create a safe space for her where she can share. Provide a space where she does not have to feel like she has to hide things or lie. If you want honesty, create a place that encourages it. That will not happen on its own, and especially not if you make her wrong or feel dirty or inadequate.

If you are insecure about something nip it in the bud and talk about it, but not at the end of a 12-hour shift when she is physically and emotionally exhausted. That is when she needs you to hold her hand and offer her a shoulder for her to sleep on. Choose your time wisely. Respect her needs and boundaries. Give what she needs and you will receive what you need by default. That is really hard to do. But it is what it takes to have an honest and open relationship with a working lady.

Most importantly, be there for her. Her job is physically tiring and emotionally crippling at times. Make home a safe place to come back to. If she talks and needs to talk just listen. Just smile, and just give her a hug and say its ok baby. It is that simple. Every woman in every profession wants that.

And to working ladies. Know that it is an incredibly difficult reality to adapt to based on everything that most beliefs that men are brought up with. He is going to find it hard to express thing at times. He will not know how to communicate most of the time. He may be hurting. And know that when we act out it is from a place of their caring for you. I know that it is expressed in the most ugly ways at times. But please understand that most men are not comfortable with communication.

We need to be held and made to feel like the only one more than you realise. And we need to be told over and over again. That’s with the good and the bad things. Help us through the adaptation if we need it.

Yoda thank you so much for you honesty and opening up yourself to your vulnerabilities.

It is my pleasure. I really want to get my message out there so less people go through what I went through. And what I put my ex girlfriend through. I have so much more to share. But think this is all we have the space for today.

If you are open to it, I’d love to carry on this interview another time as I have many questions left to ask. Like money, and other logistical aspects to sharing a life with a sex worker.

Absolutely. It would be an honour.

Thanks again for what you have provided for the readers today.

You’re most welcome.
A similar and yet dissimilar story as myself!

Sir Lancelot

Bronze Member
Interview with Yoda
By Custer

Recently I came across a thread:

Discussions within this thread are a mixed bag. From deep emotional queries to light hearted banter. Within this thread there is a link to a great article about a perspective on dating a sex worker. This inspired me to search for an individual here in Perth that has been through this. After some research, I identified that Yoda on the talkinsex forum had a story to tell. After making contact, Yoda agreed to be interviewed about his past relationship with a working lady.

We met at a casual restaurant. During the interview, this man made no effort to dramatize anything despite the impression I had of him from his threads and comments on the forum. He is often deep in thought as he pauses between sentences and is comfortable with showing his emotions according to how he feels. Yet with what I heard in this interview, he is one of the calmest individuals I have come across.

Master Yoda, thank you for being here today to share this part of your history with us.

Thank you George, it is a privilege to be invited to this interview. And just call me Yoda. I had Master removed from my forum name as that came from a time in the past when I was driven by ego a little more than I needed to be.

No worries. So Yoda give us a run down on the long-term relationship you had with this working lady. And who was she?

Sure, if you don’t mind though I will not say who it is as I do not have her consent. We met in late 2009. One morning after staying up all night for work I decided that I really wanted to have a punt. So I searched every venue that I knew existed that may be open at that time. I started at Langtrees, but no one was available. Jacqui the receptionist took my number and said that she that she will call me when a lovely lady she had in mind finished an outcall and returns.

From there I carried on searching from place to place with no luck until I got the phone call from Jacqui and I returned to Langtrees. At the reception counter I met with a young lady that really captured me. She had me at “hi”, and what was there was way beyond physical attraction. I decided then and there that this hour was going to be about her.

After a magical hour, numbers were exchanged and within days we met everyday in our own time for one solid month. And after that we moved in together.

Things progressed really fast. What was that like?

Surreal would be the best way to describe it. It was heaven on earth then. She carried on working, and I carried on punting. It is strange I know. Yet she was always on my mind.

So before we get into some of the details of your time with this young lady, how long did this relationship last?

About four and a half years. In this time a lot happened. I’d like to point out though that at the start of our relationship I was in a very bad place in many areas of my life. And it seemed as though having her in my life saved me in many ways. I had the notion at the time that I was going to change her life for the better. I even wrote a song about the time she entered my life.

