I totally remember the pain of giving up smoking so I truly empathize with you Mary-Anne. I smoked for 18 years and had many attempts at giving up. I even stopped for 2 yesrs once and stupidly took it up again. It literally took me over 2 years to be totally over it when I finally did ditch it and during that time I would dream I was smoking and wake up in tears because it was so real and I really wanted to give up. I also had to give up my alcohol of choice which was "scotch & diet coke (cant believe I drank that poisonous diet coke either!) because every time I had one I wanted to light up. I switched to red wine and that helped. Thankfully I'm 27 years smoke free this year. My thoughts are with you but determined people like us can do anything we put our minds to. so I know you will get there.I am one of those; it never worries me whilst flying, but land and smoking area, here I come. I have to have all my teeth taken out in May. Anesthetic and my age are double dangerous if I don't give up 2-3 weeks before the operation. I am going up to Dirk Hartog Island 3 weeks before to give up smoking and finalise some things before I build up there in 2026. I am crossing my fingers that I can give up smoking forever on this trip. I don't usually have too many problems; it's 6 weeks later that I find myself reaching for a fag.