
Gold Member
As for girls turning away Why? Surely its their livelihood we are talking here not a get together with her friends No matter how friendly the lounge enviroment is It is a place of work first

Well, I am more than happy to re-illustrate in words of what happenned in that very moment. That very hour. That very minute.

I happened to belong one of 14 Myer's Briggs Type Indicator personality profile as ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment), and that for any subsequent sights or circumstance/s in front of me that represents itself so visibly upfront; either against or in favor of; my own list of values in any notions of social interaction & general respect - I cannot help but to register even the smallest cues down to the last detail in memory.

Anyway nonetheless, I hope I am not digging out any emotions out of the poor lady in question in this thread... sure from my other experience/s - I've had my handshake refused/slapped away in front of a strikingly beautiful blonde (Jenna @Club 316), and I've once had my back slammed with the front door (quite) hard as I politely and apologetically walked out of an establishment without booking anyone (...surprisingly, that was at my next highest regarded place & positively reviewed - Casey's east perth).

But one thing for sure - I've always made a silent well wishes running over in my head to whatever dull moment I may cause to these ladies... even though if it all happened in abrupt ways.

So a message to all W/Ls, be aware that not all clients are as insensitive as you'd think. Some of us are just happenned to be a lot of more observant.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
This is turning out to be one of the best threads yet. I would like to see more ladies posting, it lets me know they are interested in their business. I have hopefully addressed a solution to this problem at Langtrees. Its a hard solution for the ladies, but it has improved the lounge manners. It is also something I had done in the past that I had let slip.
Each week DD, Madam Raye myself and Sue put two names forward at a weekly meeting, These are ladies we have seen avoid clients, ladies that make no effort at self promotion, ladies that have no special requests, and ladies that are hard to work with. From our selections if the same lady comes up on regularly, we refuse her the right to more reservations.
I will move this thread to the Langtrees of Perth Board, this may make it easier for the ladies to find.


I definitely have to agree with other posters comments regarding manners in the lounge- It doesn't hurt you to go say hello to a client when he walks in, neither does it hurt to introduce the other girls on shift and initiate conversation which includes EVERYONE (even if you're not the best of friends or not attracted to the client or available at the time), BUT that really would not count in my opinion as hustling. That's called being polite and courteous. Hustling in the true sense of the word is definitely a completely different game.

I haven't seen any of these sort of things happen at Langtree's at all recently- (we seem to have an absolutely ace bunch of girls on at the moment)

Previously however there were a couple of ladies (who i would never name) who seemed to feel it necessary to expose themselves to clients in the lounge or who would cut other girls off in conversation, or would turn their backs on girls or clients or pressure punters. A lot of the time, particularly with nervous clients if you walk straight up and go "book me" they will for fear of causing offence. THIS is hustling. Its unnecessary, rude and can make the lounge environment very tense. The whole point of the Lounge is to be able to socialize and get to know the girls and work out whose personality/look suits your taste with no pressure.

I think Dallas has the right idea, if you patronize our wonderful establishment regularly (haha) next time you visit go in early and have a chat to the other ladies, if you have made a booking. That way the girls know that you aren't available and you can have a chat with no hurt feelings for either party as your intentions are clear from the outset. If not i cant think of any of our ladies who wouldn't pop over and say hi-

bear in mind though, that it wouldn't hurt some of YOU (the clients) to turn on the charm either. Few times i've been stuck with people who have the conversational skills of a plank of wood and i have nearly had to tape their phones to my forehead to get them to say more than two words in a row.


doesnt matter were you go in life,theres allways some one hustling......

Pixie O'Malley

Gold Member
Just read through this - very interesting.

Thanks Tyrel for mentioning me as 'one of the friendly ones'... Appreciated!

As a (relatively) new girl to the industry (only 9 weeks in, wowza! haha) I am still learning 'the tricks of the trade' so to speak.

But I have one hell of a set of transferable skills - what are they? Being nice to people, and knowing how to flirt. And from what I've noticed, the girls that do the best are the girls who are nice to guys and show they are interested in them. And you know what? These girls who are interested not only do better, but also walk away with a smile on their face because they've had an engaging, social experience and therefore had more to base an enjoyable experience on rather than focussing on "I don't really want to do this".

