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How would you handle a reverse review?


Gold Member
... and I should have added, just like the Licker Extraordinaire, I too was told I was very good ... once!

The problem is, having heard that only once in my first 50 years, now that I am well into the next 50, what are my chances of ever hearing it again?
Yeah , in touch with that emotion!!
Maybe t least they know they are pretty safe πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Just wake me up when I'm finished .. ba ha ha !

John Smithl

Legend Member
... and I should have added, just like the Licker Extraordinaire, I too was told I was very good ... once!

The problem is, having heard that only once in my first 50 years, now that I am well into the next 50, what are my chances of ever hearing it again?
I used to hear that too. That was before self sealing envelopes and self sticking stamps... reminisce...

Not listening

... and I should have added, just like the Licker Extraordinaire, I too was told I was very good ... once!

The problem is, having heard that only once in my first 50 years, now that I am well into the next 50, what are my chances of ever hearing it again?
if you are very, very good you will never hear it again because your ears will be crushed between the ladies thighs ;) Well that's what I tell myself


Legend Member
This might have some legs, bit like your uber rating system - how was your ride out of 5 ⭐, both give and receive a rating.
Actually come to think of it why isn't there an app to book with as well, pre-screening for safety, protects identity, handle payments .....who wants to invest I'll build it! 🀣
Good in theory, but sounds like a titantic idea, heading straight for an iceberg - just like how the Covid app seems to be rarely used at AMPs etc, with Mickey Mouse preferring to use the paper version!


Legend Member
if you are very, very good you will never hear it again because your ears will be crushed between the ladies thighs ;) Well that's what I tell myself
Hey don't laugh, but did post about that ages ago.
Visits to dentist and doctor to resolve my TMJ pain - (temporomandibular joints - connect lower jaw to skull) - and try to explain to them, do not know how it happened but must have just banged it somehow.


Gold Member
Jasmine's Massage Guildford more or less gives a review on how good the customer is, but doesn't go as far as a score out of ten??


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Oh no end of the world... The sky is falling in... I am gonna need some more therapy etc...

But since I'm a great lay no fear here.. and great human being too no fear again, and since I love nudity same deal, and I know I smell divine, look wonderful also I fear no backlash here either...

I'm too school for cool


Gold Member
Oh no end of the world... The sky is falling in... I am gonna need some more therapy etc...

But since I'm a great lay no fear here.. and great human being too no fear again, and since I love nudity same deal, and I know I smell divine, look wonderful also I fear no backlash here either...

I'm too school for cool
Ooh 'backlash... how much is that? I usually see Mistress Nicole for that.πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ


Instead of punters reviewing WL's, how do you think you would go if they did a review on you and other punters?
Not sure about a public "review", but just some honest feedback might be nice. Double edged sword for the girl I guess .. too negative and the guy would just never come back, so some might tend to just always end in flattery for the return business.

I like the concept though.

I guess there's nothing stopping me from just asking the girl after the session!


Gold Member
Not being negative here but a review probably required some kind of identifications such as nicknames, names, phone numbers, emails or an account or a database. How would that go with privacy? Didn't people have privacy concerns regarding to sign-in at an establishment with the SafeWa app?
Alternatively, each working lady could setup their own blog/e-diaries. But duties such as maintaining social media may considered as workload issues? (Maybe we can think of it as an extra service to entertain the punters?)


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Not being negative here but a review probably required some kind of identifications such as nicknames, names, phone numbers, emails or an account or a database. How would that go with privacy? Didn't people have privacy concerns regarding to sign-in at an establishment with the SafeWa app?
Alternatively, each working lady could setup their own blog/e-diaries. But duties such as maintaining social media may considered as workload issues? (Maybe we can think of it as an extra service to entertain the punters?)



Silver Member
The thing is, a punter can easily review a WL here with zero consequences. A lot of WL’s aren’t on these forums, and never see what is written about them, good, bad or otherwise.
And if they did read them, and read a bad review, there’s nothing to identify the punter as his real name isn’t used here.
So she unlikely to refuse to see him again given she doesn’t know who he is.

