Jo India
Legend Member
Thirty 56 Fitzory
Vibrant Erotic Brothel
1km from Melbourne's CBD and 5km from Crown Casino
Vibrant Erotic Brothel
1km from Melbourne's CBD and 5km from Crown Casino

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Fitzroy, just 1km from Melbourne's CBD and 5km from Crown Casino, Thirty 56 sets a new standard for luxury and sophistication. As Melbourne's premier brothel, they specialise in creating unforgettable erotic experiences, featuring indulgent services such as Nuru and nude bodyslides.
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Thirty56 Fitzory | Incall Escorts | Fitzroy VIC
Indulge in Erotic Nude Massage, Bodyslides & more for ultimate relaxation & pleasure. Appointments Only. Private, Discreet, Legal. Call to book Now