So Yoda, tell us more about this relationship. Was it good? Bad?

(At this point he paused for maybe a whole minute).

It started out as the most beautiful and functional relationship I had every experienced. It was considered an open relationship with very little boundaries. The relationship lasted about 1500 days. One thousand of those days were unbearable beyond what I can describe when it came to the mental and emotional trauma it brought me.

From the beginning I thought I knew what I was getting into. She was a working girl, and she was going to do this for a little longer but not forever. And her work was just work. She came home to me every night because she chose me to be her man. Looking back that was the case. But there was always one thing that bothered me that I hardly admitted to from the very start.

And what was that?

That I could not stand the thought of the woman I loved having sex with so many other men.

What effect did that have on your relationship?

Even in the early stages when things were so good and we were so in love I made what she was doing wrong. Whether I said it or not it bothered me. And later on I voiced a lot of that.

My experience of her at the time was that she was inconsiderate and did not care how much I was suffering even though she was fully aware of it. Money came first, the army of other guys she was sleeping with came first. Whether this was true or not will differ from our perceptions. But that was what I felt at the time.

What was it like for you at the time?

As months turned to a couple of years, I became increasingly insecure. And I would live in a constant pool of fear and panic when she saw clients that were regulars many of them booked over night frequently. I know now that there was nothing to worry about as she came home to me all the same. Yet I spent endless hours tormenting myself when she was with clients. More and more her job became a bad thing in mind and I kept telling her that in more ways that I realised at the time.

Yoda stopped speaking and just went into deep thought. I eventually asked him if he was ok to carry on.

Yes of course.

I see now that I was making her wrong and I made her experience her job as a bad thing. By 3 years into the relationship I had totally lost the concept that what she did was just a job. She would have good days and good clients and the opposite on other days. That means I was never there for her when she wanted my shoulders to cry on. Or when she wanted to share her joys with me. I was never there for her when she needed me for the most part. So I am now not surprised when she needed these conversations with people other than myself.

The threats that I perceived were against me like her meeting a better man was never there. I created all of that from the mindset that I had myself confined to.

So did you want her to stop doing that job or you?

All the time! It rolled off my tongue every opportunity I got. I refused to listen to where she was coming from. At the time I was not capable of being open to anything outside of my destroyed ideals. I felt I was already the most understanding boyfriend in the world. Yet I felt that she would do anything to serve her own needs without consideration of the consequences it had on our relationship and me.

She even made had me believe that she did stop for a while. And maybe she did for a short time. But that was uncovered to be a devastating lie.

So what was the outcome of the relationship?

Well in the end when every last bit of tolerance, forgiveness, consideration, and commitment towards each other was mutually destroyed. She was dishonest about almost everything she did. Most of what she said was lies that I would uncover almost every time. She saw clients in ways that were beyond professional capacity. I will not speak for her. But what I had created for myself was sheer pain every single moment.

The relationship ended nearly a year ago. I am unsure as to how civil or nasty it was as I was really in too much of a mess to make any judgements at that time.

I went through spaces of resentment, missing her, wanting her back, never wanting to see her again, and many other spaces.

So where are you at now Master Yoda?

I am at peace now with what I went through. I believe that everything and everyone in life is predestined. We both did our best according to what we knew at the time. The wisdom of hindsight has told me about what I did or did not do to contribute to the outcome. In everything I have said I pointed out some of the ways I was being. I take ownership of that. And yes she did do some terrible things. Yet it is up to me to take ownership of my doings in the situation.

Since then I have gone through a long journey of self realisation and turned all these experiences into lessons that have brought me insight in how to deal with life in many ways beyond just relationships. I guess I am at peace with the lessons the Universe offered me.

Master Yoda you spoke with no anger through this interview. I must ask how you feel about this lady? Do you wish to reconcile?

No. I really don’t. If I am brutally honest, some of these memories still hurt me. But no, the past is in the past. At times we still communicate when necessary. Yet I keep my distance. I cannot speak for her, but I suspect she feels the same.

Yet I realise that she and I shared so many moments that are still the most beautiful times I have ever experienced.

