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Have you ever been to a strip club?


Gold Member
Not wrong I could of easily gone broke over there . The lap dances were definitely worth the money 💰 🤑
One stripper kept me in the private room for over an hour. Her hands always down my pants. Kept asking what sort of Company Jet I had. She just didn’t get that Aussie Expats don’t get a company jet. Needless to say at bill settling time. I refused to pay the bottle rate - she wanted me to stay on.


Silver Member
All Foam and no Beer...
One visit in Amsterdam was interesting though. My most memorable visits in Perth have been when I've gone with girls, not the guys or for Bucks Nights...The last visit would have been around 3 years ago to the Penthouse Club and was with the Mrs and her 2 friends all pretty hot Thai chick's in their mid 30s. It was funny to watch the girls giggling aplenty and their animated Thai facial expressions..