Gold Member
Yeah sorry to say man, but she's not responding to my message at all.That's really unfortunate. A dedicated man to take the bus.
This is why it's hard to really "recommend" a WL. One persons great time is anothers dud. (See Lusy or Rugby Mermaid)
Lily in Wilson, (Parkhill Way), does anal for $50. Older petite lady that shows in her face - mid 40s probably pushing 50.
: Main
I didn't fancy her oral technique and her English is pretty poor, but the room was actually quite nice with what seemed like a king size bed, some mirrors set up so you could see yourself screwing if you wanted and some porno clips playing.
Arse was quite nice, not super tight but still grippy, and she didn't object to switching holes as much as you liked.
From the pictures I had it in my mind she was a younger woman ,and I actually though it was a different woman I saw, but when I checked later it was indeed the same woman.
She also had some small kind of horizontal bulges at the right side of her bikini line, which made me wonder if she had some lipo in the past. A bit off putting at first, but not noticeable when she is lying down.
At this point I'm admitting defeat.