I suppose in a way I'm a little like Topaz in that I'm more than quick to introduce guys to the other girls and allow them their choice, because I play a long game. I'd much prefer behave with dignity and allow someone freedom to choose. Because that is part of the brand I'm trying to establish.

Anyway to cut a long story short: being polite, looking after your guests, removing your ego from the situation, being a team player and knowing how to man feel like he's the most amazing thing on the planet go a long way to leaving work with a smile on your face and money in the bank.

xx P

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I love being welcomed by someone with a smile and also a warm hand shake… Just because of the industry that we are in doesn’t mean you can’t greet customers with the same feeling.. It is surprising by how many clients say I would like to book you Sue and the only reason is ladies that I make them feel welcome and at home ( remember I am old and fat ).. A smile and being interested in the client goes a long way…. You might not always get the booking but I will guarantee the next time he comes back he will remember you for your hospitality and may even book you then….
Also on a the negative side there is nothing worse than calling a lady to the counter and she continues to sit there and wave her hand to indicate for the client to walk to her … Not Cool……It is embarrassing for all…
So you don’t have to hustle you just need to take the time and make clients feel welcome…
Ms Sue


Legend Member
I enjoyed you input then Sue It is so true
Also I get the feeling some people are confusing putting your self out there and being noticed and being in someones face
Come with me luv I will show you a good time Like in the movies is Hustling Hello My name is .. and you are ? Is good social skills
Maybe that is whats missing nowadays Social skills Some people can be real nice & friendly via text but face to face ?


Legend Member
Great comment Sue, and as a client I totally agree! I must say that all the greetings that I've had from Langtrees ladies have been great -either a hand shake and a smile if it's the first time or a hug if it's someone that I know.

My only issue is trying to find the time off work to book everyone that has made an amazing first impression!!

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
Loved your comments happy2 I too think manners are missing in general society now. All you have to do to see that is go shopping or really anything interactive with people in general.
But no excuse for our lounge. It is our job to make our clients feel at ease from the moment they step in the door. We work at Langtrees one of the busiest and best brothels in Australia. We earn more money than anywhere else.
We can only remain that way by adopting the highest standards and make sure our clients remember us in the best possible way xx


Who cares about good social skills Mr2 I'm only going to be there for 30 minutes.


Legend Member
Who cares about good social skills Mr2 I'm only going to be there for 30 minutes.

I think it is another skill lost to a whole generation Oi you in the room now I have paid for half an hour Is for those who would have had a good time in the Good old days ie Master and slave


As long as she's not rude she can be any personality she likes. She better brace herself for 3-4 minutes of intense shagging though Mr2.

Farm Boy

As long as she's not rude she can be any personality she likes. She better brace herself for 3-4 minutes of intense shagging though Mr2.

Bit like running in the Melbourne Cup Coll ? Record winning time – 3.16.30 Kingston Rule (1990)

melissa milan

I think there is a difference between hustling and pushing someone to go through to a room with you and making a situation uncomfortable... I definetely agree that all clients should walk in and be made to feel welcome and given attention because they are here for that reason... being a brunette some people just like blondes and vice versa so even if a client doesn't prefer a brunette I will usually show him around to some girls that he might like... but in saying that you have to try things new to find out what you like right? :)

p.s Kandi and I are a match made in heaven for a whole lot of 3some fun and we love doing it! so if your'e looking for some fun with a girl next door blonde and a sultry brunette come on in or we can come to you! xx MEL

