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Fitzroy Road Rivervale


Gold Member
That's really unfortunate. A dedicated man to take the bus.
This is why it's hard to really "recommend" a WL. One persons great time is anothers dud. (See Lusy or Rugby Mermaid)

Lily in Wilson, (Parkhill Way), does anal for $50. Older petite lady that shows in her face - mid 40s probably pushing 50.

I didn't fancy her oral technique and her English is pretty poor, but the room was actually quite nice with what seemed like a king size bed, some mirrors set up so you could see yourself screwing if you wanted and some porno clips playing.
Arse was quite nice, not super tight but still grippy, and she didn't object to switching holes as much as you liked.

From the pictures I had it in my mind she was a younger woman ,and I actually though it was a different woman I saw, but when I checked later it was indeed the same woman.

She also had some small kind of horizontal bulges at the right side of her bikini line, which made me wonder if she had some lipo in the past. A bit off putting at first, but not noticeable when she is lying down.
Yeah sorry to say man, but she's not responding to my message at all.

At this point I'm admitting defeat. 😑


Gold Member
Its weird now, I got my mate who has never messaged any working girls before to message both Erika and Lily early today and he hasn't received a message back at all.

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Funny rant.
But true
Hit and miss at that place, I've seen some really nice WL's and some old crusty one's as well.
Left the old Crusty's for the next bloke,

They do a good trade though I think

🥒The Frenchman🥖


Gold Member
can you send me the dets please

That's the latest ad. Ask for mimi or coco. Both can take a good anal pounding.

Also a young good looking chick, Jess, there as well. She doesn't do anal tho.
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Gold Member
That's the latest ad. Ask for mimi or coco. Both can take a good anal pounding.

Also a young good looking chick, Jess, there as well. She doesn't do anal tho.
$230 for the hour isn't really that cheap.

Both Erika and lily are cheaper
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Gold Member
That's the latest ad. Ask for mimi or coco. Both can take a good anal pounding.

Also a young good looking chick, Jess, there as well. She doesn't do anal tho.
Sent them a text a few mins ago and all i got back was someone saying "His book". I asked if mimi or coco was working tomorrow and haven't got anything back.

If i get ignored by these ones too them i'm just gonna throw the towel in and not waste anymore of my time.
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Gold Member
That's the latest ad. Ask for mimi or coco. Both can take a good anal pounding.

Also a young good looking chick, Jess, there as well. She doesn't do anal tho.
you sure you gave me the right ad, they got back to me and are saying that they are in nedlands.
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That's the latest ad. Ask for mimi or coco. Both can take a good anal pounding.

Also a young good looking chick, Jess, there as well. She doesn't do anal tho.
What are they like in the looks department? I searched the number and added it on wechat last month and asked for pics but she kept sending insta models hahaha
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Gold Member
you sure you gave me the right ad, they got back to me and are saying that they are in nedlands.
Yeh that’s weird. I contacted them to check, but you just gotta ask for the Belmont address and then they give it to you.


Gold Member
Yeh that’s weird. I contacted them to check, but you just gotta ask for the Belmont address and then they give it to you.
they got back to me and i asked for the address for the one in belmont. But they also sent me the same prices, and if so they ain't really cheap in my opinion. $230 a hour is a hell lot more then lily and $40 more then erika. and i would have a guess and say that anal is a extra that costs something around $100 or more.


Gold Member
but anyway i still haven't heard anything back from erika about what happened, Lily is giving me the silent treatment and I'm now officially throwing the towel in since this is just beyond unfucking unbelievable.


Diamond Member
I saw Erika and my experience was too clinical. Want to see Lily too but like Liam I've never received any replies


Gold Member
Happened to me the other day
Whenever I rock up to a house on Leake street,
Now a days, I am always asked to wait despite agreeing to a time and regularly updating the boss whenever I am on the way and whenever I arrive.
Mind you, I used to be a regular because it was really organised, but have taken a step back and only visit rarely.
I don’t know what it is exactly but it really puts me off having to wait, whenever I state the time I will be there and having my appointment delayed.
I only make An appointment to avoid having to wait as I am not a big fan of bumping into other customers and would appreciate some privacy and confidentiality.
I would understand if I had to wait because I rocked up and walked in and the girl was busy, but I personally think a time agreement should be honoured.
Mind you, I usually show up 5min before my appointment, so I don’t get the you are ‘late card’ pulled on me.
Just a little rant…
LOL, I think you kind of psyche yourself up for the encounter, then when it fails to happen the anticipation turn to disappointment.
I turn up a bit early as well, but I can understand the WL not wanting to rush a customer out the door bang on time, the client ends up here complaining about it, 😅 so 5 minutes wait doesn't bother me, but I do use my phones timer to make sure I get my time once I'm in the door.

I had an experience years ago with an Aussie WL who kept me waiting a bit, then at the "end" of the session an alarm went off which I took for someone trying to call her. She got up, turned off an alarm and said - "You have 1 minute..", and started tidying up the place. 🤯
When I thought about it afterwards, it seems she had taken the start time from the appointment time, even though she had kept me waiting. I was shortchanged by almost 15 minutes.


Gold Member
has anyone been able to book or get a reply from erika the past few days.

Got a mate who tryed to book erika but hasn't received a reply at all.


Gold Member
thanks for the heads up. Yeah i'm a ass man. Any other anal girls you would recommend?

I don't do a lot of anal, and have to admit to being a cheapskate as $100 is more than I care to spend, so if I see a cheapie who looks alright I might indulge. More the kink factor I think.

As I said elsewhere, I don't really "recommend" since everyone experience, (or not). is different. But if the WL is genuine and doesn't try to short change me the I would say they are worth a poke at.

I'm barely getting replies from anyone, so they can all honestly get fucked for all I care now.

Seems to go in waves for me, sometimes no one responds or everyone is available 🤷‍♂️.


Gold Member
has anyone been able to book or get a reply from erika the past few days.

Got a mate who tryed to book erika but hasn't received a reply at all.
Maybe her period, or just time off.

She does suffer from a bad back.


Silver Member
well she could have atleast told me before booking and making my way up there.

If you are thinking of still trying her, don't bother. Was given the runaround and 30min wait the other day by her as a past client. Then got average service after promising to make it up to me. Won't be going back to her again. I should have just gone to Jasmine's earlier in the day.

Deleted member 57664

Erika's mobile number from the E&B ad is being run by a handler, Bait and Switch to Toorak Road address today (not the usual Fitzroy address).
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Gold Member
Well that was a f'ing waste of time.
Booked Erika, turned up on time and she said landlord is here to collect rent... so wait...

Later got a message to go to Toorak Rd. That's a warning sign.

Turned up and was greeted by a grumpy mamasan. Show me the girl which wasn't Erika. Said she is Korean... yeah nah.... can tell she is Chinese... skinny with decent body. I say mid 40s but she looked like she is on crack with the sunken face.... price list given is different to what Erika quoted.

Decided to walk... not worth it