So i ended up booking to see that lady again from my story way back and she confirmed it all then about 20mins later said sorry im fully booked. She reckons the other ladys in the shopping centre pre booked her out and as she felt bad i could come by on her day off and just get a private massage.
So i couldnt say no and gave it a crack to see what else could be on offer
Just got my usual massage like i would from the shop but i noticed this time she hasnt oiled up downstairs and given me a rub like normal.
I thought id give it a crack and said hop on if you like knowing she would say no as her boyfriend was home at the time, next minute off comes her shorts and she is riding me like no tmr
After it all finished i said how much do i owe you and she said nothing. I was shocked
wouldnt even let me pay for the massage. So long story short there are some good ones out there

pretty good find from a shopping centre joint !!!!