Helena Loren

Hi everyone my first lenguage is not english so I am sorry if I make mistake but i would like say something about Hustling ...
I m a woman and the first thing come in my mind when we are talking about " spending money " is when I m doing shopping .. I love it and when I walk in to a shoop I like see everythings is inside then I decide what I like the most and then I bay it ..It is so wonderfull have a choice, is marvelous see all the beautiful things i could choce from ...
Of course man are no much into shopping things but because we are talking about women ...yes I m sure this is somenthing men really like :)
Then I m sure that give at our client more than a moment to have look at all the beauty and gourgeus girls are waiting for them must be our priority .. ...
Greating people in all kind of job is a istant where you have to make feel someone welcome , not trapped .....after this there is the introduction part where you show at client all the wonderful girls are wating there for him ....then make him feel free to have choices... many choices ....and because we are person and no object smiling and introduce yourself to a client is one inportant thing that make the differenze from do shopping ( for a woman ) and have a unforgetable time ( for a man )
I like the men kind they deserve be treated like a king and walking in here they must be sure they are in the right place always a the right time ... :)


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- Ohhhh Ayeeeee to be a King, now I would agreeee, but, I am just an old Pirate, so pass the Rum and let us cheer;- toooo all the sweet W/L that make us smile...........all the best tooooo Yeeee Helena

Hi everyone my first lenguage is not english so I am sorry if I make mistake but i would like say something about Hustling ...
I m a woman and the first thing come in my mind when we are talking about " spending money " is when I m doing shopping .. I love it and when I walk in to a shoop I like see everythings is inside then I decide what I like the most and then I bay it ..It is so wonderfull have a choice, is marvelous see all the beautiful things i could choce from ...
Of course man are no much into shopping things but because we are talking about women ...yes I m sure this is somenthing men really like :)
Then I m sure that give at our client more than a moment to have look at all the beauty and gourgeus girls are waiting for them must be our priority .. ...
Greating people in all kind of job is a istant where you have to make feel someone welcome , not trapped .....after this there is the introduction part where you show at client all the wonderful girls are wating there for him ....then make him feel free to have choices... many choices ....and because we are person and no object smiling and introduce yourself to a client is one inportant thing that make the differenze from do shopping ( for a woman ) and have a unforgetable time ( for a man )
I like the men kind they deserve be treated like a king and walking in here they must be sure they are in the right place always a the right time ... :)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Well done Helen great first post, and no one will worry about your english, it is clear your intent.By the way folks she has a beautiful accent, so if you like naughty stories whispered to you...while....you get my meaning, she is delightful.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy Ohhhh eyyyyye I do agree, the sweetest first post ever written, well done Helena. Never worry what an old Pirate may write, listen to MaryAnne she is always right. Have fun in all you do, for I am an old Pirate and you made me smile, I wish you all the best and great success, now its time for me to sail away and drink myyyyy Rum and wish you all the best.

Well done Helen great first post, and no one will worry about your english, it is clear your intent.By the way folks she has a beautiful accent, so if you like naughty stories whispered to you...while....you get my meaning, she is delightful.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
hi Helena and welcome to the forum , the more you read and write posts to more you learn the English langue ,

John :) :)

Pixie O'Malley

Gold Member
Hi Helena :)

Loved your input! Hadn't thought of it from that perspective before! :)

And your English is fine, any mistakes totally forgiveable for that beautiful accent!

Guys - Helena is a wonderful lady, I love spending time with her in the lounge. So genuine and a lovely, gentle soul. Beautiful and sexy too! :)

xx P

Helena Loren

Thank you to every one ,you made me feel very welcome here ,thank you so much again :)

I ll be very happy to share different opinion with you all ...hoping that my mistake in writing is going to bring some smiles in your face ;-) .

Thank you Pixie you are a really wonderful girl , I love when you sing , when you are here is look like you add a rainbow to the lounge xxxx

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
It is great to read comments from both Clients and W/L.
They all appear to have the same message overall. Its manners, respect and sensitive approach that works for all.

Purple Haze

We all hustle at some stage, But greetings should just come naturally especially with a welcoming smile and an introduction. I sort of know who I can hustle, flirt with or whatever the case maybe but those that are steadfast in what they want and who they want I will do my best to accommodate them. Helena is wonderful out there she has panache.


I just don't understand why people would pay money for this when they can do it on their own - but I guess sex works the same way. This chap must have been a punter if his face is obscured.


Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
And now coming from me I Love a Hustle. if i know them or not. Helena has the Panache but you sometimes need to bring it out of her as she's a rather shy person believe it or not................