Erection when having not happy-ending massage



It's a good way to give the suggestion to your regular legit masseuse. If you visit her a lot and get comfortable with each other, just let it get more and more obvious and eventually they might give you a rub and a tease during your massage. Worked for me (but never to a full on handjob, just touching and arrousing).

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Happens to me, and i don't care, Girl said one time HaHa "You Cheeky Boy" and gave it a tug but no lip suck
problem being, My cock thinks for my brain. I think that's healthy.

Deleted member 49173

I woulda thought getting hard is a happy .. bigining , middling or ending

Oh well ..

No idea what to do

Legend Member
The Frenchman doe's not need a reason to get a erection.:excited:
during a massage with a skimpy chick it will always happen, knowing I'm going for a root is never a problem
dirty text message is enough to get the blood flow. :excited: