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I’m not gay but….


Silver Member
Life can be full of surprises!
Would you have her details? Thankyou.
Was a while ago now, lost contact with her and have not seen her advertised anywhere since. A pity.
There is a few on Locanto, but they are getting expensive.


Silver Member
I love it personally,y favourite is a couple I saw once, a TS and a charming young lady. Loved being the meat in that sandwich


Legend Member
No judgment but sounds like you might be a little or possibly bi? Like I get liking anal stimulation but specifically a penis and to also suck on a cock? Might just not realised your sexuality. Like I think you could almost argue about getting a bj from a lady boy because “they do it better” or being a top on one but even then it’s not the most convincing argument lol


Gold Member
I was also curios about being with a ladyboy, so went and had a massage with one. I was very nervous.
One thing led to another and I ended up with her big cock in my mouth, straight away i enjoyed it.
Have met many more since and had a great time, have also gone a lot further as i got more comfortable. So now take cum in mouth and swallow, a few have given me anal. All up an enjoyable experience and a good kink.
Id say Im gay, if im sucking cock, but certainly not interested in men.
I've diversified in a similar way. Visit a ladyboy now and again in amongst my regular visits to several working ladies.


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
No judgment but sounds like you might be a little or possibly bi? Like I get liking anal stimulation but specifically a penis and to also suck on a cock? Might just not realised your sexuality. Like I think you could almost argue about getting a bj from a lady boy because “they do it better” or being a top on one but even then it’s not the most convincing argument lol
Just for the record prefacing your post with 'no judgment' and then being judgmental is not really in the TS spirit IMO. If it's sane and legal members should be able to express themselves without judgment. If it's not your thing move on to the next thread perhaps?


Legend Member
Just for the record prefacing your post with 'no judgment' and then being judgmental is not really in the TS spirit IMO. If it's sane and legal members should be able to express themselves without judgment. If it's not your thing move on to the next thread perhaps?
Yes. Agreed.


Legend Member
Just for the record prefacing your post with 'no judgment' and then being judgmental is not really in the TS spirit IMO. If it's sane and legal members should be able to express themselves without judgment. If it's not your thing move on to the next thread
Seems like you’re trying to make something into something it isn’t, no judgment implies I don’t care what you do as it doesn’t bother me but what he said doesn’t really
Make a lot of sense as he has specifically stated to wanting to do sexual acts with male parts which does potentially make you gay/bi which again isn’t an issue and isn’t something you should be trying to imply here