• Talkin Turkey is viewable by all for a few weeks whilst we SEO the threads. You will not be able to comment unless you become a Talkin Turkey member xxx

In these difficult times, are there any ladies providing services?


Tania Admin

but every time i look at 'new posts' there is scores of these.
the ignore does not work for this problem.
you were guilty of this a while back, replying to 8 week old 'hellos', but i think you have moderated this thankyou.
it just clogs up the forum IMHO.
if i don't open them, the post just stays there as new, until there is 100's of them.
i don't mean new 'hellos', they need to be replied and welcomed, but mindlessly replying to old 'hellos'
The reason people respond to 8 week old hellos is because we want to stimulate new members to partake.

There will never be a perfect system as this Forum is run on bought software.


Diamond Member
The reason people respond to 8 week old hellos is because we want to stimulate new members to partake.

There will never be a perfect system as this Forum is run on bought software.
i don't find going through all the 'new' posts for about an hour, with little or no actual content in the replies, very stimulating either.
only to refresh the screen to find another 25 'new' posts in that hour with no real contribution to the thread at all.

Tania Admin

i don't find going through all the 'new' posts for about an hour, with little or no actual content in the replies, very stimulating either.
only to refresh the screen to find another 25 'new' posts in that hour with no real contribution to the thread at all.
We can't change the software, nor how Mary-Anne wanted her Fourm run. Can't please everyone always. Perhaps click on your favourite sub-forums from the home page when you are online :)


Diamond Member
We can't change the software, nor how Mary-Anne wanted her Fourm run. Can't please everyone always. Perhaps click on your favourite sub-forums from the home page when you are online :)
i don't have any favourite sub-forums, i just click on 'new posts'.
there is a 'like' button for members to use, instead just dropping a smiley in a thread without actually contriburing to any particular post.

Tania Admin

i don't have any favourite sub-forums, i just click on 'new posts'.
there is a 'like' button for members to use, instead just dropping a smiley in a thread without actually contriburing to any particular post.
Like I said it's hard to please everyone. And I have been pulling up people about their content. You don't know this because you aren't on the receiving end.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
i don't find going through all the 'new' posts for about an hour, with little or no actual content in the replies, very stimulating either.
only to refresh the screen to find another 25 'new' posts in that hour with no real contribution to the thread at all.

Who goes through ALL the new posts?
Just play your mouse over the name and a preview box will come up. if you are not interested in that subject; ignore it and move on.
When you have finished looking at the messages you want to look at, hit "Mark Forums Read" and they all go away.


Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Escorts are now available in Perth hearing we may be open on the 15th May-6th June. Beauticans are the closest to us and they can reopen the 15th May, adult venues are listed for the 6th June

Getting closer every day and my bank balance is looking so healthy.
Wow, did I really spend THAT much on beautiful and sexy working ladies?
Well, I am a man. I'll go without food, but I wont go without the intimate attentions of a gorgeous woman.


Gold Member
"Strip clubs and brothels will remain closed even in the final stage(stage 3)of eased restrictions, and large gatherings of more than 100 people will also not be permitted."


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
"Strip clubs and brothels will remain closed even in the final stage(stage 3)of eased restrictions, and large gatherings of more than 100 people will also not be permitted."
Just heard on the radio that brothels can open as part of stage 1 restrictions which is contrary to what was mentioned in The Australian newspaper.


Gold Member
Sounds like theres a lot of confusion about what can and cant be done.
Youd think the Federal Govt had enough time to prepare a clear message, bur obviously not


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Sounds like theres a lot of confusion about what can and cant be done.
Youd think the Federal Govt had enough time to prepare a clear message, bur obviously not
Well they have really. Media is very probably reporting it wrong. However in reality the guidelines are set federally and then the states decide what they do based on those base guidelines. PM stressed that quite clearly today. In the end it will be McGowan and the CHO that decide what goes or not per stage. I imagine there is a lot of discussions going on behind the scenes, including with industry groups about such.

Tania Admin

My understanding is that all businesses allowed to proceed under the new "normal" have to adhere as much as possible to the 1.5 metre distancing rules.
Whether brothels will be allowed to open will be dependent on each state.
Here in the NT we have not yet been given a definite directive for sex work. Stripping yes as they can adhere to a 1.5 metre rule.
The NT's concerns are very real when it comes to protecting the indigenous in our state. I believe we will be the last state to open it's borders when that time comes in the future, which is still a fair way away.
If there is any community spread anywhere, things won't happen. It will go backwards.


Legend Member
Official Government document published on The West and on ABC News site - states under restriction three guidelines - strip clubs and brothels are to remain closed.


Harlots Mackay
Legend Member
Each state has very different roadmaps on the easing of restrictions. I have contacted the NT government regarding our reopening and we are all set for June 5th when the level 3 restrictions are lifted.


Tania Admin

Here is a link to what may cause issues for WL's here in the NT. This is from The Northern Territory Government Website and was confirmed by a local member of parliament I have spoken with.

You will need to complete this checklist.

If you have multiple locations, you must apply for each premises.

This will form the basis of your COVID-19 safety plan.

You must show how you will meet your obligations around:

  • physical distancing
  • hygiene
For example:

  • How will you keep 1.5m between clients?
  • How will you limit face-to-face contact?



Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Escorts are now available in Perth hearing we may be open on the 15th May-6th June. Beauticans are the closest to us and they can reopen the 15th May, adult venues are listed for the 6th June

I heard and was sent an annoymous message Asian Beauties are opening next wednesday


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Here is a link to what may cause issues for WL's here in the NT. This is from The Northern Territory Government Website and was confirmed by a local member of parliament I have spoken with.

You will need to complete this checklist.

If you have multiple locations, you must apply for each premises.

This will form the basis of your COVID-19 safety plan.

You must show how you will meet your obligations around:

  • physical distancing
  • hygiene
For example:

  • How will you keep 1.5m between clients?
  • How will you limit face-to-face contact?

1.5 Meter rule if that is the case we are all screwed until they find a vaccine, Society has to get back to normal ASAP or there will be no economy and humans will wipe themselves out, and then the planet will be ruled by its real rulers Cats, and the 1st things on there minds is the erradaction of dogs.

No more threads about covid Virus Allowed, lets keep the forum positive .Mrs Langtrees <---- Hmmmm Isn't this about the Virus?


Harlots Mackay
Legend Member
This is in reply to the threads and people's questions about returning to work and also to Mary-Anne's and other's replies.

Click on this link

Then scroll down and click on
COVID-19 checklist for personal services businesses
I don't believe this is the checklist related to brothels as I was told that particular checklist will not be released until May 18th as stated in the road map. We come under adult entertainment, not personal services.

Tania Admin

I don't believe this is the checklist related to brothels as I was told that particular checklist will not be released until May 18th as stated in the road map. We come under adult entertainment, not personal services.
If you actually read my initial reply, I said that "Here is a link to what may cause issues for WL's here in the NT. "
Our parliamentary member has said that it is quite possible the Sex Industry will need to abide by the same guidelines.
Nothing is cemented in stone yet, so no body should be jumping the gun.
I am all for the industry so this isn't a personal attack Shannon.. I'm literally on the industry side for this but regulations will need to be adhered to and it's quite possible the ones in the link may be an issue.
Nothing can be promised yet.


Harlots Mackay
Legend Member
If you actually read my initial reply, I said that "Here is a link to what may cause issues for WL's here in the NT. "
Our parliamentary member has said that it is quite possible the Sex Industry will need to abide by the same guidelines.
Nothing is cemented in stone yet, so no body should be jumping the gun.
I am all for the industry so this isn't a personal attack Shannon.. I'm literally on the industry side for this but regulations will need to be adhered to and it's quite possible the ones in the link may be an issue.
Nothing can be promised yet.
I didn't read it as a personal attack, nor was my reply intended to be an attack, I was just adding clarification. I apologize that you interpreted it that way

Fat boy

Each day is a journey & the journey itself is home
Legend Member
1. Different states are opening up differently, so there is no one rule for all
2. What I really like about this forum: this forum is managed and contributed by people who are working or have worked in the industry. The tone in this forum is generally friendly and welcoming. Yes, we may
not always have the latest updates, but compared to some other forum, talking sex posts/reviews are generally honest. In some other forum, the reviews are nothing but glorified fictitious personal sexual conquests.


Gold Member
Even when AMPs open again, where are they going to get staff from? I imagine most of the girls would have headed home when shops closed, and international border restrictions will still be in place once shops open.