Harlots Showcase: Charlie Hendrix - Super Model Looks, Freak Between The Sheets!


Silver Member
Charlie Hendrix is down to earth but out of this world, light-hearted but deeply passionate and in Canberra for less than a week! You can kiss the constellation of freckles across her tiny waist and her perky tits, or maybe you want a long build-up of strip teasing and lap-dancing…
She will be in Canberra from the 6th of March to the 12th of March, 2025, but keep an eye out for her future tours too!
Her photos, extras and availability can be found on Harlots.com
You can find the escorts working this week here and all the other gorgeous babes working with Harlots below
See who else is in Canberra with Langtrees.com.

One click for the lady.. love her boots..
