I have taking a hard stand against Vaping

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
No one is allowed to Vape at langtrees VIP Perth from the 2nd Febuary. I learnt about the horros of Vaping from my dentist 6 weeks ago, when he showed me photos of a 19 yo boy that had rotted his gums and had 8 teeth from the front fall out.
He started Vaping at the age of 15 so this was only 4 years damage.
Girls and Clients have been vaping in the rooms and then a non smoker goes in and breathes in her/his poisin.
When I have hit vaping smoke, it makes me cough, as a smoker of 1 mg ciggaretes I do not cough.
I am 70 yerars old this year and I want to live another 20 years for my granchildren and hopefully some great grandchildren, I am not prepared to inhale anothers poisin

The government made vaping illegal without a doctors prescribtion for a bloody good reason, to save lifes.
Girls & Clients that Vape in my premises will be banned for 1-3 months 1st offence. The addiction is a hard one to give up but for the ladies that spend a fortune on your outer bodies think of the inner body, once your lungs go you will shrivel up and wrinkle like a prune.

Her is what the internet says

Vaping can be dangerous and has many health risks, including:
  • Lung damage: Vaping can cause irreversible lung damage, including lung irritation, shortness of breath, and breathing problems.

  • Brain damage: Nicotine in vapes can harm the developing brain, especially in areas that control attention, learning, mood, and behavioral control.

  • Addiction: Nicotine is highly addictive and can lead to nicotine dependence.

  • Cancer: Vaping can expose users to cancer-causing chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acrolein.

  • Other health issues: Vaping can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, and seizures. It can also make it more likely to catch colds or the flu.

    • Burns and injuries: Vaping devices can overheat or explode, causing burns or injuries.
    • Stress and anxiety: Vaping can make users feel more stressed or anxious.
    • Allergic reactions: Vaping can cause allergic reactions.
The Dangers of Vaping | How E-Cigarettes Affect Student Health

Vaping devices, also known as e-cigarettes, vape pens, and e-hookahs, contain a variety of chemicals, including nicotine, flavorings, and other ingredients.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
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Vaping can increase the risk of gum disease. This is because vaping can:

  • Reduce blood flow to the gums
  • Damage tooth enamel
  • Create a sticky substance that changes the bacteria in your mouth
  • Weaken your immune system
  • Increase the risk of tooth decay
  • Cause dry mouth
  • Stimulate teeth grinding
How vaping can cause gum disease
    • Nicotine
      Nicotine in vape juice can reduce blood flow to the gums, which can make it harder for gums to heal.
    • Chemicals
      The chemicals in vape juice, like propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, can create a sticky substance that changes the bacteria in your mouth.
    • Reduced saliva
      Vaping can reduce saliva, which can make it harder for your teeth to be protected.


Legend Member
I was at Supermarket the other day saw a dude buy 2 packs of smokes... over $115 that's one expensive unhealthy vice..
A carton is up around the $450 MARK . I wonder how many punters smoke on here and complain about paying out $200 for a massage . Gave up many yrs ago best thing $$ wise I've done ..

Andrew TS

Gold Member
Been vaping 8 years not one issue, my teeth and gums are good because I take care of them. No health issues I actually breath better than I did when I smoked cigarettes. Last health check my doctor said I was in good shape for 51.

You got all your info from a government website I see. It’s ok too believe what you read. But those facts are myths about vaping. But the government doesn’t want you to know that. They just want you to stop vaping and buy their poison cigarettes so they can get rich off the taxes.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Been vaping 8 years not one issue, my teeth and gums are good because I take care of them. No health issues I actually breath better than I did when I smoked cigarettes. Last health check my doctor said I was in good shape for 51.

You got all your info from a government website I see. It’s ok too believe what you read. But those facts are myths about vaping. But the government doesn’t want you to know that. They just want you to stop vaping and buy their poison cigarettes so they can get rich off the taxes.
Are you using a consistent Brand of vape, is it legal? I did hear the police are going to start charging vape users like to the old marijuana laws if not a legal vape?
I have noticed the throw away ones make me cough a lot more.

