Jasmines & Wellness
Gold Member
HughHi All,
I just want to raise the question, can someone really fall in love with a sex worker? (Please don't take offence by the comment, just read on.)
I guess there are 2 questions. 1. Is it really love or just the fact you have found some one that is good to be with and have sex with because they have experience pampering, which we all need.
and 2. the original question "Can you fall in love with a sex worker?"
I have known people that have claimed to do so, but I thought I would ask this forum about your job causing problems with your relationships. I also read Biancas post that she fell for a customer but now misses the sex and wants to get back in to it. (Please dont take offence Bianca, I have read and understand your love and your needs and this is no way pointed at you, I am just trying to understand, I have a friend that is a sex worker she says if she gets into a relationship she will give up working) .
Please everyone dont get me wrong, that I think you might be different to any other girl, but you do have a job that is also a critical part of a relationship. I know you look for love the same way I do.. But does your job change your perception at all? is what I am trying to understand. I guess you guys understand a lot more than the average person.
I hope I have explain my question clearly, but like a typical man I probably put my foot in it, talking about a private thing that likes to be kept separate... Maybe this is the answer but will it work?
Thank you
Yes I was married to one before and she worked for 12 years before she gave it up she has passed on and am happily engaged to one at the present moment she still works we are very happy