The WL however can be very badly affected and lose future bookings, therefore her income as she is identified. Other punters would avoid her.
Yet one mans bad experience could’ve been a simple lack of chemistry/connection. Or perhaps he was not particularly respectful, or tried to cross boundaries and got the appropriate response, but blames the WL anyway.
If the WL is clearly doing a poor job or advertises falsely and wastes people’s time and money, she absolutely deserves a bad review. But some of the reviews on here don’t always seem fair, and are damaging as many other punters would give that WL a good review.

But I can’t see how a punter would be damaged by getting a bad review of himself. He doesn’t lose anything, except maybe pride.

Just saying 😊😊😊


Gold Member
The thing is, a punter can easily review a WL here with zero consequences. A lot of WL’s aren’t on these forums, and never see what is written about them, good, bad or otherwise.
And if they did read them, and read a bad review, there’s nothing to identify the punter as his real name isn’t used here.
So she unlikely to refuse to see him again given she doesn’t know who he is.

The WL however can be very badly affected and lose future bookings, therefore her income as she is identified. Other punters would avoid her.
Yet one mans bad experience could’ve been a simple lack of chemistry/connection. Or perhaps he was not particularly respectful, or tried to cross boundaries and got the appropriate response, but blames the WL anyway.
If the WL is clearly doing a poor job or advertises falsely and wastes people’s time and money, she absolutely deserves a bad review. But some of the reviews on here don’t always seem fair, and are damaging as many other punters would give that WL a good review.

But I can’t see how a punter would be damaged by getting a bad review of himself. He doesn’t lose anything, except maybe pride.

Just saying 😊😊😊
I have read some bad reviews of girls I am regular with and when I mention the bad review you can be fairly certain from what the girls say that yes the customer has crossed a boundary or tries to bargain either price or getting something for free. Chemistry can be a problem and I am sure punters tend to forget that the girls can have a bad day or if you visit late in the day the can be tired ,sore or any number of other problems.
Agreed, a punter would not suffer because of a false name, however I reckon there could be some funny moments. For example the boys may not be as big as they think they are or as good etc.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
How about we cut the BS and just TRY to enjoy a booking for clucks sake.. let's have a tripadvisor for sex.. Humans ruin everything including the magical and joy of sex... really .. not everything needs to be rated, graded, classified etc. ITS not The AFL Grand Final.


Gold Member
How about we cut the BS and just TRY to enjoy a booking for clucks sake.. let's have a tripadvisor for sex.. Humans ruin everything including the magical and joy of sex... really .. not everything needs to be rated, graded, classified etc. ITS not The AFL Grand Final.
Phew , thank God, I thought I was gonna get evicted from the ? house for sure!

Tania Admin

What I think some punters fail to realise is that they are reviewed often. Just not on this open forum. Ladies talk amongst themselves in person, via messages and other networks. The bad guys tend to be focussed on more but when I worked the floor I always warned WL's or promoted the kind and gentle clientele for the new ladies (new to the industry). This is also something I continued when in a receptionist or management position.


Gold Member
What I think some punters fail to realise is that they are reviewed often. Just not this open forum. Ladies talk amongst themselves in person, via messages and other networks. The bad guys tend to be focussed on more but when I worked the floor I always warned WL's or promoted clientele for the new ladies. This is also something I continued when in a receptionist or management position.
Oooh I'm so tempted to make a terribly sexist remark, but Admin have my details , will track me down and render my goolies incomplete! 🀣 πŸ€• πŸ˜‡

Not listening

... the old; "was it good for you too?"
I think you need a "positive" approach in this type of discussion. Can I suggest that immediately after you have blown your load you say "wow, how good was I just then?" I'm sure you we would all get some great references to add to our CVs. Imagine how impressed the interviewer would be at your next job interview πŸ˜‚

Tania Admin

I just had last week off work to come to Perth. Had all sorts of things planned and booked. I don't feel that lucky right now. 😷😷😷
BTW Tania that pic. of you looks like you're filling in for Mistress Nicole while she's away!
I'm a Darwinite :)


Gold Member
How about we cut the BS and just TRY to enjoy a booking for clucks sake.. let's have a tripadvisor for sex.. Humans ruin everything including the magical and joy of sex... really .. not everything needs to be rated, graded, classified etc. ITS not The AFL Grand Final.
Hi Phoebe, my original story post was just meant to be lighthearted. Sometimes things can take a different tangent.