Is there anything you want to say to people out there that may be experiencing what you have been through?

Hmmmmmm…… (long pause).

To the guys out there who are in a relationship or are contemplating getting into a relationship with a working lady. I will tell you that it is not an easy journey. It truly takes relationship skills that are at the level of art form. That I did not have at the time.

Be able to talk about things with her. Create a safe space for her where she can share. Provide a space where she does not have to feel like she has to hide things or lie. If you want honesty, create a place that encourages it. That will not happen on its own, and especially not if you make her wrong or feel dirty or inadequate.

If you are insecure about something nip it in the bud and talk about it, but not at the end of a 12-hour shift when she is physically and emotionally exhausted. That is when she needs you to hold her hand and offer her a shoulder for her to sleep on. Choose your time wisely. Respect her needs and boundaries. Give what she needs and you will receive what you need by default. That is really hard to do. But it is what it takes to have an honest and open relationship with a working lady.

Most importantly, be there for her. Her job is physically tiring and emotionally crippling at times. Make home a safe place to come back to. If she talks and needs to talk just listen. Just smile, and just give her a hug and say its ok baby. It is that simple. Every woman in every profession wants that.

And to working ladies. Know that it is an incredibly difficult reality to adapt to based on everything that most beliefs that men are brought up with. He is going to find it hard to express thing at times. He will not know how to communicate most of the time. He may be hurting. And know that when we act out it is from a place of their caring for you. I know that it is expressed in the most ugly ways at times. But please understand that most men are not comfortable with communication.

We need to be held and made to feel like the only one more than you realise. And we need to be told over and over again. That’s with the good and the bad things. Help us through the adaptation if we need it.

Yoda thank you so much for you honesty and opening up yourself to your vulnerabilities.

It is my pleasure. I really want to get my message out there so less people go through what I went through. And what I put my ex girlfriend through. I have so much more to share. But think this is all we have the space for today.

If you are open to it, I’d love to carry on this interview another time as I have many questions left to ask. Like money, and other logistical aspects to sharing a life with a sex worker.

Absolutely. It would be an honour.

Thanks again for what you have provided for the readers today.

You’re most welcome.
I'm new here and just discovered this. It speaks to my situation in many ways.


Bronze Member
Just came across this thread and I found it quite interesting because I tend to wonder if I can date a lady in this industry. If I get the pleasure of dating such a woman, it will be my aim to respect what she does, even though I may want her to leave her job (honesty is the best policy). At the end of the day, finding such a lady would be hard (can't ask her on a date at her workplace!) and I have heard that many women in this industry would prefer to be single.


Gold Member
Just came across this thread and I found it quite interesting because I tend to wonder if I can date a lady in this industry. If I get the pleasure of dating such a woman, it will be my aim to respect what she does, even though I may want her to leave her job (honesty is the best policy). At the end of the day, finding such a lady would be hard (can't ask her on a date at her workplace!) and I have heard that many women in this industry would prefer to be single.

if you feel this way don't date a WL, honesty with yourself is the best policy, if you cant handle their work dont seek them there.
I've dated WLs and had an amazing time but i never tried to change them nor did it bother me

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Wow! 7 years! Emotions never change!

For me the change has been exponential. It is late now but thank you and I will respond to some of the comments from this year another time.

I am smuggly surprised people still read this thread after so many years :)


Interview with Yoda
By Custer

Recently I came across a thread:

Discussions within this thread are a mixed bag. From deep emotional queries to light hearted banter. Within this thread there is a link to a great article about a perspective on dating a sex worker. This inspired me to search for an individual here in Perth that has been through this. After some research, I identified that Yoda on the talkinsex forum had a story to tell. After making contact, Yoda agreed to be interviewed about his past relationship with a working lady.

We met at a casual restaurant. During the interview, this man made no effort to dramatize anything despite the impression I had of him from his threads and comments on the forum. He is often deep in thought as he pauses between sentences and is comfortable with showing his emotions according to how he feels. Yet with what I heard in this interview, he is one of the calmest individuals I have come across.

Master Yoda, thank you for being here today to share this part of your history with us.

