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First Drink..


Night Owl Ciao

I was 14 or 15 & at an adult birthday party at a big hall or civic centre or similar with my best friend & his family.
We managed to sneak a couple of bottles of Summer Wine from somewhere or other & stashed them outside. When it was apparent our crime had gone unnoticed we snuck outside & skolled a bottle each.
Even to this day & after many years of heavy drinking I don't ever recall being so violently ill or throwing up well beyond the point of having anything left to give.
Once in a while I bump into my old childhood friend who happens to be a well known entertainer & we always end up reminiscing over a drink or 2 (Never ever Summer Wine tho) about the Summer Wine incident along with quite a few other childhood memories & stories....
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Bronze Member
Stole from Dad's whiskey bottle and topped it up with water. Only small amounts at a time, so I don't think he noticed. Those were the days!