Andrew TS

Gold Member
Are you using a consistent Brand of vape, is it legal? I did hear the police are going to start charging vape users like to the old marijuana laws if not a legal vape?
I have noticed the throw away ones make me cough a lot more.
Yes mostly I use my own vape that I bought years ago and I stocked up on supplies before the ban and make my own juice. Yes possibly illegal now but I don’t vape in places where I draw attention to myself or bother other people with it. The company I work for up north doesn’t enforce the ban either. They have been threatening for a long time to charge Vaper’s but I’m yet to hear of it being a mandatory fine, considering a lot of police vape too I don’t think many of them enforce it. Some disposables are ok but the issue is that some are nicotine and some are nicotine salts. The ones that are nicotine salts are the ones that trigger asthma and other associated respiratory problems. But unless you know what to look for or can be bothered to google it based on the brand, you just don’t know what your buying.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Yes mostly I use my own vape that I bought years ago and I stocked up on supplies before the ban and make my own juice. Yes possibly illegal now but I don’t vape in places where I draw attention to myself or bother other people with it. The company I work for up north doesn’t enforce the ban either. They have been threatening for a long time to charge Vaper’s but I’m yet to hear of it being a mandatory fine, considering a lot of police vape too I don’t think many of them enforce it. Some disposables are ok but the issue is that some are nicotine and some are nicotine salts. The ones that are nicotine salts are the ones that trigger asthma and other associated respiratory problems. But unless you know what to look for or can be bothered to google it based on the brand, you just don’t know what your buying.

So funny in Germany they have smoke vending machines in the middle of nowhere where you can insert 5 or so euro and get a pack of smokes 24/7 visit a service station top up on fuel and buy booze, you see school kids after school walking into supermarkets buying beer and drinking it in public at the age of 16 while walking home, you can go to outdoor festivals all over the nation without loads of police being involved, back in Australia there is too much Government control over Adults where by in Germany Adults can make there own minds up, in German FKK clubs night clubs you can still smoke indoors, public drinking and nudity is allowed anywhere, its time in Australia to allow Adults to be Adults instead of tax playing slaves for life..

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
I was at Supermarket the other day saw a dude buy 2 packs of smokes... over $115 that's one expensive unhealthy vice..
My next door neighbour Mr poofy goes to those tabacco shops that keep getting firebomed buys packs of cigarettes tax free they also have a lots of cheap chop chop to keep people smoking cheaply.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
So funny in Germany they have smoke vending machines in the middle of nowhere where you can insert 5 or so euro and get a pack of smokes 24/7 visit a service station top up on fuel and buy booze, you see school kids after school walking into supermarkets buying beer and drinking it in public at the age of 16 while walking home, you can go to outdoor festivals all over the nation without loads of police being involved, back in Australia there is too much Government control over Adults where by in Germany Adults can make there own minds up, in German FKK clubs night clubs you can still smoke indoors, public drinking and nudity is allowed anywhere, its time in Australia to allow Adults to be Adults instead of tax playing slaves for life..
I can't agree with you on that Phoebe, I am a smoker of legal cigarettes and wish I wasnt addicted to the habit. I dont believe as a smoker we should be polluting others enjoyment of clubs and bars etc. I have also noticed far less damage on things like hand basins and far less rubbish like butts on the roads. Smokers can cause harm to others so we need to be considerate.
I am off to Dirk Hatof Island for 3 weeks in May to give up smoking before all my teeth are remved, I have gum disease which smoking has added to, I have to give up so that I dont die under anaesthetic, it is a much higher risk for smokers. I am hoping that I will be able to give up forever this time around. I am more addicted to the habit than the nicotine, being sent away so if I get bitchy I can yell at the island


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I can't agree with you on that Phoebe, I am a smoker of legal cigarettes and wish I wasnt addicted to the habit. I dont believe as a smoker we should be polluting others enjoyment of clubs and bars etc. I have also noticed far less damage on things like hand basins and far less rubbish like butts on the roads. Smokers can cause harm to others so we need to be considerate.
I am off to Dirk Hatof Island for 3 weeks in May to give up smoking before all my teeth are remved, I have gum disease which smoking has added to, I have to give up so that I dont die under anaesthetic, it is a much higher risk for smokers. I am hoping that I will be able to give up forever this time around. I am more addicted to the habit than the nicotine, being sent away so if I get bitchy I can yell at the island

I am not talking smoking per say.. I am talking the fact that in Australia when a person becomes 18 an Adult they should be allowed to make there own choices in life, that is what I am talking about in Germany a person a child in Australia at 16 is considered an ad Adult there a person who is 56 is still considered an infant by the Australian government who is incapable making a choice at what they do in life with legal products and services including the one you offer its so sad that they think they have to baby sit people from womb to tomb..

Smoking we all know is bad, addictive and causes many health issues, I don't smoke myself nor like the smell of it like most do, but if I go into a place in Germany that I know will be having smokers then well by going there as an adult I am agreeing in terms to breathing that in and having that smell on my clothing which I only wear certain clothing when going out and as soon as I arrive home I wash them, to enjoy the music and activities I love its something I need to face to enjoy it, sad but that is the lay of the land there..