Thank you George, it is a privilege to be invited to this interview. And just call me Yoda. I had Master removed from my forum name as that came from a time in the past when I was driven by ego a little more than I needed to be.

No worries. So Yoda give us a run down on the long-term relationship you had with this working lady. And who was she?

Sure, if you don’t mind though I will not say who it is as I do not have her consent. We met in late 2009. One morning after staying up all night for work I decided that I really wanted to have a punt. So I searched every venue that I knew existed that may be open at that time. I started at Langtrees, but no one was available. Jacqui the receptionist took my number and said that she that she will call me when a lovely lady she had in mind finished an outcall and returns.

From there I carried on searching from place to place with no luck until I got the phone call from Jacqui and I returned to Langtrees. At the reception counter I met with a young lady that really captured me. She had me at “hi”, and what was there was way beyond physical attraction. I decided then and there that this hour was going to be about her.

After a magical hour, numbers were exchanged and within days we met everyday in our own time for one solid month. And after that we moved in together.

Things progressed really fast. What was that like?

Surreal would be the best way to describe it. It was heaven on earth then. She carried on working, and I carried on punting. It is strange I know. Yet she was always on my mind.

So before we get into some of the details of your time with this young lady, how long did this relationship last?

About four and a half years. In this time a lot happened. I’d like to point out though that at the start of our relationship I was in a very bad place in many areas of my life. And it seemed as though having her in my life saved me in many ways. I had the notion at the time that I was going to change her life for the better. I even wrote a song about the time she entered my life.

So Yoda, tell us more about this relationship. Was it good? Bad?

(At this point he paused for maybe a whole minute).

It started out as the most beautiful and functional relationship I had every experienced. It was considered an open relationship with very little boundaries. The relationship lasted about 1500 days. One thousand of those days were unbearable beyond what I can describe when it came to the mental and emotional trauma it brought me.

From the beginning I thought I knew what I was getting into. She was a working girl, and she was going to do this for a little longer but not forever. And her work was just work. She came home to me every night because she chose me to be her man. Looking back that was the case. But there was always one thing that bothered me that I hardly admitted to from the very start.

And what was that?

That I could not stand the thought of the woman I loved having sex with so many other men.

What effect did that have on your relationship?

Even in the early stages when things were so good and we were so in love I made what she was doing wrong. Whether I said it or not it bothered me. And later on I voiced a lot of that.

My experience of her at the time was that she was inconsiderate and did not care how much I was suffering even though she was fully aware of it. Money came first, the army of other guys she was sleeping with came first. Whether this was true or not will differ from our perceptions. But that was what I felt at the time.

What was it like for you at the time?

As months turned to a couple of years, I became increasingly insecure. And I would live in a constant pool of fear and panic when she saw clients that were regulars many of them booked over night frequently. I know now that there was nothing to worry about as she came home to me all the same. Yet I spent endless hours tormenting myself when she was with clients. More and more her job became a bad thing in mind and I kept telling her that in more ways that I realised at the time.

Yoda stopped speaking and just went into deep thought. I eventually asked him if he was ok to carry on.

Yes of course.

I see now that I was making her wrong and I made her experience her job as a bad thing. By 3 years into the relationship I had totally lost the concept that what she did was just a job. She would have good days and good clients and the opposite on other days. That means I was never there for her when she wanted my shoulders to cry on. Or when she wanted to share her joys with me. I was never there for her when she needed me for the most part. So I am now not surprised when she needed these conversations with people other than myself.

The threats that I perceived were against me like her meeting a better man was never there. I created all of that from the mindset that I had myself confined to.

So did you want her to stop doing that job or you?

All the time! It rolled off my tongue every opportunity I got. I refused to listen to where she was coming from. At the time I was not capable of being open to anything outside of my destroyed ideals. I felt I was already the most understanding boyfriend in the world. Yet I felt that she would do anything to serve her own needs without consideration of the consequences it had on our relationship and me.

She even made had me believe that she did stop for a while. And maybe she did for a short time. But that was uncovered to be a devastating lie.

So what was the outcome of the relationship?

