• Perth News now has 3 other forums, 1 - Brothels & AMP's 2 Private & Independents 3 - Regioanl WA Please post new threads with good titles and in the right Forums Also all Talkin Turkey Members have been marked Green for user online.

Infusions you have 7 days

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Wayne you are a friend you have 7 days to use this forum otherwise I will delete the lot. You need to do one post a week to maintain this subforum. Does it have any value, members let Wayne know if you want this sub forum to remain. Infusions is a swingers club in Belmont, and Wayne get this privalage as he is a personal friend and spent a lot of money renting my back lounge until he built his own place.

Wayne girls want to know if they can rent for photo shoots as do our photograher advertisers on Langtrees.com.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Members wanting to earn points to get into the new Talkin Turkey Forum post here and lets wake up my mate Wayne and show him how valuable this forum is to the members.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Buzz rang me but I was too busy I'll give him a few more days, Buzz from Infusions was my sign writer when I first started Langtrees 33 years ago and he rag rolled all our bricks in the lounge which was a old wharehouse. He underquoted, it was a $1,000 and had to do over 2 weeks work with the help of another, so I have always been loyal as he has to me.
Did you know Langtrees was a chocolate factory before I bought the building?
I still think it is a chocolate factory today, always lots of new flavours, oozing with those lovely soft creamy centres that dribble down your face.


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Buzz rang me but I was too busy I'll give him a few more days, Buzz from Infusions was my sign writer when I first started Langtrees 33 years ago and he rag rolled all our bricks in the lounge which was a old wharehouse. He underquoted, it was a $1,000 and had to do over 2 weeks work with the help of another, so I have always been loyal as he has to me.
Did you know Langtrees was a chocolate factory before I bought the building?
I still think it is a chocolate factory today, always lots of new flavours, oozing with those lovely soft creamy centres that dribble down your face.
And with fewer calories........ :)