I hope you can kick the habit and your time away you just do that, fingers crossed you do.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I am not talking smoking per say.. I am talking the fact that in Australia when a person becomes 18 an Adult they should be allowed to make there own choices in life, that is what I am talking about in Germany a person a child in Australia at 16 is considered an ad Adult there a person who is 56 is still considered an infant by the Australian government who is incapable making a choice at what they do in life with legal products and services including the one you offer its so sad that they think they have to baby sit people from womb to tomb..

Smoking we all know is bad, addictive and causes many health issues, I don't smoke myself nor like the smell of it like most do, but if I go into a place in Germany that I know will be having smokers then well by going there as an adult I am agreeing in terms to breathing that in and having that smell on my clothing which I only wear certain clothing when going out and as soon as I arrive home I wash them, to enjoy the music and activities I love its something I need to face to enjoy it, sad but that is the lay of the land there..

I hope you can kick the habit and your time away you just do that, fingers crossed you do.
I agree with you on that one Phoebe


Legend Member
I can't agree with you on that Phoebe, I am a smoker of legal cigarettes and wish I wasnt addicted to the habit. I dont believe as a smoker we should be polluting others enjoyment of clubs and bars etc. I have also noticed far less damage on things like hand basins and far less rubbish like butts on the roads. Smokers can cause harm to others so we need to be considerate.
I am off to Dirk Hatof Island for 3 weeks in May to give up smoking before all my teeth are remved, I have gum disease which smoking has added to, I have to give up so that I dont die under anaesthetic, it is a much higher risk for smokers. I am hoping that I will be able to give up forever this time around. I am more addicted to the habit than the nicotine, being sent away so if I get bitchy I can yell at the island
Have you tried hypnosis to give up smoking . Worked for me haven't touched one for over ten yrs .

Andrew TS

Gold Member
Have you tried hypnosis to give up smoking . Worked for me haven't touched one for over ten yrs .
I works for some a not for other. I’ve had 3 sessions and it did absolutely nothing I was back smoking a day later. I’ve tried champix too a few times the last time I was on it I weened myself off cigarettes but then started vaping knowing that I’d fail and get back to smoking after finishing the script. Gives you mad dreams though 😊

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
That was my stand also babe until a dentist showed me photos of a 19 yo who had 8 front teeth fall out from gum disease caused by vaping. I started studying and found so many with the throw away vapes are ruining there lungs in 4-5 years because of the poisin they use to make nice bubblegum flavours. It is 3 times more addictive than smoking but it is truly harmful and like I tols my girls and clients last night. I want another 20 years with my grandchildren, if they want to breathe in poising go outside where it doesnt effect me and others.

Andrew TS

Gold Member
That was my stand also babe until a dentist showed me photos of a 19 yo who had 8 front teeth fall out from gum disease caused by vaping. I started studying and found so many with the throw away vapes are ruining there lungs in 4-5 years because of the poisin they use to make nice bubblegum flavours. It is 3 times more addictive than smoking but it is truly harmful and like I tols my girls and clients last night. I want another 20 years with my grandchildren, if they want to breathe in poising go outside where it doesnt effect me and others.
It’s actually less full of chemicals than cigarettes. Basically VG & PG oils that are derived from plants, flavoring thats PG and you probably eaten in more times in your life than you realise and nicotine the being the chemical additive.

Cigarettes on the other hand:

Nicotine: A poisonous alkaloid that is addictive
Tar: A sticky, brown substance that forms when tobacco cools
Carbon monoxide: A colorless, odorless gas that can damage the heart and lungs
Arsenic: A poison found in tobacco smoke
Ammonia: A toxic, colorless gas with a sharp odor
Formaldehyde: A chemical used to preserve dead bodies
Acrolein: A chemical made when burning petrol, wood, and plastics
Benzene: A toxic chemical found in crude oil, petrol, and paint stripper
Hydrogen cyanide: A toxic gas that damages the lungs and cardiovascular system
Nitrosamines: Chemicals that cause cancer, such as cancer of the lungs, mouth, and pancreas

Some chemicals are found naturally in tobacco, while others are formed when tobacco is burned.

Vaping is less harmful than smoking, but it's still not safe. E-cigarettes heat nicotine, flavorings and other ingredients to create an vapour that you inhale. Regular tobacco cigarettes contain 7,000 chemicals, a large majority of which are toxic. Bash on vaping all you want everyone entitled to their own opinion but based on all the actual scientific facts and the fact that I feel healthier vaping then smoking i’d say i’ll live longer vaping then smoking.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
It’s actually less full of chemicals than cigarettes. Basically VG & PG oils that are derived from plants, flavoring thats PG and you probably eaten in more times in your life than you realise and nicotine the being the chemical additive.

Cigarettes on the other hand:

Nicotine: A poisonous alkaloid that is addictive
Tar: A sticky, brown substance that forms when tobacco cools
Carbon monoxide: A colorless, odorless gas that can damage the heart and lungs
Arsenic: A poison found in tobacco smoke
Ammonia: A toxic, colorless gas with a sharp odor
Formaldehyde: A chemical used to preserve dead bodies
Acrolein: A chemical made when burning petrol, wood, and plastics
Benzene: A toxic chemical found in crude oil, petrol, and paint stripper
Hydrogen cyanide: A toxic gas that damages the lungs and cardiovascular system
Nitrosamines: Chemicals that cause cancer, such as cancer of the lungs, mouth, and pancreas

Some chemicals are found naturally in tobacco, while others are formed when tobacco is burned.

Vaping is less harmful than smoking, but it's still not safe. E-cigarettes heat nicotine, flavorings and other ingredients to create an vapour that you inhale. Regular tobacco cigarettes contain 7,000 chemicals, a large majority of which are toxic. Bash on vaping all you want everyone entitled to their own opinion but based on all the actual scientific facts and the fact that I feel healthier vaping then smoking i’d say i’ll live longer vaping then smoking.
I have not seen a smokes teeth fall out in 4 years from smoking. The illegal vapes are much more dangerous from my research than legal cigarettes.

Andrew TS

Gold Member
I have not seen a smokes teeth fall out in 4 years from smoking. The illegal vapes are much more dangerous from my research than legal cigarettes.
Tell yourself whatever you need to feel justified but Yes, smoking cigarettes is a major cause of tooth loss. It can lead to gum disease, which can cause teeth to fall out. Smoking is also linked to tooth decay and mouth cancer.

Smoking cigarettes causes bacteria to build up on teeth, which leads to gum disease. Gum disease can cause gums to pull away from teeth, creating spaces that can become infected resulting in tooth decay and loss.

Scientific facts count. Googling vapes vs cigarettes especially in Australia of course they’re going to tell you vaping is worse. They want your money. But hey you do you and believe whatever makes you happy 😊


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Legend Member
Vipes or cigarettes - don't like either of them and I think they are as bad as each other.

Vaping used to be a way for smokers to kick the habit........and it worked to start with, remembering the old e- cigarette.
Government made 2 mistakes - insanely high prices for cigarettes and making vaping illegal. Both steps won't stop people from smoking/vaping. The issue was only pushed "underground" and created tabacco wars and black markets.
From health point of view even more damaging as there is no control of the "quality" of the products flooding the black market.

However back to the origional topic.........
I agree with the vaping ban at work as it is too tempting just to have a quick pretend "hidden" puff in the lounge thinking nobody would realise it.
Or clients coming in with a plum of smoke dragging behind them.
Step in the right direction. 👍


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Vipes or cigarettes - don't like either of them and I think they are as bad as each other.

Vaping used to be a way for smokers to kick the habit........and it worked to start with, remembering the old e- cigarette.
Government made 2 mistakes - insanely high prices for cigarettes and making vaping illegal. Both steps won't stop people from smoking/vaping. The issue was only pushed "underground" and created tabacco wars and black markets.
From health point of view even more damaging as there is no control of the "quality" of the products flooding the black market.

However back to the origional topic.........
I agree with the vaping ban at work as it is too tempting just to have a quick pretend "hidden" puff in the lounge thinking nobody would realise it.
Or clients coming in with a plum of smoke dragging behind them.
Step in the right direction. 👍

You know what gets me... I do a lot of long haul 12 hour flights, you see loads of people standing out the front of say Perth Airport with bags about to fly out, then you check in go past customs and see those same folks waiting for the same 12 hour flight to Dubai/Doha as you are on, you get on the plane and fly out arrive into your airport and those same people have not had a smoke for what could be 14 hours how can they do that, but once outside of the arrival airport they have to smoke, I find that baffling. if you can do that surely you can keep going and kick the habit.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
You know what gets me... I do a lot of long haul 12 hour flights, you see loads of people standing out the front of say Perth Airport with bags about to fly out, then you check in go past customs and see those same folks waiting for the same 12 hour flight to Dubai/Doha as you are on, you get on the plane and fly out arrive into your airport and those same people have not had a smoke for what could be 14 hours how can they do that, but once outside of the arrival airport they have to smoke, I find that baffling. if you can do that surely you can keep going and kick the habit.
I am one of those; it never worries me whilst flying, but land and smoking area, here I come. I have to have all my teeth taken out in May. Anesthetic and my age are double dangerous if I don't give up 2-3 weeks before the operation. I am going up to Dirk Hartog Island 3 weeks before to give up smoking and finalise some things before I build up there in 2026. I am crossing my fingers that I can give up smoking forever on this trip. I don't usually have too many problems; it's 6 weeks later that I find myself reaching for a fag.