Well in the end when every last bit of tolerance, forgiveness, consideration, and commitment towards each other was mutually destroyed. She was dishonest about almost everything she did. Most of what she said was lies that I would uncover almost every time. She saw clients in ways that were beyond professional capacity. I will not speak for her. But what I had created for myself was sheer pain every single moment.

The relationship ended nearly a year ago. I am unsure as to how civil or nasty it was as I was really in too much of a mess to make any judgements at that time.

I went through spaces of resentment, missing her, wanting her back, never wanting to see her again, and many other spaces.

So where are you at now Master Yoda?

I am at peace now with what I went through. I believe that everything and everyone in life is predestined. We both did our best according to what we knew at the time. The wisdom of hindsight has told me about what I did or did not do to contribute to the outcome. In everything I have said I pointed out some of the ways I was being. I take ownership of that. And yes she did do some terrible things. Yet it is up to me to take ownership of my doings in the situation.

Since then I have gone through a long journey of self realisation and turned all these experiences into lessons that have brought me insight in how to deal with life in many ways beyond just relationships. I guess I am at peace with the lessons the Universe offered me.

Master Yoda you spoke with no anger through this interview. I must ask how you feel about this lady? Do you wish to reconcile?

No. I really don’t. If I am brutally honest, some of these memories still hurt me. But no, the past is in the past. At times we still communicate when necessary. Yet I keep my distance. I cannot speak for her, but I suspect she feels the same.

Yet I realise that she and I shared so many moments that are still the most beautiful times I have ever experienced.

Is there anything you want to say to people out there that may be experiencing what you have been through?

Hmmmmmm…… (long pause).

To the guys out there who are in a relationship or are contemplating getting into a relationship with a working lady. I will tell you that it is not an easy journey. It truly takes relationship skills that are at the level of art form. That I did not have at the time.

Be able to talk about things with her. Create a safe space for her where she can share. Provide a space where she does not have to feel like she has to hide things or lie. If you want honesty, create a place that encourages it. That will not happen on its own, and especially not if you make her wrong or feel dirty or inadequate.

If you are insecure about something nip it in the bud and talk about it, but not at the end of a 12-hour shift when she is physically and emotionally exhausted. That is when she needs you to hold her hand and offer her a shoulder for her to sleep on. Choose your time wisely. Respect her needs and boundaries. Give what she needs and you will receive what you need by default. That is really hard to do. But it is what it takes to have an honest and open relationship with a working lady.

Most importantly, be there for her. Her job is physically tiring and emotionally crippling at times. Make home a safe place to come back to. If she talks and needs to talk just listen. Just smile, and just give her a hug and say its ok baby. It is that simple. Every woman in every profession wants that.

And to working ladies. Know that it is an incredibly difficult reality to adapt to based on everything that most beliefs that men are brought up with. He is going to find it hard to express thing at times. He will not know how to communicate most of the time. He may be hurting. And know that when we act out it is from a place of their caring for you. I know that it is expressed in the most ugly ways at times. But please understand that most men are not comfortable with communication.

We need to be held and made to feel like the only one more than you realise. And we need to be told over and over again. That’s with the good and the bad things. Help us through the adaptation if we need it.

Yoda thank you so much for you honesty and opening up yourself to your vulnerabilities.

It is my pleasure. I really want to get my message out there so less people go through what I went through. And what I put my ex girlfriend through. I have so much more to share. But think this is all we have the space for today.

If you are open to it, I’d love to carry on this interview another time as I have many questions left to ask. Like money, and other logistical aspects to sharing a life with a sex worker.

Absolutely. It would be an honour.

Thanks again for what you have provided for the readers today.

You’re most welcome.
I spent some time to read all 🥺😢
really enjoyed reading this too 😭😢


Yes; pretty powerful stuff and not so strange to some of the members and other punters here, I am sure.

I think we all fantasize about finding the perfect partner, but reality is that working ladies are not necessarily perfect. They are people, just like you and me. They have ideals, morals and perceptions. They also have dreams. However, they are placed in a difficult situation when confronted with the possibility of beginning a relationship with a client.

We men are pretty simple creatures, really. We are also a bit stupid, in that we fool ourselves into believing that a relationship with a working lady would be one that continues in the fashion of our paid exploits. That is not real life. That is an adventure. A temporary visit to a fantasy world.

