I think being flirty, friendly and nice is definitely something that is needed in a lounge environment. I try to say hello to everyone...sometimes that's not always possible, but I do my best, and occasionally you get the "I'm so not interested in you, I don't even want to look at you and say hello vibe" from a client/punter that I just think I'll let him view the girls. If no one at all approaches then I'll happily go over and chat, offer a drink, and ask if there's anyone that takes your fancy and bring the girl over to be introduced. Maybe next time, I'll be the one chosen. I also find that personality makes a HUGE difference. In fact being sparkly and interested has gotten me far more clients recently than just my looks alone. I know I have a very pretty face, but I am a curvy girl (with a very nice shape I might add!) and that's not to everyone's taste, which is totally cool...that's why there are so many girls here, there's someone for everyone...but being open and sometimes cheeky has gotten me picked over the punters first choice simply because he liked my personality...so far none have been disappointed, and in those cases I always ask.
I also make sure to say hello to regular clients that I know wont choose me, but being friendly doesn't cost me anything..and you just never know!
But there is a difference between doing the above, and going up to a client and basically stopping him from meeting any other girls by hogging his time and view. To me this is hustling. I don't like it, but then I don't have to. Every girl will work her own way. Some do so as part of a team, others don't. At the end of the day, we're all here for ourselves. If that's how you choose to work, so be it. If it gets you work then it gets you work....it's still the clients choice to see you in the room either way...he always has the right to say no, as do we.