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Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

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Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Hi there,
I am currently organising a bux night for my brother and am searching for an entertaining stripper.
When searching google, many of the the web sites show the same girls which I have already seen before and was not impressed.
Is there another way to find quality entertainment of see reviews / recommendations for these types of events?

Thank you


Professional 7 ..Here to Enjoy !
Silver Member
Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Now ..we had a post going sometime ago , about one of the best lap dancers in Melbourne .. Now , someone mentioned Sasha at Goldfingers . Well , I can confirm some great news ! Sasha is BACK ! She is only working Fridays ( day shift ) till 6-7 pm , and let me tell you ( and those who know ..IM A TOUGH JUDGE ) She is an absolutely Awesome girl ..Dont get sucked and waste your money with some of these others ..Go and See , Sasha and Mercedes at Goldfingers ( day shift fridays ) and believe me , you wont regret it . Remember , Im not easily pleased ..

And just incredible people to go with it . Have fun guys ! P7


Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Hey Professional7, Is Sasha still working Friday's haven't been able to find her in age's, and I know I'm missing out not seeing her.




Professional 7 ..Here to Enjoy !
Silver Member
Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Scottie ........ Great that you should Ask ..Dropped in Grand final eve ( Day ) ..and she was there , but she was complaining too quiet ..

Give them a call and ask ..If Sasha will be working Fridays ? I believe this is NOW her only day , but dont quote me . She really really wanted you there LAST friday Scottie !!


Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

BUGGER.......I'm sure we would have enjoyed each others company then......I remember fondly the last quite day I dropped in and saw her !!!


Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

can you list what she looks like, as like asians and hot blondes


Professional 7 ..Here to Enjoy !
Silver Member
Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Scottie 1975 ....Spoke to Sahsa mate , WOW she looks so hot ..she waiting for you man ! You know what awaits .


Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Hey mate, I dropped in this past Tuesday, was seeing a customer near by, so thought why not...is Sasha still just Friday's ??
I know all to well what awaits, the member for fun and pleasure also knows !!


Professional 7 ..Here to Enjoy !
Silver Member
Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Scotty ..she has certainly been doing Fridays .. What you can do is just ring up and check , they will always confirm ..You can just ask for Marketing . I reckon she'd hopefully be there RIGHT NOW ! ... She is an absolutely lovely natured girl also , and is looking absolutely stunning ..Enjoy Scottie :) the number is 9670 9457 ( Amber ) .


Professional 7 ..Here to Enjoy !
Silver Member
Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

SCOTTIE1975 ............And Other Readers ..

True , I have some VITAL IMFORMATION regarding Goldfingers ...there is currently a Night girl " Honey " ..Now all , I can tell you in WOW WOW ..for your benfit , please go and find her ..simply sensation .
Articulate , Intelligent ..and just the HOTTEST babe you have ever seen ..Originally from the Gold Coast , but with Straight Black hair , A BODY TO DIE FOR ..but for an incredibly " Young " girl ( Only 19 years Old ) ..really really " Gets it " ..

Look ..all who know me , know that Im incredibly hard to please ..But WOW WOW WOW ..now please play it cool , be sensible ..use the criteria we have spoken of ..But please take a moment to find this absolutely incredible angel ..believe me , she will appear in your dreams ..

Plus .. she will literally " Burst " you at the seems ..Be cool enjoy ..and remember professional 7 sent you :) .


Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

Anyone know of any Pubs with strippers? Used to go to one at Kew Junction years that's no longer there
??? Preterably Eastern suburbs!!!


Re: Feedback on Strippers in Melbourne

The Royal Hotel on Punt Road has topless barmaids and strippers.....good to go to right before a footy game at the G
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