We would all like the perfect partner, but I tell you this: as soon as we enter a relationship, we spoil it. We are basically selfish. That is natural and unavoidable. There has never been a truly altruistic person (Jesus was God in the flesh, so He doesn't count). We all want what is best for us. We are slaves to the hierarchy of needs.

So, with that wisdom shared, my advice is to marry; be content; be responsible and discretely punt.

There; I said it

No idea what to do

Legend Member
That was a very intense interview and a gr8 job
I feel i'm in the same position sometimes but it would be so much harder to share a home with a WL.

I often wonder if my WL tells other guys she loves them as she does with me quite a bit, or if this is simply to entice more visits .
This does my head in sometimes and like you I guess, I get anxious and always wonder if she is OK.
The Frenchman


Gold Member
That was a very intense interview and a gr8 job
I feel i'm in the same position sometimes but it would be so much harder to share a home with a WL.

I often wonder if my WL tells other guys she loves them as she does with me quite a bit, or if this is simply to entice more visits .
This does my head in sometimes and like you I guess, I get anxious and always wonder if she is OK.
The Frenchman

actions always speak louder than words, forget what she says. But if its still a working relationship then its not love. Love will evolve things.

Rex Feral

Pistola a noleggio
Gold Member
That was a very intense interview and a gr8 job
I feel i'm in the same position sometimes but it would be so much harder to share a home with a WL.

I often wonder if my WL tells other guys she loves them as she does with me quite a bit, or if this is simply to entice more visits .
This does my head in sometimes and like you I guess, I get anxious and always wonder if she is OK.
The Frenchman

I daresay. it is an enticement for you yo visit more often, have heard it from various girls throughtout my punting life. A few punting mates have also reported similar happening to them!! The reverse can happen as well, a girl, made famous on this platform, told me of a punter who kept telling her he loved her. She enjoyed it for a time then it began to became tiresome,in short, he got the flick!!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
That was a very intense interview and a gr8 job
I feel i'm in the same position sometimes but it would be so much harder to share a home with a WL.

I often wonder if my WL tells other guys she loves them as she does with me quite a bit, or if this is simply to entice more visits .
This does my head in sometimes and like you I guess, I get anxious and always wonder if she is OK.
The Frenchman

I have learned that in any role we play that is required of our work, one needs to separate the role from the person performing these roles. The more demanding the role, the more challenging this is. The hardest of these roles are ones that require people interaction with leadership being the highest in demands and difficulties.

I have met a 2 WLs in my life that seemed to do this well. The rest well it was scarce. And it would take a machine to be able to do this in their line of work.

For all parties involved I believe that a relationship is possible but would take very special people to make it work. And I myself am far from having what it takes to date a WL.

I will never do that again

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I must admit I was very touched by what you wrote but unsure if it was my place to comment so I thought I’d at least chuck in my little reaction.

It resonated with me on a few levels but mostly because I’ve had a relationship with an ex-client before. Like you were, I was a very different person back then. Some time has passed, and it’s cast things in a different light. My ex and I left a lot of things unsaid during and after our relationship, which bred a lot of uncertainty and resentment.

I’ve been single since then (apart from a few short dalliances here and there) and I can now see that despite who was wrong or right in various moments and overall, it’s now clear that we weren’t supportive of each other in the ways we both needed from each other. He was somewhat closed off due to having been hurt before, and I was wildly defensive and bad at communicating in general for similar reasons to him. We both had baggage neither of us could really handle, and it simply had to end.

I hope he’s doing better now, because I sure am. It hurts to look back sometimes, but I like to think we both learned a lot about ourselves so it can’t have all been in vain.

Anyway, I digress. What I mean to say is thank you for your insightful views and the fact you were willing to be interviewed in the first place. I feel less alone now and hopefully it’s the same for you too. :joyful:

Sometimes things are left unsaid (at least in my case) because the intensity of the pain at the time edges out all space for anything to be said. I have no idea how the other member of this story is doing, and while contact has been attempted from her a few times I refused the contact.

This is one thing I will leave in the past and never revisit, and I believe it is for the best.

Thank you again for you heartfelt appreciation.