• If you use Langtrees.com to bypass the new moderators you need to use same user name and add TS at the end. Exampe. Beep TS. This way we can approve you when we see your blog comments and or review on a advertiser. Moderation is slow because you guys are making Kate and I do triple checks. It is the only way in until clean up is finished. The TS has to be added to your Langtrees.com user name not your forum name guys its just a way so we can mark you DUAL.
  • I wish I could answer while moderating postsand name changes . Guys you do not have to change your forum names and add TS at the end. Add Ts at end of Langtrees.com as this makes it qqicker to approve. Kate and I have spend over 40 hours each on this last week. The only way in until clean up is done is via a langtrees.com Blog comment and or a honest review for a advertiser.

Guys not liking a BJ - Is there such a thing?


Naughty Thoughts

See jaxonjorja, that right there is what we keep telling you about. Deliberate or not, that's "baiting".

Three day ban (until around 8am on the 2nd).

I already know what's going to happen: when the ban lifts (or earlier) you'll post about how we aren't treating you fairly, how we're not applying the rules to everybody and how you stuck absolutely to the rules and how other people need to stop over-reacting to your "innocent" comments.

Well, you're welcome to remain on the forum and we appreciate having an active community with a diverse background - but you will need to stop going out of your way to provoke other members.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
See jaxonjorja, that right there is what we keep telling you about. Deliberate or not, that's "baiting".

Three day ban (until around 8am on the 2nd).

I already know what's going to happen: when the ban lifts (or earlier) you'll post about how we aren't treating you fairly, how we're not applying the rules to everybody and how you stuck absolutely to the rules and how other people need to stop over-reacting to your "innocent" comments.

Well, you're welcome to remain on the forum and we appreciate having an active community with a diverse background - but you will need to stop going out of your way to provoke other members.

Lone Road i so agree with you on this n jaxonjorja it was only a matter of time befor you stepped over the line . now have a few days off and relax .



5 Star General
Foundation Member
now lets get this thread back on track ( subject )

n no more hi - jacking



what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Ok Since we are back to subject can i ask how many guys actually cum from cbj everytime they get one and is it so much different with a condom? Besides the obvious answer you can't cum in the Ladies mouth.
I have very rarely cum from any B/J and i have had some of the best, just not really my thing.


I already know what's going to happen: when the ban lifts (or earlier) you'll post about how we aren't treating you fairly, how we're not applying the rules to everybody and how you stuck absolutely to the rules and how other people need to stop over-reacting to your "innocent" comments.

Well, you're welcome to remain on the forum and we appreciate having an active community with a diverse background - but you will need to stop going out of your way to provoke other members.

Well done lone road, you're absolutely right with your guess, because it is absolutely true. Between you and johnlou, you both are the softest pussy moderators I've come across who need to harden the fuck up!! By the way, I don't go out of my way to provoke anyone, it seems Ms Foxx is the only person provoked here, and not only by me. Ms Foxx - toughen up, princess!


johnlou, the irony of your signature on your posts. Maybe you need need to read it a little more often, and either practise what you preach, or stop pontificating to others how to behave when you behave in a way completely opposite to what your signature puts across!!


Only speaking the truth.
I haven't told anyone to "FUCK OFF", or show racist tendencies by telling people to "learn better English before posting again", I've just reflected back on people what they have put out. If that hurts, then they need to look at themselves BEFORE looking at the guy holding the mirror! Or as lone road has said before, they can "choose to be the bigger man"!

Naughty Thoughts

"you both are the softest pussy moderators I've come across who need to harden the fuck up!"

Good advice. Account deleted.

Farm Boy

If Jax was still here no doubt he would have some unkind words for you Alfred E Neuman.


If Jax was still here no doubt he would have some unkind words for you Alfred E Neuman.

When you are "MAD", it would be like water off a duck's back. lol
Are unkind words not allowed here? Do you recommend I keep my distance from him?